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Show MAYOR MORRIS HAS KB rap OUT Prepares Statement Giving Figures Fig-ures as to Payments for Water-Rights. WILL PRESENT IT To THE COUNCIL TONIGHT I (her Eightj-Two Thousand Hollars Hol-lars Gone and Nothing to Show for It. At the meeting of the City Council on last Monday evening Councilman W I caused a panic among the Morris crowd and the representatives of the hierarchy by Introducing thin resolution Re It renolved by the City Council of Salt tjike City, That the Mnyr.r, City Atloine;. . i'lt Fnflneer and speelnl wuler committer be and arc hereby Instructed In furnlah said t'ouncll at Its net rrnular nioeilnK COPlea Of all contract made, naniex of partial In said contractu mid all men paid or to be pold to mm", al. OODtea of nil lund. '.voter rl(tht. I?ar or any other information In thrlr poa-ai-ailon pertaining to 'he purchsaa of Innd and naler of BIr i '.ittonwood or any other hin t or water bought or contracted for by aald DarllMi Was Veritable Bomb The resolution was unexpected, and it was a bomb from whose explosion the blerarch'a crowd ran and took to the woods. A quorum was broken and the resolution was not acted upon Forced Mayor From Cover The effeel of the resolution upon the taxpayers, however, was such that Mayor Morris Iiiih had to come from behind his cover, and he has prepared a statement, which he will submit lo the Council tonight to-night Knudsen Right Not Acquired. It will be seen tli.ii a big sum has been expended on bonuses and right -of-w.i I, and still nothing has been acquired that will give the people the water from Big Cottonw I Tin- Knuds.-n right foi which he .isk-- $li.i". Iims not been acquired, ac-quired, nor has u number of others, without with-out which the outlay for others Is valueless value-less The statement follOWS! Faid for Water Rights Big Cottonwood. Cotton-wood. Donu paid to Big Cottonwood T-owcr fanal OOmpsny, a corporal Ion own-lug own-lug the water rluhta of tho lower canal, to which the board of arbitrators arbi-trators In 179 awarded til-isnu of the waters of Big Cottonwood creek during dur-ing each summer seaaon for Irrlaal IrtK ICA.i acres of land, afterward Increased to 8'X acres ..$ S.OO" 01 Bonus paid to the Big Pitch lrrlg-n tion company, a corporation owning the water rlRhth of the HI ditch to which the board of arbitrators awarded :'13-6o0 of the waters of MIC Cottonwood creek for Irrigating 2SO 2i acres of land ... fcODt.OO Bonus paid to B B. nituer. William II Park. John D C Hamlltl n .Tames C Hamilton. Murv Ann lluni llton, Jane D. Hill. Kmma S. Hill. James lir.r.p.n and Charles Park ownera of rights In the Mill ditch, to which the board of arbitrators awarded BVSSO Of (be waters of the creek for Irrigating XO acres of land, afterward Increased to 3iS acres.. . I.4M.0Q Right of Way Big Cottonwood Conduit. Con-duit. D. B. Briton t B0. 00 A W. Casey 30. 00 r. It Russell and wlr iio W) E. T. rlsmon 400.00 Jomos D Hawker 7i.0n William A !reer. Tel 00 Mrs Louisa Allen M ju B. A. M Frol"th nnd Alexis Bdwsrda ' Thomas Osguihoij and wife . 6'j.0ij Thomas Osgathorpe and others . JJ0.O) 'hrlstlan Peterson 10,00 Mllo Andrus. Jr 10.N Warren K Lloyd (attorney fei-i l'. ii Isaac Brockbonk feO.OO Louise R. Taylor LOO Emily T Wa man I 0 I Joseph Mots and wife Sl.00 C H. Wllckcn. Incidents I expenses ex-penses MM $ -2.UVI f) Right-of-way Is yet to he acquired thr..ugb fhe tracts of land belonging respectively lo i harlcs Crtanon, James Russell, the heirs of the fllllrnan estate, the estate .,( Julian MOSS! and the estate of Emma L. Mayncs The City COOncll appropriated MOO fot the purpose of securing this rlght-'.f-waj . For Additional Water -From Utah Lake Payments to V R. Brlnlon. Brown nnd Day. for 1500-SOOO of the shares of the East Jordan Irrigation company, a corporation owning the right. USder dcree of court, to one-fifth one-fifth of the watora of tho Jordan river, and nlso owning n canal of 170 cubic feet per Seond capacity, terminating at Little Cottonwood creek at an elevation of fifty feet above the Jur.lan & vhH l.nk.