Show THE 11 HELLS ills OF IRE tho the republican bandon baic it ip all pm P m decided to amend the house bill rot for the reduction of internal araus at As 1 came to the see senate te it took off tto tes on patent and the 11 like to 00 bank checks bank capital on oa Mat maschea Chea and reduced the taxes a on to bacco the republican senator have determined to amend sulema it by including to ro dictions duet duct loo ions la in certain of the tariff duties and alto aleo increasing the abo duty on oft koit knit rood the pro gramme include it theeo A reduction of tit 8 per I 1 loo 40 from the present duty on acl I 1 rolls and a reduction redaction of about fifty per I 1 m cent ent on a the 4 gitles oo cu hoop beep iron A reduction of bout twenty cw bra per a ceat at on ibo eucer tarla aad d a more modern and exact cartoon commercial m Is 1 standard for rating the different buiu tile in listing them for duties this item of red ile LIOU will A mogot mail 0 t to gibout be abear yefto A restoration of the tariff on an knit good increasing the automa duties about thirty oro per ceol this thiel 1 a 1 imply motoring tho the truo true tariff duty on oa abne abam articles u p ovidea by the tariff of 1507 and it never clanged by Con conof greas but when mr boutwell boutell As the total wo think Is in he be omitted a word in fo copy ing which took off all 11 the protection loaded offord lorded lor ded ed american Amerl rau of knit goo floody the law tham are ar the ibe features fc ture of the iho senate amendments though other tod and minor point boldt may be b incorporated it if the rw ho pabitra 1 lo 10 cloO lisit to lapport their plan which me to be aund ared by tho the dispatches loan ua can be no doubt but they will be b in S position to hold bold the senate arm and insist upon the hen HOUM agreeing trally to this pro programmer gramme Ther redact loD mod mada by the iha bill tt thu amended will ua b be la 11 aba of 1 efty fly million do lr 1 ao 10 a presume there will trill be oo no interest adverse to the th reduction of tho the it bucs ou cu sugar though it is much to be du doubled ltd that UIO abo retail customer would be to I 1 a cent liy by it tho the money sand red would in all 11 II likelihood bo be pocketed pocket rd by the importer aall the wholesale who loule war eblet and prime price kept As before we all 11 II know hat the total abolition of the tariff duties on tea and coffee has baa never made a bit of d to the corald corals cr la in the ariter to coil of I 1 base articles at AS a Mefi alln of relief to th iho 0 people we v have DO faith abat ot his reduction loo will do tho the lightest stand all who ho have cargoes of biar get oa as the way iray and alo have black on oa hood will join clites to ln the catlet DAT Let for they cannot to allow a fall 1 la price and it they aro am strong enough to control content the besides what reason is 19 them why anybody should import knit nd sell ell sugar near cheaper after that much of the tariff I 1 te off than before tho the libber higher the price pric elbs lb more money they will make it the reduction 1 too small to be carried down into every oman lol ha tilled and weighed out pound by pound the time for the reduction of the duty on omer itce I 1 does OM not mem feni I 1 to 0 bo be wolf well chosen th alio iron iran men all 11 ovir the country krc hem at tb ill vit n ehmen I 1 with the ibo proprietors or and very tery much of W the ibo trouble lj Is caused by tho the fact that abd tbd claim they cannot produce iwo and kt at a p profit alt and ad pur pay tho the wages demanded by the taa workmen even with the prel loot duties abt thoy they would my to a proposition to reduce the dot duties 1 es may mar well veil bo be hina gics ell the ma wil 1 apply to 10 tile boop inu reduction which Is I 1 demanded chiefly by tho the south so 0 o As to get fet obeah iran roq to bin bind 4 their cut cot too a b belo la in view of tho the unsettled con COD ill 1 I 1 tto be iron ahr donots ikid 11 t time t to M 1 elili it sod and we w should id 67 t ast if th e room in IM atlo able to have ite ile own woj way about to lo this bill it would be ba on OB tk as 0 two lanm the immediate result which will follow this pr lp tation of such important new reel lat loss upon the attention or coo con great will bo be the postponement otho or day of adjournment to tome ome lode BI alta timela time lu tho tha future chirl rh irl am re bow la the house od who luok tbell services erf ices able to the nation but tre m afraid their may not dot gme gr with them caloia they can go home a and 4 q ill WI bo be 0 on liatses tt T tho h 6 g conventions am catalog rapidly and the membern are getting tte robly it Is IA quite possible 1 I this element clement of la a tho the may mar give iad such an a advant oid that it can here everything ila ova |