Show telegraphic S senator ella t or jones harping on oil his 1118 silver funeral to toko ulace place on oil sunday message to the Ilo pigeon match SAS SAN FRANCISCO jan jac 5 in the yon match between bogardus BoKar Jai bad oj dr W P carver yesterday thirty birds english rules thirty yards bogardus thoi shot twenty tit mx carve twenty fiva twenty birda Pr liia club rules twenty ono yards vorda hoi coq cardno eighteen carver carter nio nineteen eteen fio pirn blob culess eighteen yards Ro gardne eight carver seven relied I 1 IN CONCORD Co N H R joe jno C D elwin willis willii major convicted in december 1875 at of poisoning polso his hia wife was i at the prison hero here this mor jones and nl ib silver galloi qu to oon NEW TORK jn jan 5 or nevada has bm been hero for a low days adya on private buBin busi nem ob icily it is ii said aid to bell the iba st bt james hotel to Bre ilin 01 abo the tribune Tri buDO says he ba dote not AD n the silver commission will be ba ablo able to report tolore the first week in Febri tery it h 6 waiting IM for anfor met mat on irom from abroad nad and it la is confidently expected that tho the report wil will bo be more trustworthy ru worthy and aad corna com plate than that of tho the british commisa ign jonca oot not say anything Boyl bing in regard to the rumor that sherman would report fal upon the ho bill bil billhi lwi with U an amend me beut dt limiting its force and making silver legal tender lor for twenty or fifty dollars he hoped the he hill bill in that bat shops shape donld conid oot not ho he d did id a not 0 t live liko a compromise of that fiod br cause it was not bused upon hib but be considered true principles prino irlea the need hotd or of tho the country was a bi bimer lio blood ard that system would surely prevail in the iho end and evin if it was wai do failed at present th abo moro more prominent lin bouncil uncial thio thinkers kers throughout the world were gradually becoming convinced ot of the correct dato ot of tho be theory and moreover dine tenths of the iho people were in favor of silver in tho the west and nd it must bo be adopted or some timo time paralysis ot of industry indu alry siry would compel it D was io in cro lo 10 a the iho world aud and tho the pro friction of boid old wa decreasing nations would bo ba forced tv tu use UBO silver aate Id jan 5 OGo governor vornor hendricks matsago to the ibe legislature delivered this morning it to ro lutes wholly to the tha state of public with tho the exception of a refer once coco to lo tho the presence or of united dint stats 6 troops in south carolina the constitutional and independent authority of the iho stio state coarts and legia lature let la endangered if not now DOW sop eop ported by bj tho the patriotic and liberty loving sentiment 64 among ins abo people and that party and partisans havi not defied deij it I 1 NEW diw YORE jan 0 5 tho the interior and the surroundings of tho the loaf boneff a of the abo lalo lato commodore VaDder vanderbilt bilt this morning wore in an tit air of tiou ilia physicians desire to lold bold a 11 postmortem poat mortem examination but bat thus far the consent of tho the lommo commo doroa dorea family has been withhold withheld the femoral services eerT icea are positively fixed for 1030 1930 on next sunday morning moraine and aad no DO change will bo be made ia that feature of the arrange which excludes tho the presence of pu pall bearers bearen or followers dr exercises in the church of tho the strangers will bo be included with this resolution Loot sins oddle NEW yost JD jan B G tho llor For elds now orleans dui ratch says bays the licaus are enrol bog tho the militia daily general lAng longstreet street will bo be io in command minand co no foroi blo w alu ill bo be macoto buado to pro went N Nic ac holli inaus oration but all tho the state offices oro fire strongly guarded by police and aad will vill bo be defended from auy any attempt to take lako intention jan 5 after the fiona rop P t oro of tho the negotiations loussia in cs to ask tho powers tor for authority to on cn foro fore tho the proposals of the conference conf crecco la in their damn curleys turleys Tur Leya leys find refusal is id anticipated the li residential leflon ln flon NEW jan 6 5 tho tribune a ashington lV special buys baya the possibility of I 1 bailum to complete cow pleto tho the electoral count a and LI of the ibo consequent now election next la tall ll 11 continues to bo be the leadin leading I 1 0 pin of hero it is slid by some a t there i nothing ia tho