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Show PRICES OF PRODUCTS. From the Phlludolphla Ledger. Some singular figures, tho explanation of which Is not obvious, arc presented In a comparison of wholesale prices of stage products prepared by the Bureau of Statistics of ihe Department of Commerce. Com-merce. In the closing week of March quotations for nearly all the great classes of domestic production were lower than those at the corresponding date In 190?!, the chief exceptions being cotton, wool, wheat, corn, oats and refined re-fined petroleum. On the other hand, prices of many articles imported for use In manufacturing advanced. Another curious fact Is that while beef cattle show an Increase family beet has fallen. Mess pork is also cheaper, but tea and coffee are among the items which cost more. These changes are slight and, while they may affect the transactions of wholesalers, there has been no appreciable- lowering of family market bills. Wholesalers, Jobbers and retailers must first adjust prices. It takes a long time for a reduction in price to reach the retail re-tail buyer. |