Show THE BERLIN Co boire coire IRE the drib driblets lets of news and loose inaba conjectures which reach us of the doings of the european congress iu in berlin do not afford any reliable data ou oil vi hiah to lime an estimate of the results of their deliberations delila ra it is given out that tire lie anguil body will be in section till about tho the middle of the month A hen an adjournment ill be taken till september it is ie expected that tile main questions will be so eo foar far arranged previous to adjournment that the chief may return home leaving ates to ai ranee arrange the dilallo di lalli tails then tho the whole w hole body will como come together tar a gain again and confirm global hat hals boa been done there is nothing really new 1 in I th the a lanct dir dispatches patches except that greece is ia likely to get a slice of territory and that ephius is id to be granted ET ranted autonomy or in other woi war ds is u to bo be relieved of the Tur kiili yole yoke if this thin conns carnes about tile tho vi ill retain but a pot poi liuti of bohunil Rou niella iia between Adria Adriano nople plo and constanti nople over a belh they may eally continuo continue to impose their beneficent beno dicent system they will however bo be allowed to keep in the ilia balkan pass passes but if left to them selven they vill not be likely to profit long by the privilege their indolence and vo willin ill in clino aline them to leave the mountvill mo mountain in without defenders AS they did after the Russil inq crossed tho the danube dumian occupation is to continue for nine nido months v ill three months inon llis additional for tho the process of v viah jib dravo ing tire troops after that a mixed corps of troops from different armies 14 is to take possession and bee that tho the of civil tal and religious liberty to lo the Dalgar Luls is ia not interfered with nth it would seem that vei y little is to lie io kit ift to tho the empire fineu in europe various vanous threats at ai a reported as corning coining from tho the humiliated turks tout but in in the end they will mil bo be forced to comply with it whatever the Congre 3 allay determine |