- ranal . .UO.ftsVO) Payments to Salt Lake Har.lwan- company com-pany General Electric company. R. B. Gardner Co and others, for i.e-f.iiirlh of the cost ( an addition hI pump Installed at the I'tah luko pumping plant In iwS t,mt '-- Other Charges Against the Fuhd. In addition to the above, there should be charged against the spec-lal water fund all expenditures on account of Increoscd water .supply mado beforu the money was received from the sale of tho bonds. Those Items consist con-sist of expend s of tho special election, printing, print-ing, legal and other expenses In connection with the l-)iid Isnuv; also expenses of encl-norlnit encl-norlnit negotiating exchange of water right, tiling on addltlo ioI rights, etc A detailed re-port re-port covering this matter will be submitted I tho auditor What He Secured The bonuses alreudy paid, as Indicated above, ond the provltilun? f .r delivering Dv volumes of Irrigating water In exchange for four volumes vol-umes of mountain water, will Rive the city about 302-600 of the llow of Big Cottonwood creek. Over one-hulf. or 302-1500, Is the aggregate aggre-gate quanlltv awarded Ly the ixiird of urbi-traton urbi-traton In iv"a to the lowei canul the Dig h ond the inn ditdi. bm aj aomi im.i which were not represented in tin arbitration hfl I . I.e.-ii permitted to take water during . a. h. Irrigating leaaon, Mn- award to ail of the pr.I-man pr.I-man uaen may have to be modified lomo-,h.il lomo-,h.il to the ail mtago of the clt The eras flow of Hlg Cotlonwixi creek during the month Of BeptembOl Jos' imsh.-.i u,is n than 20,000,000 gullons por dav It will be Sen lb"' wl'h a uiiunM or getting it Into tho mains tie. wjh i that the i Hy could huvo received from this source would have boon greater In quantity than from all Its present tourcoa combined. Other Denis Pending. Other owners of water rlghtM on Hl: Cotton-wood Cotton-wood creek, as well as on Little Cottonwood i reek and on iii'i creek, have signiiici their willingness to exchange with the cltyi liut up to iiit-i time no agreement hai been reached to the ba ill ol eai hange. and no m n htiR been paid for options it i uauallj the lu-i.' that tin- owners who arc highest up on each ditch njid get first chpnee at tho watir as It cornea down Insist thai there is plenty ' of mountain water fot h -igatlng purposes, and that no additional water Is needed In ex-. ex-. hang, while the owners near the lower end ..f each ditch claim that they arc always short . i u:ii.r and want udditionDi tvator rather than bonuses. The principal difficulty In negotiating ne-gotiating f"i exchange water MgtitM ii ia g. I the uwners I" aei-.-.- ariemg theinvelves as to the proper bonis roi exchunge .mil progress in this direction I- slow The purchase of the shares In the East Jordan Jor-dan canul win enable tho city t.. deliver . change water to ovei ISOO acrea of land lying I above the city canal and now Irrigated ri m Hlg Cottonwood trcek and Llttlo Cottonwutxl creek. Water Rights Filed on by City. in addition to the water rights acquired by purchase and exchange, the following tilings were made in the State Engineer's office foi the purpose of acquiring additional rights and of proteetlng the rights alr-aly acquired: Big Cottonwood Creek file N' '.id. Ctctobrr 104 Autumn surplus Pile No November 2t. 1904 Power nt outlet of nig Cottonwood conduit. Kile No. BO, November 23. 1S0I Wlntor and spring surolus. Pile No. Bt. November Z. 19i4 Seepage lo be raved at mouth e.f Klg Cottonwood creok. Kile No -.77. February 17 130.Power at G'tinlte tiapT mill. Tile No. SM, Mnrch U, 130 Power below Knudron's mill. Kile No. 3A3. March 1L 19". Power between Upper cunal and Tanner ditch File No. M. March fl, 190. Power between Grantle, paper mill and Upper canal. Little Cottonwood Creek. Pile No. 9. March 19. 1903 Power below mouth of Little i 'ot tor. wood canyon. File No JOft. March 16 1905 Power below n.outh of Llllle Cottonwood e..ny..n File No. .VM. September S. 190& Pall, winter end spring surplus. Mill Creek Pile No. 801. September S. 190i Fall, winter ond spring surplus. Parley's Creek File No. Ml, November 23, 1904 Power from Parley's creek. Contracts Let for Construction Work P. J. Moran. for Construction of con-ertto con-ertto conduit from Hlg I'otmnwood onyon to Parley's canyon, istlmuted amount of contract t236,67j Salt Luke Hardware oompenyt for steel reinforcing rods for e-ondult ?,M Silver Bros.' Iron Works company, for rr.ajihol covers, ateel work, etc 1.4S0 In addition to tho above, the cost of consliuctlng a dam at the intake and of other Incidental! Is etlnieted by the engineer at 21.000 KnucLsen-Bagley Right. The power right of the Hlg Cottonwood roller mill, owned by Rudolph Knudsen nnd Charles BjUjIey, whs offered to the ilty several years ugo for $WO0O; but since the plan for bringing Hlg CottOnWOOd water Into the city was revived re-vived the owners demand $50.oj0. Negotiations ere still being carried on and It Is believed that a aatlafSctOrj agreement with the owners own-ers will JOt be rench-d on a reasonable basis All other power rlgh'ji la be overcome wero acquired from the I'tah Light and Railway company n" one of the considerations of the recent franchise. |