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Show W$t akf f ibunt ii j leaned oven morning 1J' ,1 gait l.akc Tribune Publishing Company. if. ' T1SRMS OF SUBSCRIPTION, i ' Daily and Sunday Tribune, week...? .2S "Dallv and Sunday, one month , . Daily and Sunday, thrco month?.-.. 3,oo Dallv and Sunday, one year 12.00 Sunday Tribune, one year I Sunday Tribune, nix months i ', Semi-Weekly Tribune, one year.... 1.B0 ' , S. C. Bcckwilh. Special Agency. Sole Eastern Advertising Asront. lSaateni i h office. Tribune Bulldlnp. N'cw TorK, J Wcrtcrn of lice. Tribune Building. Chicago. '- , Business communications should be ad-ij ad-ij 1 dressed: "The Tribune, Salt T-nlte City. , ' Matters for publication, to "Editor The ; Tribune. Salt t-ako City. Utnh Jt J, j i Whore The Tribune Is on Sale. I ' Murrav, Utah Excelsior Stationery Co., j Ind. phone 177-1. 4 ' Provo, Utah A. V. Roblson. 2, Kast Con-1 Con-1 ter street. ., , I New York Arthur Hotnllng. Brondwaj f. ' and Thirty-eighth street; W aldorr-II aldorr-II (, " - Astoria; Imperial Motel. 5f Philadelphia Ryan's Ticket. Office; m. Senckoff . ChicaRo Palmer Houbo; Auditorium Ho. ' tel; O. 13. Barrett; Empire Mows fl Stand. . , . . . !' Washington New Wlllard: Raleigh: ' r Becker & Orndorff, 1427 Penn. Ave. Omaha Union Station News Stand. Kansas City M. T. Wright, 612 Main i street; Yomo New Co. 1 Portland Oregon News xgcncy. Los Angeles Alexandria Hotel; B. . I Amos. k Snn Francisco Hotel St. Francis; Foster & Orcar, Ferry Building; Parent a i Stationery Co. s Seattle C. Ellla; J. R. Juntlco; T II-aon-McVoy Co. Denver Brown Palace; Kendrlck Book ' . iand Stationery Co.; Julius Black; H. P. Hancon. i i Boise Idanha Hotel; Noise Book and Music Co. Pocatollo Chaffee & Company. I Ely Thos. Odalovich; Ely Reading Room. i Las Vegas Wilson Drug Co. Rhyolite Sam H. Spears". : Gofdneld Hunter Stationery Co.; Louis i ' Polln's stands. Tonopah A. II. Rounsovlllc; Sherman & I Oldfather. 1 Butte John G. Evans; Keefo Bros. j f . Entered at the Postofflce at Salt Lake J , City as second-class matter. , Tribune Telephones. J For any and all deparments of the 1 1 papor. call Bell phone Exchange 15; J k- Independent phones. 3-S. 3(i0. 3Si. ? ' ' Thursday, July 25, 1907. |