Show THE BLACK HILLS imbecile imbecility afy of the administration of 0 our ur govern government ment taxation without representation sen tation the minine operations somewhat whal checked by cold weather the chaotic confusion of the mails an and d where the fault lies 1 7 stage and telegraph lines in running order amusements I 1 tribune Trib I 1 CITY DAR DAKOTA TA 11 december 20 IS G i about one month agia ngo your corros from illis stake of zion wrote a letter lot for publication in TUB THE TRIBUNE which was wa duly ine ia your issue of the be soch ultimo since sinca that timo I 1 have been over matters matter and there appears to bo be so BO much matter that I 1 hardly know which place laco to assail first our oar mining operations aro are at checked at this timo time ot of bo be year TOT and this is ID a subject that I 1 am convince the people bt at largo would like to hear bear irom from to livo have no co government and no DO mila mails in this thie part of the ibo world is a matter of vastly room more importance tons to as then mining operation 1 or 1 almost I also the people of 0 uth utah havo have the semblance of a Ts its T s publican pub lioan government but bat wn wo of the black hill twelve or fifteen thousand cia can not get ioto into the union nor will they lot let us ua go out ol of it peaceably it has bas acon clearly shown to CoQ congress gress by the delegate from houi digoia that the iho black hilli wore were not dot embraced in ia the indian tea res tT Tation chi god furthermore that the indians indiana violated all trolly arrangements the iho government failed at its ils last fee ion to throw this thia country open to led end give us a inc local government anier tho iho ing iak rate of if achime a crime is commuted committed anywhere in ia these mile hilla the criminal either goes irro free or Is if talon taken to yankton for trial from the high eit to 10 the lowest officer of this government ern ment they scoria to class ui out oat laws las the tag bacrad ascrea soil boil of ball 1 I 1 big MOS however does not dot prevent sam from tending ArDO ni as his hi col collectte collect lecter tr of 0 revenue venno ro A report is ia circulated lore hero today to day that sitting ball has bai licked general crook slid that the army is n marching hero here closely followed follo by diflo abo lodi alts it if crook is if coming hero here again to coop tip our supplies eap plies I 1 nn am r ready eady to fight tho the tol diora instead ot 01 the lodgins lodi ins if report proves true sitting boll ball bad better unan ONTO OITO and then we cm can have a president that dont lont need say ally volts voles from tto ito boys boya of 0 flinda in on these subjects I 1 am m ready to fight bight and bleed lor for my noble country providing always that I 1 dont bleed more I 1 llna irin a quart at a time OUR OPS QUARTZ WINES MIXES la in my feet and only letter irom from this section Beo tiou I 1 intimated that I 1 might at faints time limo lave to say cay about our oar quartz mines for the cha tato of 0 I 1 will now im arico myself a 1 rt with glass el spectacles and proceed to B s when a alerman gjerman friend of mine formerly it a hotel keeper in ia your oily city returned home from this last spring and told us ui that every ws was quartz la ia tho the hield he heun willi gly told us of 0 truth the quartz formation hero here ii different aiom that if T any other sec eco tion lion that I 1 have ever teen and all Inal ble before tho the eyes ol of the practical aleto we 0 o find thit gold bearing rock is ia not confined alone to quartz but bat that it is found in ia rock having the appearance of slain elate limo alone porphyry and coment cement I 1 do not say eay thit that all chaio different differ oot kinds ot of rock taro arc gold bearing and a refer encee to this ail matter is simply dimply to 0 o give the reader an idea that wo we have hava a peculiar formation io in thi section the main quartz belt of 1 the bo black runge commences at ab a abut about ton n milea northwest north from hero here on tho the heal head of bottom creek and runs in a direction about twenty miles dormi forming a bemi m 1 cirolo circle and acs cs at bare a bl battes ol 01 k te s diarist twelve miles from hero from the northwestern ext extremity of thib belt io 10 goldi bold pre ore I 1 boates at bare buttes bulks silver largely la in this miu min era formation boog winding course wo we fiod it oro aboa the heads or of deadwood gold run kao Whito whitewood wood spruce and aad bare buttes creeks the richest part of this thia quartz in seems to bo be on the beada of dead w wood oil and gold ran kan where tho the loid lead edg mines ol of the country are situated tito aled the ores borei generally found in ears bare buttes baitch district are gr lean and oxide ot of lead though coca signally tio sio nally rock is found fondd carrying treo free gold tina this district bids bida fair to 0 o bo be ono of the leading lesdie les dic distri districts ets ol of tho the country the aurli mines olag alid the iho beada ol of deadwood Do adwood and gold cold rua kaa are broken epand lii ito ia mass a 11 a rn gon crl cral thing thine tho the owners ol of those these mints mines say that atey have haio well formed veins and that thai 0 o comprehend their magai lade if this Is I 1 he cute and it is ia proved by develop ment that ibee ibe e mines ruo run down to the depth of even three or four hundred bundred fiet wo we then will bill have the iho richest est quartz mines mince in ID the ibo world 14 wobko wo have three reduction w art hero here now BOW at least two iwo of if the them m havo have been io ia operation and the 0 that othor will vill la brt started up op within two tiro weeks Ni 1 cholla naven have been trio grin aae us abey oa an oro ore from tho boldea otte qua and father do kioes for or the ibe past two weeks with highly sal riot so BO the aitala ap tala tells tella me T abia is a series of cl lour four ara strai driven by steam eleam power willi a roast in aag g furac lurico ce