Show UNION I 1 19 I 1 a PACIFIC q f SYSTEM THE THROUGH CAR ll LINE NE B JULY JUIT JUI T 7 trains arrive and depart nt at salt lake laka city dally daily as aa follows lollo wt from froat all eastern points 10 tt a butte butic portland so san francisco and ogden la OM lato ai TO rom eastern polan park cov and aind ogden 4 2 MP m from sail safi francisc cache vai ICY asin ogden 01 and 1 l a n t p 6 roul ulford san pete VS val i loy oy juall juab provo 0 and na eureka 4 45 P M arrom r roin terminus tofele tooele antt and cofeld 1 4 00 p m T par ogden doiran park city and all eastern points pol iu 7 TOT A EL m ogden and it into points 2 ia 00 16 bro B ro IOU for ogden blat e orl points n ts butte helena per L and city 4 wili P m F for or all eastern points ogdon ogden nid and san francisco 71 P ro for eureka provo nl si san pete valley and iiii milford esain 16 m ifor garfield Garl lold reach and d terminus T 43 P i m trains south of 0 juab ru run 6 dahy ay except trun daily except sunday through pullman palace sleep ors let ft qt improved tour tourist tiit sleepers free TO c lining chair cars elegant day coa clico city ticket office main alain st telephone no ZA D E P BURLIST BURLEY enfrid abent aernt passenger dept it IT 71 clark W MINK E ELLERY JOHN NV W DOANE FREDERICK I 1 H coudret receivers 13 DICKINSON general G annl manager Mao nEer E 1 L L LOMA 0 P at A T A |