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Show SMALL'S ORDERS. No Appreciable Effect on the Eastern Working Forcos. NEW YOHK. Aug. 1C Interest in the telegraph strike centered today iu tho probable effect of the general strike order il Issued by President Small of the National il union and which called upon all operators llH employed by tho commercial telegraph fJH companies and those working private 111 and lensed wires not under union con- 'M tracts to go out. Throughout tho ICaat there were few if any responses to tho call. This was explained on the ground that all operators who would strike had already quit work aud here the striko order was glvon Importance only as af-fording af-fording official sanction of the action al- iH ready taken by the strikers without t!jc IH previous approval or consent of the uu- 7H tlonal officers. IH Both the Wostcrn Union und tho Postal IH companies claimed not to havo boun a.f- jH fetted by President Small's call and to ! bo working their wires better today than H before since the Ptrlkc was declared. 'H Business, It was said, was again moving smoothly. Tho Associated Press was not affoctod adversely. On the contrary, tsev-oral tsev-oral of the men who had left the service- JH in the East returned to work after tha .trlkc order had been promulgated. |