Show MARCOTT CAPTURED I Arrested in Los Angeles on Charges of Forgery ALLEGED SWELL GRAFTER Got Into Society Hero While WorkIng Work-Ing a Scheme to Publish a Club Directory iado Advertising Contracts Con-tracts Which He Is Alleged to Have Converted Into Cash Without Giving Value Therefor Said to Have Been Doing tho Same Thing in Los Angeles t J TVarland Mnrcott In a wealth of flourishes was the name that adorned the cayrd of a gay young chap who dropped into the city a few months agot He was well dressed winning In manner and a brilliant conversationalist conversation-alist His card failed to stale his profession pro-fession but It is now said lo be Unt of a firstrate grafter with a brand new graft That remained to bo learned by Jils friends and by merchants about the city and the knowledge it is said came high Since a few months ago when he un cxpeolcdly left the cily J Warland Mate tt has been a muchsoughtafter Individual Warrants charging him 1 with uttering forged papers were Issued Is-sued but the officers experienced unusual un-usual difficulty in serving them Among thpse who were anxious to locate Mar colt Wore friends whose trust in the J fellow It Is charged had been betrayed j 1 be-trayed hotclkeepcrs and quite a list of J other mourners I Not until last night did his whereabouts where-abouts bceoipe known Then word came lo the city that the dashing young man had fallen Into the hands of Ihe police at Los Angeles He was arrested at the Instance of Sheriff Nay lor on a warrant Issued by Judge Kroe gcr There are two of the complaints each charging forgery and others will undoubtedly follow when J Watland Marcott alias A W Clapp Is brought to the city The complaints were sworn out by the Bank of Commeiee Sheriff Taylor will leave for Los Angeles An-geles today to escort the prisoner to the city that he may faco the charges Marcotfs alleged graft was a new one When he arrived In the city during dur-ing last September he announced that he Was a correspondent of the New York Journal Also that he was engaged en-gaged in getting rcady for the press a roster of the clUbs of various States j for the purpose of having it printed in book form He niade arrangements I with Jay T Harris of the Dally Reporter Re-porter lo print the prosrjectlve book and then set to work soliciting orders for advertisements to adorn the covers cov-ers and the last few pages Payment for advertisements was to be made by the merchants when a copy of the book was presented to them conlracts flo that effect being signed Marcotl It is alleged got together a large number num-ber of these orders Xoiffed a largo number It is said and then borrowed money on ritcm posting the orders ns I collateral The Bank of Commerctj i cashed his nold for 100 accepllng sey tiiii UL niir uiuuitt u > s iuuniy j wOj ot he contracts purporting to be vvjlh W S Henderson the merchant have been found IL Is charged to be forgeries for-geries Mr Henderson denying that he made any contract with the fellow Marcott with a woman who he said was his sister stopped at the Fifth East hotel At that place Proprietor C t B Tltcomb took his note for 245 Iho money to be paid by Mr Harris out of the advertising proceeds of the forthcoming forth-coming book The note was afterward transferred by Tltcomb to A S Watson Wat-son who now has It In his possession It is said that there are florist tailor and confection bills which the young fellow acquired at a rapid rate all of them unpaid During his stay here crooked work was not thought of by the friends he made and Marcott was enabled to appear ap-pear in the best circles He represented represent-ed on numerous occasions that he was connected wIth the staff of Ihe New York Journal and on the strength of that asserilon managed to secure transportation to the coast for two persons saying that the tickets were for himself and wife It is charged that he disposed of the transportation and a query to the New York Journal elicited the fact that Marcott was in no way connected with that paper Shortly afterward he disappeared from the city and descriptive circulars were sent lo the police of various cities with the result of his arrest yesterday by the Los Angeles police |