Show NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC las fought uj nil that eo 0 o canao cannot I 1 deal la in two maecs of to lo the lateral Our aelva uj and the ibo public therefore TTO zall hereafter only buy and edh toll tho the 1171 asla d im i M bhoj hivo eo growing la in favor that we iro flad and it next to lo impossible poi aiLIo to sell uj any other wagon ask abb any punoo who hu has bought ono for or the last two tiro yean md and he bo will lull you jou he be has mover laj lad adire k uro or dipoko liow or a wheel broken or out oat of roald no ila will sill til you that the 7 fuh brothers brother wagons run the caskets and ato tho the in ail the of our stock gook of 0 ejk wagons oo on band we TO ir for uli 13 it at cost wo thank the publio lor for sta its sen croud rat conigo a nago la in tho the rut fut ud and shall try to lo yoni year kind fit fas or la in the lh future wo we know irom from ilia lotion letters britton writ ton us lu ind and tho ilia thousands of words tord of common lation received roc cirod from that to la you yon tho the futh brothers brother wagn A offer you yoa the beat wagon on chetty M hicl |