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Show K En' In casting your ballot for Brother H fuller whom would you be voting for for R Gov (riir? H Now. Is there anything else in the B crrli ilistlcnl or civil' line that the un- 1 s-)uvh .Mr. Smoot would like? H A., Mormon has n right to aspire to H rr.;v religious or political position, H proId( 1 Reed Smoot doesn't want It. H In one of the objects of the visit of H th Hon. Will King in the East that H, of 'f'--klne- a reputation for himself as H People may object to his nomination, M but Brother Cutler is convinced that It f is all right, because he knows where H came- from. H Being new converts to the principle H of party loyalty, several well-known H citizens are naturally zealous in their Hf devotion to HL Ahd yet, how do some men who are H now In favor of voting the ticket H straight know that it Is a good thing Sneaking of party loyalty. does H Brother Cutler feel that he owes a KSH Mghtr allegiance than the one he gives KK to the Republican party? B Perhaps Judge King knows that what H hr u about the chance for Democrat-j Democrat-j Ic success in Utah is true because his brother Sam told him so. . H Anyway, Republican orators and H candidates will concede that Democrats Hj arc under no obligation to vote the H Democratic ticket straight. H Quit a number of people are con- ! 1 ilnced that whatever Mr. Livingston's Judicial qualifications may be he is not a good judge of propriety. H How can the Hon. Quil Nebeker ex-H ex-H p 1 1 to be nominated for Governor when there is a general understanding H that no one can control him? Doubtless Brother Cutler's recom-H recom-H nenda'ions In hia message to the Leg- Mature would include an Important one ad. .sing the wearing of Provo woolen B " r v Hj Democrats -who see that-the impor- KKj tanl work of the campaign Is that of H, fating money from their National committee, feel that it Is overdoing the busines to say Parker has a sure H thing Ik re. Th lowest reqo'rd of a month for yc Cl incorporations filed In. the Hj 1. ti r i Stales, was realized during the Hj JTortli of .'LUgust. It wtiti In fact leas thvn half of the usual aggregate. The tito' amount is given at 32,9G0,0C0, as CumtKi.-ed with the previous low record of "3,730,000 in Februai-y4of this year. Ht It ii.djcatts a return to financial safety canity. If the Board gf Public: "Work? shall succeed in getting asphnltum beds of a pi . rior fjuallty so' near to the city that t.. delivery of the malerlnl will be tit ,i i .d oasy, and- the demonstration l I mi..',' that tho ntrceta can bo ctoronilcally paved with 11. that body v l l have conferred upon the people of ' tri city a clcarbenelit. But before doing oi.ythlng dellnlte in the way of purclva.-, here i'hould be, a cautious ard practical, oertalnty that "the desired n Mlt ran be achieved. That Is to say, H' 1,4 the word of the Immortal Crockett, , "Br sure you're rjght, then go ahead." L The Turks are reported to have be-Hji be-Hji sun "another series of cruel and heart-H1' heart-H1' 'raoacres In Armenia. The powers Hj , ot Europe have pledged Turkey time , and again not to engage in this bloody Hljj Tk any more;-but Jt pr,adicalty never cea- o except when Rust-la. Is alert and j rcaoy to act. But this action of Rat-sla is not for the relief of the Armenians eo much ay It is for the ex-tension ex-tension of Rusalan territory, and "Turkey, knowing Russia's greed and power, in careful not to give reason for their play. But from whatever sonrco It comes, It Is protection of a sort to the Armenian:;, who seem othcrwlso to be completely holplcsB. |