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Show TRX STEl! ?? "SAX'S. WUKEAS, GIT-BERT L. Chamberlain and Annie II. Chamberlain, by their certain deed of trust dated the SOta day of Al arch, 18SJ1, and duly recorded in tho Recorder's Recor-der's office in the Counly of Salt Lake and the Territory of Utah, in Book 3 V of Mortgages, paires 594-595 and 5fKi, sold and conveyed to the undersigned trustees the following described property to-wit, situated ia the County of Salt x-ase, iu tne ltrruory oi utatt, neing alt ot lots One f l) to Fifty-eight (5) inch sive, of Block Two (2); all of Lots One (1) to Fifty-eight (58) inclusive inclu-sive of Block One (l); and all of Lots One (I) to Twenty-eight Si) inclusive of Block Tnrea (3). all in Perkins' Addition to Sait Lake Citv, L tah Territory, said Addition being a subdivision of Lots Two (2), Three (3) and Four (4) in Block Sixteen Six-teen (Id), five acre plat "A," Big Field Survev; in trust for the purpose of securing a payment of two certain negotiable promissory notes made by said Oilbert L. Chamberlain and Annie H. Chamberlain, da'ed at Salt Lake City, Utah, November 24th, l, one for H,00O.CO, payabls to the order of Jo-e-jh T. McNarv and William 11. Irvine one year after date at the B.ink of Commerce in Salt L ike Ci.y, L'tah, in L:. S. gold coin, with interest from dnts" at the rate of eight per cent per annum : and the other note for Sl4,ttOO paj able to the order of said Joseph Jos-eph T. McNarv and William H. Irvine two years from date at tne said Bank of Commerce, in U. S. gold coin, with interest from date at the rvte of eight pfr cent per annum, and which said notes are particularly described in said deed of trust, and for a more complete description of the ame referenie .o .;ere mtde to said deed of trust as a part hereof; and wheress, according to thi terms and conditions of said notes and said deed cf trust said first note is due and the same has not been paid; and whereas, it was and is provide 1 in said deed of trust that should default he made in the payment of said tirst note when the same became due, that thelegalownersandholdersof saidnotes may declare the said s cond note due - and whereas, where-as, on the 2Sth day of May, I8CJ2, said Irvine and ilcNary, the legal owners and holders of said notes, did declare the principal and interest of said second note to be due; and whereas, ;t wis and is provided in said deed of trust, should default de-fault be male in the payment of either of said notes or the interest that may accrue therein, or ' 4 any part therenf. as the same should beinniedne and payable, tnen at the request of the holders of said notes said undersigned trnstees should proceed pro-ceed to sell said property, or so m-irh taereof at should be necessary, at public auction to the hizhest bidder for cash, for the purpose ef paying sr.id notes and fulfilling and discharging" the duties ana obligations ot taia trust: and whereas, the l?galowre:-s and holders of taid promissory totes have requested the said undersigned trustees trus-tees to proceed to. jell (aid property under and according to the provisions of said deed of trust, and to discharge the duties and obUg-tions thereof. Now, t erefore, we the undersigned trnstees aforesaid, at the request of the let-alow nprs and holders of said promissory notes, will, in accordance accor-dance with the terms and conditions of said deed of trust, on tho ltth dsv of August, lS'.-2, at the south or front door of the Counlv Court House of I said County of Salt Lake, in Salt Lake City, Utah, at twelve o clock noon, of that day, sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, said property or so much thereof (excepting said lots 9. 10, 11, 17, 14, 19, W7, 28, 29, 38, 3, 41.', 41, 42, 43, 44, 5.1, 54, and 55, of sai i block 1 ; lots 38, 3U, 40, 41. 45, 46, 47, 4S, 41), 53, and 54, of said block 2; and lots 16, 17, 1H, and 19, of said block 3, herefofore released re-leased from Slid deed of trust) as may ba necessary neces-sary to pay ssid no es and the interest to satisfy the," same, and discharge the duties imposed on us by said deed of trust JAMES M. R1CKETTS. EDWARD B WICKS. Trustees. Dated at Salt Like City, Utah, tho 21et day of July, ISSi |