connected concocted with wilb the main thi the mack hills goa cod wining mining complot employ incorporated at cleyen de own the iha hidden Tro crosure sure chiat Olic fot of the hills ml and several other mines minea hiring diring tho the bummer this put up we woric lk bit bat I 1 they ibey were imposed upon nhen he parties mado theta bellevo that ball izord were better bete thain at amps the is ii that they choy have bavo now how ordered stamps aral further furi lier than llian proving I 1 bat their oro era is good they her lavo lave or DC for ILO their works work taro ro down now con tod oil will remain so BO all il their blimps arrive amdy are polling up a tin e imp mill idd tho the abue will be by tile alio teeth of next month those gentleman Rent lemon are ro from the grasa hopper regions or of 1 ro 0 tb Lit orough miti erp and will bo be euro t to 0 mako make r 6 cesi they love tho the alpha woolsey Wooi apy nio mine Lo will make a thorough test or of the oro from that bt mine first all of obero reduction works oro ra being are situated on deadwood Deik lwood areek and aad 14 blout three miles mild above ibis ibia city cily or TUN THE nilta abo alpha treasure turo anil golden gate itle are ro supposed to bo be we hie loading nines ol of ibis abil section on at ot of the owners getting the 11 frit rC iroll on oil them I 1 ad J roil mit that hint these mines minca are v deiy e y broin oma though I 1 know or tarl 1 albors ollora that era bra equally cis BI rood good that thai thi the owners are eying but little about the tha alpha mine if ia owned io in part by col 0 o Wo woolboy Wool aey orly of Wool Wools riot flat california they have ha a ton nel in over feet and expect to top tip the main ore ildy jo ia running ranni oti boat lony fait further the hidden Tic asure tsuro is owned mostly by citi of california however boever our old captain gardner of ibis city has hn his fim bag in for one anc lenth of ilia ibis pr properly potty this thia mine is ia opened by an ewt which is il now BOW io in about fifty feet act free gold 0 n bo be teen iron almost toy plane place along alone the be 1100 of the ibo short chatt the gollen cohien titto otto is ia owned by nicholls Nic Dolla it blaven coleman Bro Br othera theria johnny johnn flaherty Lla herty sod and gardner all of those these gentlemen were forma lor aly of U jtb except the iho lat last named na and I 1 a tm satisfied they havo have A valuable property the oro bod body Is 18 dimply immense in ia this ilia mine aral nd it pay as an wall veil ts as capt nicholls Nic liolla there ii ia millions in it LINE sinco since my iny last the llo to telegraph wiro wire b has as been to io this ibis 0 oily ity and the click of tho int inot is a IQ ia this in hospit blo ablo country coun iry great credit is due mr W 11 gibbard cousin c 0 I 1 M mr r of your city for lis hn UD no tiring efforts in putting this lino line through wo we hope the same anno will be appreciated by the ibe people ot of tho the clack black rallis bill ond and that ur air hibbard will make a fias noial success of this enterprise 6 LINES lute lulo voorhees superintendent ol of the and black aills stag a line aioo was wa hero acro a few mcw days GRO KO an and a inform informed inor mod od no mo that bat their stages woul bo be run aemi woodly for tho the present but bat that they would soon boon arrange for tri in weekly staged company have made with the union railroad Hail road company to sell eoll tickets ticket irom from ogden dejen to chii kiy ua ou a to 0 o the ibo traveler of 0 ag SO travelers from roin utah to this abia city do well to kuslo ranlo a note ti of I 1 ibn big sod wo save money tho sidney BIO is ia supposed to reach hero oddo once a week though it ir gets drunk drack occo in ia a while and stops out on the ibe road for afew lew days 00 OV of TUB MAIM MAILS we e are arc having a let terrible tible time lime now EOW sod have bad tor for a long time lim over the ibo milter matter ot of the mails mail fram the iho line lice of railroad hero the Cheye lono irnia company bare been carrying the mails to and irom from the hilla free lot for the past three or to lour months those ducks docks charge no ng ten tea cents canta for each letter or paper and make c vs a weigh out oot the abo dust it II those sidney booke would got BOI the ibe mila mails ten past by fair ijar it ic might not appear so eo bad but we are arc well sili astie enod fiad that aliat corrupt edg are being used on the ibe mail carriers the lino line of milr railroad oai letters and ad brewed to the iho care of the 0 D B U 11 co ui cheyenne fin ani their iv ay iy bidney to how is id this clr johh B loroy paul faul Van deroost Jap taia white white or any ny other man wo we that your orders blare several months montha aso ago that no more ruil mail matter be carrica carried put cheyenne that hat was add io 10 us ni by that route 11 ithon you eve ctet r ismea any cueli you 1 loan it I 1 other othernile wile you have boea been tort terribly i bly im bozed upon by those haeo who have charge of tho the mile it if this thing continues pack longer the poc pec plo hero bero will bo be juliber ju liBed la a eroding out committee to on en out rome ol of those fe blown I 1 low along the iho union pacific who have bavo been bilking us for III respect to ihie matter not moro more than chaa oni third of THE tae waly DUIT Ts busm reach us 03 here mad tit hint t are arc received como in a dilapidated condition I 1 will bavo arto wore moro to 10 bay on this subject at earno tutor 0 time lime amusements our oar hero are some come what limited lii cited Langr itaho opens his hia theadro again io a few days daye and will likely keep it opeo open as aa long he as it paya A dancing dab club his been or with rules raids ond and regulations so eo itrich that most of 0 the people are excluded miscellaneous thai EDOW is 1 8 about deep lore boro and the ibe thermometer indicate indicates IS degrees below zero the will likely sip sorghum with tite THE TRIBUNE folks before many baicy months have A W A |