Show incestuous 11 8 chae of f on It ecord IEr corl 7 I 1 eda E da I 1 have lived it in zion for moro more than twenty dearlo acan and daring dan de this thia timo time I 1 hato rito 06 6 an baoy UY all I 1 caroling done doa by he mormon in the name of christ that my faith la ica is like a rudderless ship lip now drifting about befera ill all the winds that como come along yet all this timo time I 1 have thought bit LO ha predominance of tho divico of goodness in ia mm min was not lacking I 1 a the ho I 1 mormon people and therefore when they lave hive been by you or any gj 0 else I 1 hive have said with tho the poet la in idell gaioni mou moa tori denin As ill I 1 I 1 flail andai i much of 0 goodness sit lill 1 lo fro men mea whom boon pronounce I 1 iliad I 1 flod 83 3 much obain of aln soil oj blot I 1 I 1 boson bi cato to draw the line betwixt tho the two tiro where god bit not but I 1 must there liao had ra to bontly come to my know knowledge ledee A wo own or of each disgusting in ia a polygamous lyga ly gamoua a that I 1 on can oo no longer borrow t b 0 poet a charitable effalon and nii apply it to la theba daty law lormor I 1 priests prieme I 1 have beard or many bodam to a 1 low lew cases chaas where prietta priests lave married a mother nad and her aughter anil and have begotten by them both but I 1 have aldaya thoo thought glit when tin alin these oiw that hato hinging ging would bj ba too good for or the bo moa man sad and women who BO be boratt their duty doty to lo their aad as to contract such iza ia odil and unholy lao looff stilt still tho the case cao which I 1 am m about to re refer ferto to lor for swinish filth fifth okay any and oil all others which the debasing tad slid bittern of adders linage in ia utah has heretofore do dc vo voloyed loped samuel L eville ito id first couo accor of tho the sixth ward bishop and ono ot tho e firm 0 of f fc evans ayana bands forth pre pra the MG mast at filthy a in all mormon dam doin arly irly in 11 tho a year 1371 1871 ho he took ono ace ati a young girl that sink boli bola of iniquity tho the endowment H lionso 0 U 8 01 and there boa her me balod sa fod to hini ai his hia thiril I 1 in iho spring of the year hn ho married tho the girls mother and nl thead to I 1 caon cann t dignify them with tho the name duma ol of women havo bavo borne bordo children obil drea unto tho the kinrd lu odon on of evans erani dub but this we wa not gravel jig ing to suit enit of B aranslow Ur anslow low nature IQ in the iho fall of lust last year therefore he ha married the grandmother grand of tho the girl fir atno cwi iwi 11 but with what result has yet keen been madi mad known so now this Dist matemo nial dial entanglement attio towell third wife hitoi 4 her mother fourth wio 1 grandmother trind mother wito wife event is an aa io ioli vidual whose physical cal miko mako up would moro more properly class him with tho the male sex acx of the iho bovine ones than with the iho genus homo home I 1 me alln build looks cooki and even his very gait do not belie liis me nialand moral status an aal 1 I yet he ha is u a pious older ni pays hu his debts prays in his bar hirem em aoi and exhorts the saints to live liro up to the privileges of their religion it seems to mo me that tile simple bowing of alie 1110 caio is sufficient anil ami I 1 insy bo be spared th trouble ot at pronouncing noun cing tho the ana anathemas themas from a christian publio SALT SAL LAKE CUT cily july 12 1670 1870 I 1 |