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Show ""' '"M.DNSON TALKS n can mm: vi:l'i:t,iim:s rJi'.iii J V "'Wilson or the State Ag-r Ag-r "tiiiHl College Kavo a most lu 1,f . "lll "" 'unnlng vegetaltlei f 0I" a good crowd or young luilh ',' ""men t ,( ni,., s,.m0 iniiiii-J iniiiii-J ' X'Mterihiy T, dot-tor Is glviitf ,',' '"" 1 demons! rations In ''"1 Pain or the state and says '"i In (went i,(ii)ii and Bll.OOit Jouup ," h It. . btutc ,.,. ,U1K tll, 'UK hi K tomi ,,y (1(, BrH , ,H, '' most tmphatlc that Hie lilgh ' greatly retluceil lr own tan ull Ik pointed out that n intuit of peas can I bo put up Tor 4 cents, whereas lie Improvident housowire pays the Kroc or 1C cents. 4 Dr. Hogonson claims that auythliiK can bo canned, but different methods! must bo used Tor vcglables than those used lit canning rrulL Ho wont to American lork in tho aitcrnoon and will bo lu Lehl today |