Show HATRED OF THE RICE tile letter we vis published front from co ringlet shows how the sills in the coith tire arc influenced by their priests A clergymen character char aLter is un aho vho atteridg to ids hia oil 0 a business is ot racked by tile tic community and tho the farmers farni eis and tra tradesmen demen ab absolutely befu e to a a sell him bill provision to lo support lis fat nily thara id no sin bin laid at it the iho dobrof door of this victim of bigoted bate except ekcert that he be ii M a christian mi still and devotes bimbela to lo breathing pre athing the gospel and school A few months aro ago a miss salter a ninan lady of very superior talent grid and requirement acquirement to find employment plo adleat as a teacher in tins this city star stalled ted south in m quest of a position I 1 in S sn rote county sho she visited several eral settlements settlement and reaching S spring pring city site sho called at the residence of orson hyde where she elio spent an hour or two five in con com er edtion gation with some fel follow loor countrywoman countrywomen country women members of the apostle s harem the i till cursing apostle himself entering the visitor stated liar her case to him bill and sought to engage his influence in liar loc behalf half of course liar her quest was a hopeless ono one tho the do deceased prop prophet liet find and ge A smith small had laid donn coxin tho the law that GentilO teachers mua not bo be employed in mormon schools and this edict lias has since since been repeated al and nd affirmed by john the revelator orson hyde catechizer catechized catechi zed his IS fair rp op tanton on religious i bews what d did d sho she think of polygamy the lidy wanted the friendly services of her interrogator and hence was unwilling to say an thing to offend she could have disguised her views to be sure but hr her woman s matuie hatun a roe in opposition to taking a fale fal e position pato n on so 60 foul a sin liar her reply was 1 I ant am unwilling to you mr fr hyde but as you ask mo me so pointedly I 1 can only say that bour 3 our plural wife system strikes mo me as very baity this did the business the lady was a stranger in tho the settlement and finding e cry door closed upon her ber and e el cry face averted she w v as in a tai strait she had been den denounced by the apostle and liar her sex say her ft her super joe culture all counted fur nothing she w was as left out on oil the street to starve or help herself as best she feho could in due one compassionate sister took pity on the offender took liar bior into liar her house kept her a amr er night and prevailed upon her brother to drive the babylonian to tire the railway tei minus a at york where she was glad to tale take tho cars for isdal lake acain inroe in rov SIr Gillespie s cas case othe the devout saints who earned carried liia household goods aiom COri corinno nue to brigham city I 1 were ILI ic quieted to asli ask forgiveness fur their adji 1 and one impenitent brother who refused to bow tho the ince was cut oft from tho fellowship of the saints miss 8 res rescuer crier took the same d Z pirate chances but her bar brother had bad already renounced the faith and sho she declared she would not see a strange lady stiffer buffer in ilia streets while she badal had a homo romill to bli elter hir r 1 alj I 1 ka I 44 lw pnat 11 if 11 a communication aaion for hair bell lending liar her in tho the cally caily days of utah many a pool pooi gli gal I 1 who left home and friends to gather to zion having rejected the calibrates ambra bes of the foul mormon god has found herself shut out from every abode her character foully aspersed and no choice open to be her r but sanctified pollution or the destruction truc tion pronounced against rebellious rebellions women the samo same tactics wie were pursued against the Ai arkansas kansas company of cintgran Cini emigrants gran ts treacherously s laugh at mountain meadows ishad it had been the misfortune of abc these ae hapless v victims to incur the hatred of the b holy 0 ly and everlasting priesthood in some way nay perhaps because they came from the same state as lector hector mclean who killed parlay P platt piatt for defiling denlin his bis wife perhaps bo cause they were regarded legard fd its aa public enemies as colonel johmson Jol maton was then approaching appi caching with his little at ai my and every citizen lol lo 10 al to the government was a foe to the chil then dien of god tho the star ins out pro pio cess was as practiced towards this company ordered away an ay from salt lake ii with ith their stock lank and exhausted they started upon their long journey with stores stoics depleted not t a merchant in this city daring to b a 11 them a pound of meat or a bushel of gram grain in advance of tho the doomed emigrants traveled George A smith of pious memory vi ho he filed tho the southern heart and to in deaver beaver ordered the excommunication of one offends offen dm brother B m lie ho stole by night into the emigrants ca camp tit p and exchanged a sack eack of melons for a LINI bod quill the non cormons mormons flatter cheru belvea a ives that the spirit of abase cleat pao ills has changed bruce those dai daik it days of treason and massacre but constantly recurring incidents inci denU bhoj there eana no change sibile a I 1 idling priesthood hood live by and abili pation and an ignorant fanatical populace blindly obey their ballasts beh ests |