Show U f C CERTIFIED CERTIFIED OF 1 p f 1 t i t- t T I 4 J 0 P REPUBLICAN SOCIALIST UNION COMMUNIST DEMOCRATIC i P Pr President I President rl's 1 1 nt EARL BARL DRO pr President NO NORMAN n IAN THOMAS S WIILIAM l A I LElKE LANDON hADON DON LEIGH hA D FR FRANKLIN 1 r NI J IN D J J J ALFRED ll 1 J l IIII A 1 M V vIce President vice vice-I VIce President vice Pr Preal ld d e nt at dent rr l t N 1 r GARNER 1 FRANK h I IP L KNOX 0 N GEORGEA GEORGE A NEI NELSON SON THOMAS I IS S C r O 0 OBRIEN O'BRIEN BRIEN JAMES W V FORD CLAUDE A WATSON 0 0 0 0 r 1 J I I For Presidential Pre Electors Elector n I IVERN For Presidential Electors Elector For Presidential Electors Elector n For Presidential Electors or l-or 0 hectors electors For Pr 0 VERN BULLOUGH U U Ili DeWITT 0 DA DAN LACK BUCK U uANNA FL G y I K A SIRS MRS IRS N SHERM n MRS ELLEN A A ANNA NA M Ii nIi II n II MRS FRANCES G HAND CV LAllAN JAMES oS A l IVERS U Ll ICHARLES DARWIN CONDIE 01 J JACQUES u HOWARD BROWN H LEOTA K K B MRS MARGARET M 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FOl count County Commissioner loner r Year 4 Term For County Commissioner 4 Year Term For Commissioner ioner Year 4 term ferm For or County Commissioner COmm Year 1 Ter tor Far County s s lo n rr ear I T 4 ie 4 ear r Term 0 0 0 0 FRED L RAMPTON RA 0 I Ifor THOMAS rAS t S AMBY BRIGGS I l j lor l'or County Year Term 2 Term car n j jWILL For tor County Commissioner year 2 Term For County Commissioner r Year 2 J Term For tor County Commissioner Year 2 Term for t-or County Commissioner n r Year 2 Term for County Commissioner Year Z Term r f 0 WILLIAM WILL M SIMMONS S I 0 Li 1 J I ALBERT B BARTON BARYON 0 1 A W U LJ For Attorn Fur Attorney n For County Attorney y For County Attorney County Attorney y For lor County AH Attorney 0 r ney For or County Attorney y f fORLANDO 1 1 0 yD D RALPH 0 A SHEFFIELD u LJ ORLANDO J BOWMAN BOW no or L n 1 CONSTITUTIONAL AL A AMENDMENT T N NO TO 1 CONSTITUTIONAL ON AMENDMENT NO 2 CONSTITUTIONAL C AMENDMENT NO 3 I CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT NO 4 A Joint Resolution Proposing an au Amendment of 1 A Joint J R Resolution eso l ll I Proposing an all Amendment to toSA SA A 1 Joint Resolution Proposing an Amendment to I BA A Joint Resolution Proposing an Amen Amendment ment to tu toA A Joint ResolutIon Section 1 of Article VII of t the he Co C Constitution o t t r R Rr- Rr 3 S Section 10 of Article VII 11 of the Constitution Re- Re ReSection Section S 8 of Article X 1 of tho the Constitution Section 18 13 Article XII of the Constitution of theof the of Article XIII of toting lat ng t to the State of tate Executive ve Department Department- r men t I- I IJ l hii r to o Gov Governors Governor's rno's Appointive Appointive Power lo Power Super ter-Super- Super Super- ing to the State Boar Board of E SuP Education Education erin erin- State of Cah Relating o to Liability of U Than ah h as amended Superintendent of 1 Public Instruction i of Public I Instruction tt t of If Public Instruction 1 Bers ers of Banks Bauks bl ble Property Property-IE Property i E to r YES YEH D NO 0 Di 8 YES n C- C U NoLI NO g nYES LI fL LI LINo I I NoD NO o D BYES YES n U NoYEs NO D tu YEs Jd M tt 7 A f STATE TE OF UTAH 53 f ft t J J GOU COUNT Yoh OP DAVIS DAVIS DAVIS I o t tW W o J r lAyt n t o A i 1 i I 1 i r Co bulb lI T f tr C v l 11 lI A 1 li t Sk a J I i fo t l P iS t f lv is a State of Utah T do hereby certify J that 13 tha s sv is a fu full l true an and correct v vy i t t to Copy IP of Gf the Ia names 1 m es of all candidates for office offic duly nominated and to be e vote voted for in in Dais at the GeI General i Election to le tio to be held No c November o er 1 I 1 r t- t tas Mi f o 4 a as s appears on file in m my office i rv I IN N WITNESS IT NESS NESSI I WHEREOF m nEO I 1 I Ii have e hereunto It to s set t In my It hand a nd a and ull ulla a affixed cd my official seal this 2 I st d day y of Octo October A D 1936 q J r J 9 J t I if t I t v r t t PI f 4 J f r y rj 1 4 u g II tn I of r t 11 S u 4 1 r 1 J j I to ii SEAL SEAL County Clerk I r r Receiverships i pS What Price Liquidations Q State Slate State Bank Hank liquidations under Democratic administration have han cost depositors in closed d hanks banks approximately a sum um several times limes the Hie average invested capital of most Utah banks Lanks N New cv Deal Legal Fees Political Political patronage greed and waste have hae cost depositors in six banks a total of for legal fees alone Are Arc you Paying Paying- This Salary One One attorney drew f fees in a year amounting to toA a sum sum seven reven times as great as J the salary of a Justice of the Utah Supreme Court Voting Your Convictions Are rc Arc YOU In favor faor of continuing in office the tho New Deal clique that is il milking the taxpayers taxpayer of the State of Utah LETS LET'S CLEAN HOUSE VOTE REPUBLICAN STRAIGHT Paid Political Advertising by br W S Winder Secretary Republican Republican Republican lican State Committee C rr v Stevens In hi Featuring a f full line of firm is well well known in Ogden at 2536 New Idea Manure and the J I Case way way two and stand plows Phone This and varied s I composed of farm supplies and d arc are the New Ides 1 1 and J L Case Co Coth the worlds world's foremost man manera in tUa t lino Uno As soon a n as and pum market marka rk t if it works to tho the It will bo be the warehouse ir 0 of these dealers dealan itic these thee CO co- co cor r a ti tiva tb tbt ti J t rang afford t w h ro o throw j roper and essential essential On tta contrary now new h to get set the tho maxim from every 7 acre undo unde va |