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Show RHYMES OF THE DAY. His feelings ho tried to disguise The girl, though, began lo surmulse. That pomcthlng like wooing Whs certainly doing, Bccuuso of his looks and deep sulae. Cleveland Leador. Democracy's trewros Now golden we seo, But greatly we fear ihcm Poroxldo to be. Judge. o "Oh. fly with nc," tho young man cried, "Whore fond hearts oft have flown." But her papa chanced to hoar him. and v en, tno young man flow alone. Denver Times. "To speak the French tongue Isn't hard, Most any live man can command It; Tho trouble." said he, "that 1 find Is In making the French understand It." Philadelphia Ledger. TROUBLE IN THE CHOIR. There was a choir row In Groat Bond at the rehearsal a few nights ago, which Inspired In-spired a poet to sing: The damsel who managed tho choir, Called the alto a red-headed Iholr, Renultlng In blows And badly torn clowa, And a deacon ran out and yelled fholr. Kansas City Star. STUPID FELLOW. When he throw her a kiss It was promptly resented. Ho was near the sweet Miss When he throw her a kiss. She wondered why this Had been thrown, not presented. When ho threw her a kiss It was promptly resontnl. Cnthnllc Standard. |