Show the tenon the handsome record achieved by tho the american team at Dolly dollymount mount naturally curlo tily u to the iho history catho bit ALI gentlemen composing it tho the capia of ho buo colona II 11 A ID lawyer by profession ra ua me is i thirty tour four farl old or of medium blight ft a young la is IS a arst cliel claka one OD cool ana 01 ol steady burto 9 the ilo isle war to i enlisted in tho the isola now york lork was sti it tt was TU made ajo prevost marshal of be 2011 army corps tod watched with ralli sherman to the ilia ka ila JQ Is I 1 now DOIT golan a io in tho the now moir york militia major hear aenry y falcon Is id twenty dine years olo old uj Is 0 of madiam height ilia ain record shows how him to bo be the lt boat what in ia tho world during the war tr lio SO sorto l as 11 in ia the ait now york cavalry has bu tom ml ant of the ibo regiment and la is now major on oa tile iho stair ho flo lying ayin on his hii back ibo of his rills laced hla lif lii lie loft or tru battled hn his neck butt bolt of ISU libil ld gun IQ ia till his lift hud hand tho ilia elbow of iiii um arm testing oa tho the ground in the position known as i too abo lorl lord elcho position po 0 1 W llo isle if forty old and of the iho polo atillo company Com piDy reboots le boots trello mado under im li I 1 personal totor vision tishon colonel a I 1 yesra aad DI was w formerly colonel of iho INIS new york militia mill ti mo ho stands about six feel libi Is well toil proportioned mj and straight its ga an indian laili iQ lio ila shoots lo 10 the abo face downward position when firing lie to imm oTaLlo u I 1 rock T S is major geatal of the division HiT N 0 8 N NY Y li is forty four foar old aall pounds ila Is if an Q admirable marksmen and bile colonel bodice la in tho alko face downward poil tion IL 0 coleman Colo who tal biln tho the place OCCO ed last tear by bf L L U hepburn nop burn to lift a cilva uon of GL go hoi N y here lie ho is 11 acil deal of tho iho local nalo lifto club |