Show Di Maggio l Keeps Legs in Shape Ice Skating In spite of the way his boss Col Col- Colonel Col- Col Colonel Colonel onel Ruppert worries about it Joe DI Maggio continues to keep his legs in iny shape by cutting Ice ice ice- ice f skating capers on Lefty Fris- Fris Frisco Frisco co rink New NewYork f York Is a good spot for the Am- Am American American Am- Am Bowling con con con- gress which will beheld beheld be held in New York city next spring I a i a for tor the first time in Joe c Di Maggio thirty seven years It is estimated that there are more than bowl bowl- bowlers bowlers bowlers ers in the city Earl Walsh Fordham football coach soon to be admitted to the New York bar is considering an offer to join a local law firm When won w at Bowie Bowle It was the second time this year thata that a twin had won wn a race Prior to I this season horsemen h couldn't seem to remember when the last twin If any ever wn von The Information I I is provided b by that eminent handi- handi handicapper handicapper handi 1 capper Jerry DeNonno along with I Ithe the added tidbit that his first name really is Jeremias Could C the rib Izzy Jannazzo Is supposed to have broken in the Ross bout have been shattered weeks previously by Ceferino Garcia Glen Glen Cunningham is training daily I at N Y U under the watchful e eye e of Track Coach Emil Von V n EI- EI El ling El-ling hag i The Mr John Bosley who seldom is mentioned when Mrs John Dos Dos- leys ley's lays leys horses win races once was the most celebrated sports member of the family That was twenty five twenty years or so ago when he starred at football and baseball for St Johns John's Md college The Foot Foot- Football Football ball Rules committee would be silly to alter the present rule governing interference with a forward pass I Ir r receiver because of squawks heard this season The truth is that most I coaches teach their defense men to toI I Interfere to get away with it under timid officials So since I even now the helpless receiver is hopelessly mauled a milder milde- penalty for the foul merely would pave the way for tor really serious Injuries Babe Iab Siebert and an Eddie Shore rayed 1 side by side on the Boston C o s ton defense all nil last season with with- without out Jut speak speaking in to each other Clem Clem Loughlin L manager of f the lack Black Hawks remembers the cold cold- cold cs ess es hockey game In which he be ever took look part It was at Edmonton nl n be- be bc tweeD the Edmonton nt n Eskimos and aud the Vancouver Lions Lious It was 47 be- be bel be below low l w zero In the rink and so cold cId the IheI I players cut ofT off the lops fps or f their stockings to use them as car ear muffs I Walter V Camps Camp's Camp s first All AU American team was composed entirely of Big Three players his bis last team in m 1924 1921 was the first one in which no Big Three men appeared For three years 1911 1909 Marquette U tied Notre Dame Dome in the next year Marquette was defeated f 0 by Notre Dame |