Show j i I BIG F EDKNOGKED OUT I Sailor Tom Sharkey Defeats I f California Man DROPS HIM IN THE FOURTH r Contest Before the Colorado Athletic Association In Denver Character J ized by KoughandTumble Tactics 1 t Science Playing but Little Part j There Was Much Clinching and Rough Work Throughout and It II Seemed That Each Had a Chance to Win by Landing a Wild Swing I < 1 Denver Colo May 3 Pallor Tom Sharkey put out Big Fred Russell the California heavyweight in the fourth ibund of what was scheduled to rour be a tenround go before the Colorado Athletic association here tonight I was characterized by roughandtum ble tactics engaged In by both science I playing but little part There was much l Iqllnchlng and rough work I throughout and J secmdd that each had a chance to win by landing a wild swing at any time in the first round there was very Itt It-t leading by either They clinched and fought wildly and the referee had the greatest difficulty In separating them In the succeeding round Russell endeavored to throw Sharkey to the floor by main strength and succeeded In doing so several l times HAD SHARKEY GOING > In the third round Russell landed Borne good body blows which seemed to knock the breath out of the sailor H was groggy at the end of the round I and if Russell had bored In he might have won the fight at this period In ithe fourth round both men after hav ing been cautioned by tho referee that I they must fight and not wrestle 1 wreslc started start-ed out to obey hig instructions I wan I not long however until they were clnChlnS and holding and hanging onto I on-to each other with the referee earnestly earnest-ly imploring them m to fIght fair Shar key broke away from a clinch and as he did so landed right and left swings on Russells Jaw putting him down and as Russell arose Sharkey sent in the finishing punch n half swing on the ear ALL BETS CALLED OFF I Pr lol to th fht linru t n 1 Cullen called all bets off because ash n said the management of the club wished to protect themselves and their patrons He Inferred that It had been rumored j that a deal was on between the I fighters Both he and Manager Floto announced however that they were confident that no arrangement had been made but for the protection protecton of themselves and their patrons they would take no other course but to declare de-clare all bets off The fight by rounds I follows CLAIM OF FOUL DISALLOWED Round Sharkey misses left swing They clinch Sharkey misses n loft They break slowly Sharkey lands light left on the heed as Russell rushes in Both swing wild and clinch The referee has a hard time separating them They rush again to a clinch Russell lands light right on body They clinch and hang together Sharkey puts right to back of head in clinch three times Almost impossible to Separate them They wrestle Russell landing on top Russell misses right swing land they clinch again They are wrestling all over the ring Referee Cullen llndlng it absolutely Impossible to separate them As the gong sounds Sharkey his Russell In the face The crowd shouts Foul in great uproar Disallowed FEW BLOWS LANDED Round Sharkoy lands hard right uppercut on the neck They clinch Sharkey rushes In lands right on head Russell lands light left on the face and they clinch Tom lands right on Jaw and ducks left swing Russell rushes Tom to ropes and lands on head They clinch Russell uppercuts on the jaw They wrestle around ring Referee finds if very dllllcult to separate them Sharke lards right swing on the head Another clinch Sharkey wrestles Russell Rus-sell to ropes Russell lands left on the Jaw Sharkey throws Russell to floor The fight Is marked by clinches and I wrestling comparatively few blows be ing landed by either RUSSELL THE AGGRESSOR Round 3om lands left on the ribs Russell lands left and right on the bodytrushlng Tom to ropes They Tom > clinch Sharkcy3 blow lack steam while Russell Is the aggressor Tom seems winded and hugs Russell Shar key lands right Russell misses c and they clinch RUssell puts right to Jaw twice JElussell lands right awing on the body They clinch Sharkey lands right over heart Russell falls to door with right swIng both swing Ins wild and both very tlred swlng RUSSELL KNOCKED OUT Round 4 Russell lands right over heart Sharkey misses right nnd left swings Sharkey lands right and left swing on the Jaw Sharkey lands left and right to Jaw pulling Russell to tho mat Russell reaches ou tant grabs Sharkeys foot pulling him down Tom breaks loose and Jumps to his feet and as Russell rises to his fet Sharke lands half swing on the jaw with right putting Russell down aml out SALT LACER NOT IN IT The first preliminary was between Bert McCormick of Salt Lake and Tom Schuemachcr of Denver In thp first round McCormick was on the floor live times each time for the count of eight In tho aepond round Scheumacher landed land-ed a haid right uppercut on the mouth which put out the Salt Lake man In the second preliminary Rufe Turner Tur-ner of California put Roy Streeler of Colorado Springs both colored in less than minute of the first round with aright a-right swing on the Jaw Strecter was no mattpi for Turner lrli < third preliminary Kid Dooley and Dudley King both local KlnSboth lIghtweIghts light-weights fought five very fast rounds loa lo-a dr wIt was a giveandtake affair afair throughout Dooley receiving the severest se-verest punishment of the two BASEBALL There will be no games today and if the weather docs not braco up a little there will be none tomorrow The lttle Lake and Railway teams were to haye hove played here today but the grounds were flooded tp ouch an extent yester cay that all thought of playing was given up The grounds have I good drainage now and should the sun come out strong today It may be possible ply tomorrow The Hallways arc t scheduled to ploy with Park City here ale t tomorrow and the1 SaU Lake club will I go to Ogden If tho grounds there wH fit whlch they wilj probably not be i f 1 Halo and Barr the two new nion for the Salt Jjuke club arrived from Denver Den-ver yesterday ready for work The addition ad-dition of these men makes five Denver players now on the Salt Lake clubs list > The opening game of the Scholastic league scheduled for today between the L D S college and the University j has been postponed and will probably j take place Tuesday I CYCLING The Western Union messenger boys road race which was scheduled for tomorrow I to-morrow morning was yesterday postponed post-poned until May 2lat when it Is hoped the weather will be more favorable i o Oscar Julius Is trying to arrange with I I thp 1 itrtlr rl rtn 1 Ar < f tnlrnlh hI rtt hlla j I antlpacernakeisforatrial 1 at the J I I worlds twentyfour hour record which Is now claimed by John Lawson with 524 miles Julius says he thinks ho can malco close to COO with proper paceS pace-S 0 S I Manager Rishel qf tho Salt Palace I track stated yesterday that he would not got out the programmes for tho opening meet until more professional riders arrived The first meet will consist con-sist of open races 1C enough riders to fill the entriesa reI rc BASKETBALI I At a meeting of the members of the Fremont basketball team yesterday V Wightman was elected manager and R Huter captain The name of fho tem was changed to the Oxfords and the team t will play at Rawlins VVyo with the local team for the Wyoming championship The permanent lineup for the Oxfords will be H Edwards center J Pickering right forward W McIntyre left forward V Wightman right guard nndR Hunter left guard I MISCELLANEOUS Manager Riser of the University football tem received a letter yesterday yester-day from the captain and manager of the Leland Stanford team saying In reply that the Stanford team would be pleased to come to Salt Lake some time net December and play 0 game herewith here-with the U of U Manager Riser will endeavor to close I date for the game In December before the holidays I |