laws lawa requiring an aa officer unless tho the Frosi dort is bold to have force of law governor Go hayes himself Lini solf might bo W chosen to the iba place and thus thun havo hato an fanity of showing to tho the country what kiad of ho he could cool mak kaikko 0 before ilo ilia people would bo be called upon to vote tor for or against him thought wiser to ruo ran blaine li laino conkling AN morion torton or any other available candi candidate duto ho be might be chool iGn on oa the esth of march as aa preal dlug officer of tho the senate a conj d outer filler tho the white house the worlds washington let on the abo same subject says several can caa members and ono one or members tako take too singular MOW few that there can be ba no popular election this bear maintaining that ilat the failure lai liiro of a joint or of tho the house to elect does not cot create crania a vacancy iu fit the ibo officio ol of wilbia tho the meaning ol of sections awand alg add 10 of tho the revised st atut the bonnell wor war HT YOUE jan 5 tho mystery as 03 to tho ilia immediato omro cause of avult 0 on james gordon bonnell seems to have da all solution in ia the enu by some in amborg 0 of tho ibo union club that dr may last lait wook week irrevocably forim ignall nall ilia engagement of his daughter in ill consequence conio quence of Ben bennetts notts intent forance and that bennett exhibited this thia lottor to members of tho the dab club and others accod th tho exhibition by aoh rater aber red plea boro 0 at bi O lelom from the ho on gaam act aud ami that ho he had sought tod and pro vAo it at successfully a calls ia the highest of mimi alias hays we intelligence and 03 voll vol id as beauty tinto time to aft be b extended NEW youg jan 5 tho the balad 8 columbia says aya the dead lock at the is still extending over the state la it several counties there are contests the chamberlain nod Hurn opponents IQ in con flicks of 0 authority the officers are vigor bously sustained by their respective par ties tien the feature adum fi or of the ho cou con teat is ii that luuy ol of chamberlains for ormer appointed aro are example of 0 tho the of ilia peu iten fiery and protaso to recognize roco gnia law nil all tho rity and lui will vill duly dziver their to ton many 01 0 no veto cro ardent tors of th a nod had choir notion boliou BLOW aws a I wout of 0 confidence la ia lis 13 government these contests we are carried on good aide desiring siring do to push matters to collision Inome in igo barit bard county the moro nop ubil can leaders have bavo been indulge u g in some theat th rat but bat their followers ollo woM aro I 1 apptt antly not to title risk collision colli aion with the ho whites Gro grovatt vats testimony jan 6 Go governor vornor grover was examined before tho bona bodata to to today dby ho stated that ho he certificates i f election to tho ilia highest to eligible noil din la eo 60 doing a toted la in conformity with tho con fine and in accor dAnco with tho the bikit best log logal a I 1 ho he could coald procure said bo be received a letter from roin judge headley ol of cincinnati in which four oar authorities relating to 10 iho cases of the ineligibility D to acro cid it w wan oil a three page letter aud and received ro colio at abo e a ox about a weak bir before wit does dar tendered rond ored his decision sa in the case of fatta witness was VM with and with me politics pi lino had bad no by letter with any r son on or persons in 14 mow ow york iu in rega rogora rrt to 0 lh ho WU CABO ila hi roc a a from ironi gwin girin stating certain prominent romin tint logal gont lemon thought batts ineligible and nj bo be wanted to lo know by abal tini time thornon thon notion tio n lad to be settled abram aboms S IIo witt 0 new york sent loot witness ft a in w which blob two decisions in indiana laili aai one la in ill land and otio one in wore W 17 nil 64 being applicable in att tai CARO and witness answered that lii be theo then bad lh MHO witness has bu met he bo met liim him la in the lit salam patrick was introduced to ielne dy senator KUT kelly knew nothing about Ili trick and looked upon dron his bi call at t the cicca tivo office sit at A compliment tinto to la be Extend 41 jn ilin am C tho hodio commit tco on rail mads have agreed to report the iho senate bill extending ilia time tima for or the ol of the bo northern pacific railroad eight years yearn without except auction ono providing that the shall hall riot not be required 10 jocanto the bouto throughout throng bout idaho july 1379 1549 |