Show LAYTON Kenneth Walton Wallon of this place and Bernice Duncan of Centerville were l issued a Q marriage license Saturday John Turner of Bh Bluffdale fdale and Frow of Roy were issued e licenses Monday Clarence Ciarence Mitchell of Clinton and Bernice ice Duncan of Roy were issued issue d marriage license Tuesday at Ogden Mrs Airs Vird Cook and ana Mrs irs J D Cooley attended ed a luncheon and an d lecture at the art barn bam m Salt Lak e Monday Mr Air and Mrs Airs Othello Craig and an d family of Oakland Call Calif are her herfor nere e for an stay Mrs Airs Cliff Edv Edwards and infant t daughter returned Sunday from fro m the Dee Dec positaL Thomas Mrs Mrs Thomas and d daug ugh h tel ter Sally of Oregon were Friday Frida Y visitors of Airs 1 Golden M L Adams Mr Air and Mrs Airs Reed Hatch have haye moved into the home of Mr MI and Mrs Otha OUk K K Green Under the direction of ot Mrs Pearl Nalder the m music sic department p department of of the ton Layton ward Murual Mutual dramatized ed eel three of the hymns at Tuesday 1 evening g and Mi Air Reed l R Reed ed Ellison andson and andson Ellison Ellison son Howard Hoard of or Vanc Vancouver u er B C arrived d in Layton ton ot of spend spend the holi holl holidays holidays days days das with relatives Mr Air and Mrs Airs Merle Warren have moved into the home of Mrs Irs Hor- Hor Hortense tense Hor-tense tense Adams Adorns Evans Mrs Airs Clarence Bone spent a 3 few days last week w at nt Spanish Fork Visiting with her husband who is employed there Big double program at the foxy Roxy theatre Layton Dec 25 26 20 27 Mrs Irs Marwood farwood Layton Loyton entertained the following guests at a bridge luncheon at the Cobble Cottage in Ogden last Thursday Mrs Airs Spencer Adams Mrs Irs Joe Day Mrs Airs Frank Morehouse Mrs Airs Glen Lay Layton lon Mrs Leonard Layton Mrs Irs Golden F FLayton Layton and Mrs Airs Clair Whitesides Mr Air and Mrs Airs James A Higgs recently the birth of or a daughter Mrs Irs OKeith Adams Mrs Don Don- Donald Donald ald Adams Mrs Airs Lloyd Adams Mrs Sam and Mrs Airs Lor Lorin Back Back- man entertained at a miscellaneous shower shower in honor of Mrs Airs Glen Evans f formerly Mrs Airs Adams who was manned recently on Thursday at the home of Mrs Airs Evans Those present besides the hostesses and guest of honor fc were Mrs Ales f Royal Robins Mrs M M 1 1 Mrs Chloe Harris Mrs Airs D D Harris Mrs Ezra Harris Mrs Airs Parley Weaver Mrs Irs David Weaver Mrs Airs Annie Nalder Mrs Airs R W Adams Mrs Mrs Irs George H U Evans Mrs Elmer Evans Evan Mrs Alls Nalder Nalder or er Mrs Airs Bacci Nalder Mrs Airs Charles Sill Mrs Air S H II Nalder Mrs J Wm Firth Mrs Irs Melvin Robins Mrs Irs Ella EUa Dawson Mrs Irs L E Ellison Mrs Archie Allen Alien Mrs Airs Kenneth Allen I Mrs David 0 O Green and Mrs George orge Green The Layton Lylon ward Relief society held a social and Christmas program at the town hall Tuesday William Dawson and David Whitesides White Whitesides Whitesides sides left last Tuesday for Detroit where they will purchase new cars carsto carsto carsto to drive home Cal son of Mr Air and Mrs Airs Ferris Whitesides has his been ill the past two weeks suffering with influenza Mrs Irs Roberts is undergoing in ing treatment at the Dee hospital Mrs Airs Otha Green has been en con con- fined confined lo to her bed the past two weeks s with wilh rAIs Alts Eldon Simmons and Want Infant daughter returned Sunday from the Dee hospital Mrs Airs Harold Ellison entertained in in honor of her son ron John Cooleys Cooley's I birthday Wednesday afternoon The following friends were present Wallie Ramsy CI Clyde dc Parrish David Owen Oven Blen Bien Morgan David Sandal Sandall S 5 D Adams Martin tin Hammer and his school teacher Miss Alias Zora Rob Rob- Roberts Robarts Roberts erts arts |