Show TO BUILD NEWHOTJSE Architect in Undertaking Obtains First Peep at the Site Theodore Boal architect upon the staff of Samuel Newhouse has finally accomplished a long projected visit to the site upon which is to be reared the camp of Newhouse in Beaver county and under his direction the plans for the various dwellings and structures that are to beautify It will be proceeded pro-ceeded with While Mr Boalss work in connection with the big undertaking is entirely independent of the concentrator concen-trator and smeller for the construction of which a different class of architecture architec-ture Is required It Is none the less a task Indeed the preliminary plans indicate in-dicate that the gentleman will have plenty with which to engage his talents for a year or more The main hotel with its library Its buffet and nata torlum not to t mention the clubrooms for the camp musl as projected compare com-pare with the most pretentious in the camps of the West while the boardinghouse boarding-house for the bachelors who shall find employment at the mines and reduction works promises to equal the ideal ones at Park Citys bonanzas In addition to these structures the preliminary plans contemplate at least two dozen cozy brick dwellings for the use of the families while for the care of the sick and the injured should there be any local talent will cooperate with Mr Newhouse in the construction of an up todate hospital These are some of the Improvements for the town of New house that will command the attention of Mr Bond whose skill as an architect Is reflected in not a few of Colorados most picturesque homes and most Imposing Im-posing blocks That the building up of the town shall be coeval with the construction of the reduction works there will be no delay active excavating excavat-ing to begin with the completion of theater the-ater service between the springs and the site for the camp of Newhouse |