Show CONGRESS I 1 I 1 SEN il 11 washington inton 9 mr II milton of 1 maine I line of offered ferel art an amendment to astr ic out so much or of the lot of march 1 20 2 1 as provid etl for no in increase or of salaries sali fali I 1 ot tile the pre adent and members of Cong and ac legates aul anil all other offic officers erg therein named asid and every name froia r to in in each semion lie be ono one half balfor of tho the sum allowed and paid prior to the act of or march farch adopted the amendment of mr mot morrill till aps rejected by a vote of 33 13 nor q ana 30 31 acas i I 1 nar mr cragin tr agin of new Hamp hampshire shiro 1 I moved an so 10 as to pr oTilo 10 I 1 that millage mileage ishall tint lint lie allowed allocc 1 for the I 1 fin t effion ot of tle the lorty laird adopted I 1 mr moved an amendment lit tile reduction of salaries herein provided for 1 ur lie be by monthly le de Suction i from said eaid at the rate iary to effect these malhin nine month ii next hereafter Ilen tile hie vote on el 1 this the senate wont nc aion and koon boon lifter after adjourned lu in tho today to lo day air rr moi tons lull 1111 in ill illation to tile ex ec ell lanio ang 0 4 of I 1 national 0 of their own to bo be cancelled or other moony monay to lie be m alie treasury y lor bonien if on dep deposit obit wits taken up ni ith an ameial ment by tile nuance finance committee mr ir D outsell ou tuell in ill tha colima of liln 1011 on oil the lill bill declared a motion leml ial tin in ilia aliapo of circulating antei bete in riot not heing being 1 on tle clemand mand it was wai enone oua flioy veto at the plea pleasing sino of 0 lovern went blitch wail WA tho ap spirit urit tit ot tile law I 1 mr von ell of texas his supino tit lit mr 11 r under baling to ilof tirl t tile tho right of 0 to 11 li government postpone post pono the day of ob guton 9 I 1 without tit I 1 0 lit creten preten pretend l ink ing to niceties of liw lie ho mcw clial wk as a bus anem nian inan that it 11 any individual under understood to give out annb anth baj ro 1113 3 counti would compell hidu III 11 in to pay I 1 lla lo 10 believed tile intention of tile lib lat was via good and nd lit ifould I 1 pay bee notes ai 24 early sa itle mr flows said baid that tho the senator from attil mr boutwell had n a dit I 1 mission ail tor for five or six years ast the chii government hd been acting indiscreetly in maintaining its id delc deferred pron iio wei in value to gold lie ile dionot mo oliero chero lial hall tiace any AMY iscis step to that is libil haa but lit gov T ind n not of alo rage morning r n hour having expired tho the senate NI the consi aeration of the salary liu bill mr sargent mii mi I ho he thought it for tho the bill now under c a that the senate lito last lastocy aca 11 ing amendment of rell thaman croul 31 aryland mr ir hamilton no he con chuu I 1 1 I not move a or of the not havins having voted but lilt he be hoped some senator who dill voto vote in in t alio llio I 1 to affirmative would wave to to recon sacr the amendment of mr edmunda ld mundi offered last e citing that the reduction n of f salaries should take ac deflect from march M arch 1 I lit 3 i and that ihal tho the accounting officers 0 of f the llie treasury shall compute coi aputo coal I 1 n eating unit and dunlo in lc a ratib ratio able I 1 mout monthly bily reduction front a 8 ti lid I iala rici at t lie rate to 1 effect iiii provi sion fion wit lilliin hin nine tit fit 1 ii next licit hereafter bejot I 1 d J ir Iti ronan to K I 1 hut ts tn ol of the he after lili V lional lion ll lio ile sa lk at AL lct mr clinton moved tit t ree eunit lown liar linio linioul nl nunzito nun ruen lito tito tile ot of tin th 1 arvie awl ami milli iu in tn lo llort the lynli 1 11 looking I 1 tile tho gendral ro baeli il it of all sal arici of 0 goci n mant olli icis alli iolli ril tary ai fur 1 qs it il knull io 10 dono iii and t at is 8 aarel io 1 to tile 31 nal it iro ire rf of services I 1 after the and were lazi ted asking askin g nil amendment to the lie iby ir from pul iliac ili ic almli 1410 reported portel re tio bill or cje relict rif rat ao ngee ami nil im Bettl els nil fin aurs I 1 wa alnio etoia et aiu in tile tlc alc HOUTO house aliis i morn morri iusa tug a flutener flu teber or bills were rel card i including tile bill to regulate drawing I 1 in alic bics court rile commit fee on al re 1 dijt rijt cd c 1 special anler for ved neidah next A bill ill wi wa 4 palsied reini baring ase I 1 ettril iti n t hillhouse ol of new york P silv the ol 01 alm 01 ol iliin 4 1 I roin office I 1 airi 0 egeli no janis liall holhi own f ir r 0 enfil neil a Illen lor ild from lo ilia 10 nat irmil lioanel of for ir a comina ii n con sl ing of alio llio conral an binl 1 sewen bankers and ail to revise tile lank tal mill 1111 1 I 1 ill ilan 1 fr for IL 11 annl til at |