Show SNAKES Terr conflict between a king snake and a big rattler tha battle battie ground in n the rocks the king triumphant Triumph aril an after several well foupht rounds A at klomans villo tille in ia biotic tintic has hai soot boat to mr oco aco mccari of at walkr walk r bro tail co 6 tory sing alir snake whish la is attract lag ing largo number of bhoola al tors torl the gentleman who captured it end and brot warner of 0 sandy ol 01 all the who have examined it chill only who claim 10 lo know to what family of rep tiled it bei belong cagor scia and they it the ibo ting snake I 1 bat we aro are of the th opinion that it Is 18 ot of tho cinat tt tir bi COMMOD adder it i is some 0 klit or ten ion incliner in lenab find nd na large as a 2 leil lead pen mencill cill with a black head abich resembles a emall black blaak loan bein it 1 I is il striped with rod raj whito white and black stripes enoi tho the body boil y regularly from tho the head to the tail the red stripes are aie a quarter of sa on toch inch io a nod anil between bet ireca them iro fire two iwo black and ouo buo chato stripes Bl ripe each cach perhaps per hapa ID an eighth of 6 nn an inch will while aut facia or the tb cro cretaro ataro is ii smooth and glossy bat the tb tests ot of strength and aad prowess proff OKi claimed for or it in battle with other Fo alcos are most wonderful r ibo lie gentleman who tho the rop lio roli loj tha na do which the 0 O wn was made thi rha captor ot of this thia ot tho the lipera eada a ho he wn was io in the mountains some diz dibianca ianca from hi hij cabin a week weak title list monday when his attention was attracted by a peculiar noise coi and nil on casti tig his bis eyes abour he be beheld not DOC many feet irom from him a logo coiled up dp in ID readiness to 10 jump jamp aej tit in a after it down dawn tho the hillside biset when it com coar mono eJi terns or of such buob rap capil I 1 more ments that his bia eye could marcoly keep track nek of it the movements berei incessant for or cateral mi nates dating daring bibb lime abo boaks hid seemed to doco over several rods rodi of ground butir but ii finally crawled on to a rock abo witness of these singular Biag alir antics alica now BOW rust cut FAW F the king soaky which he bo took to bo be a youna ono of the other and nd thought that what ho be hid had just jail beheld was tho the process of feeding ceding the iho i ingre allo viper bat to his bis our ear arle lie he next saw the lb king boako mako make a spring of nearly too tea feet and licit upon the rattlesnake where another nother adries aeries of quick and vigorous increments menti emitted lasting cheral beveral more ani hereupon Here apon cho sped conol adOl that it WAs a 11 battle nd ho tat eat alowa on a hi tb rock to tea see tile tho cand of tho ibo affray ro konad na ati aftel round followed follow edea cioli all moro more de sperato thain tho the siut wt until an aa hour bul ati when both bel lige renti were exhausted ind and tho the appe iral I 1 to be ba inel inclined load to crawl out oat the little one oar how bow ever kept up the fight and finally getting its tinga flogs laii oad ill int its joes 1008 throat threat it ic bell on for a few mo me moat ment whoa when tho the dici then tho couin eror sot to work dragging its ita deal enemy off tho the field the witness now interfered I and his hii comit coat over tho the king 1 jakc captured it ho then the dead rattlesnake sod and found foaad a small holo hole in ia its that being the only vi ti ablo wane I 1 on it afier tearing off the rattles numbering a nod 0 it a button he ba took look them and aad the abo home on rc obiD his hia cibin he succeeded in ia getting the ibo litlie litile itlie itile reptile into a small pickle bottle battle in which he hobot it by express cohr Me oar |