Show assessment NOTICE NO 1 the th batra Alfil flolo lir co of Io Loc catlon itil of f principal pal pl place a of 1 ina S salt a I 1 I 1 ajak yau atty utah T territory re location 4 of inana t 1 and I lork mining district diss dias brict J juab nus jil county territory irrl I 1 or of utah notice Is hereby h reb g alvn ik it at at a meet ing of ill thal board bd of r e c I 1 ore 0 of f said corn pa pan is held on the st ath dit day of ii july 1395 aa aano ment Z no a 1 of ont one h halt if cot t 37 c fie per re was wan lev 1 0 on t the he capital stock block of I 1 tho he corpo ratio V aia b I 1 m mod sale y to t tho h secretary ut 1 1 tho office or of the corn com puny any NO 1 iv maja ae rivet salt lako lake city utah a a territory rIt anito any gilck jort upon which this assessment shall remain on y the 2 bolh 0 1 day ay of august IM will I 1 bo be d delinquent idl n avi aint and nil advertised for or sale nals at P public in 10 lon n and nd unless payment la Is me mado it before will I 1 bo be told sold on saturday the ath day of 0 S 0 iss 2991 i to pay aba dolin delinquent sm i aes to jether patr w with th the iha tot coats ot of ad 44 verti an and expense of salo al by order of the tha board of WILLIAM WALLACE secretary salt bait lake city utah july ju y 9 |