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Show DROVE RIGHT OVER A RESTAURANT COOK Henry R. "Wilson, a cook in tho Popular Popu-lar cafe, was knocked down and run over at Main and Second South streets, about 7:30 last night, by u team driven bv a joung man named Olcson. WllBon's head struck tho pavement with a resounding thud and lie was rendered unconscious for a time. He was carried into Smith's drug storo and Dr. J. U Glesy was called to attend him. Tho man was found to be suffering from shock, probablv to the extent of a mild concussion of the brain, and the doctor thought nothing more serious se-rious would develop: so. after partially recovering consciousness, he was removed to his home, 3-1G Sherman avenue, Wilson had Just como off shift and was about to tako a car for his homo when tho aocldent occurred. He had sighted Ids car and was making his way toward It. and did not notice tho team bearing down upon him, whllo the driver apparently appa-rently expected Wlliion to get out of the way and did not check the team, which knocked the man down nnd drew tho buggy over his prostrate form. Ole-son, Ole-son, the driver, was detained by nn of IK cer until tho doctor reported on Wilson's Injuries. Wilson was considerably bruised on various parts of tho body, but no bonei; wero broken. |