Show A CLAIM FOR LICENSE T abo he mrs aram has b tho the adelly lo 10 publish the following and we delro the resold herald and all other I 1 boin lal ule Il nur urval iii r this ir Os fulliton litO jc point eliat r ali ful institution h F 12 diax awn inc into such a 1 1 id baij bij blo M by I 1 sted in lice krap ing R he a of 5 M t ti ai not an li 01 the ibo bul rf f ft a church lt it wui will not lot ho an institution of tile ali hlf Is lu etab tb fao be dur illeL it 1 Is olt loyloy n oa t VO ri t ehni i lathun a and h hw 0 o do I 1 1 it t mccau ill 1 TO an cotrit blui tho 0 institution lonn form mid 1 juohn th their r daw lall ru wills fiD bu icat bourly 4 tilde under ami nal duy alie 1 d OC or bl nr filand bonni fill and nd ruin ri oter r h 1 bo h hs 3 or ibo ibe mot hda b no r j m manu h t wt to ahe ot of ti alio llio stale ol 01 lob I 1 in 0 lulf u it eleen sit ith 11 I 1 W an i fehir adul of Z rc duclon 16 dis u to tile ti right of j Congre up in cn an le on or no than item tona focus of 0 the editor of the tha Y ewla its an 00 older of the mormon church mod nd often pretends that lylon lying 14 1 forbidden by his bu creed the AV drw 1 IB the ui officio ficik of of 0 the chuick sod nothing Is 1 ever published therein that does doe not nol nice meet tho the of oil tho the heads of the lh church from john taylor down still it publishes tile in loreR go olag I 1 1 g 1 it declares declare urt that pis polygamy ly g smaill ciorba DOI be 0 o institution of the state if 11 L etab tab Is daile ud ted that satellites to the monument falsehood of ibis year IW no one knowe better belter than abna the vw aeu editor abal stata staid hood in ID utah means simply imply the making perpetual the mormon kingdom too the bitoy key lone loce of the arct rab of which resta on poly poleg RIOT AMY no one knows better than ho he kol ad hit his that with statehood more iho tb office would 11 be b tb abo honors honori and aad emoluments would all be fur for that no law could ha be pulled except by polygamist kod and by the approval of tho the ellitt who call themselves apostles of tho the lord the taft ducham that no rem can interfere with an of nf reulon reU relis ilono lou but it fi alsis from saying that ilat ka an of religion way ury interfere with a state the that 1 what li losable intended here hem thi the to wait make the state imply a vessel or of ft a bogui agu church A As Brig boal young once said ilaf c owe wal will ollow the forms or a republic but bat ours non li Is A kingdom the Intent loo Is behind state lines to mk make this ail e of religion 1 the abo supreme governing olne po to use u tho the authority of the ibo state to knibb oat cut any oy and nd all al who may protest mildest the aft slavery which will follow Lol Tirl license to Is aimed at ablio joan ta lor or or common woy way gleaso lu in eilart as a inspiration mouths acceptor ea ucha ot lfeo the congress of states stale cannot interfere thin is I 1 ont not law and nd it will not it to Is oot not was when la in th the constitution tf hadrit elloui liberty go laid nail it been then polygamy would 1 be right la in lish human bould lh right la in shiho the bursting af widow on the funeral pro piss nr n 1111 drill bu bubuna budA would be b right to no deviltry or conceived sod nd carried out with no DO matter what could be with 0 o that ft a creed wu wait invoked during V the cn artmont of the crimel this I 1 dot at at free gumm munt mes anywhere rod and if tho the tit od its continue to lo cate uch much idzu tho ani b nooner T too than they think that the iho american people grow tired of ills ibis accuro od system and na sweep it dwar ai 5 they did II aitor Tor avem if aen M great nt a 0 1 I T TO aul quiren tit 9 was required before this thin def truc tion of the alen driess or of home homot i this wounding ol of the bon honor 0 of cf boum Is hood d this dl dren dran this of mci maril and it this overthrew of all tho the principles principle on which this Ite public rest must cease peaceably or the nation will compel it to consul it occo Dc coiry leary over smoking fitin orar mountains of cf dead and ad beneath a rain of despairing team |