Show et jc L ito ate S column the th it not responsible for the th of in correspondents it tanu to be b ilia paper of tho the pe oplis md and its ita columns are open opa to M all harln soone thi to say my requiring illy that it il it be uil said hiir 11 11 OU or j n R IV nic rn ER IC OIL buol i r s aili 1 labz cvek ti jm jl 31 siw yafa editor salt sall aoki fali t Z tho the nomination of lf mr J T it alker wilbir for tho ilia to is I 1 1110 ant to see lee ro chiting ro this is i as ai it u 1 conf if bo for though thoro thore may maj bo be men hero here vi he bo might do for ge god might bo be bot botar tr ULUI blything thing we vo lui far bad be bc 1 fore forck boiu its wo LATO re not ono whom wo e k know u wall M u wo we ir ad i a territory know mr walker who could kt at all a till ith still I 1 mr walker has bu no handle to 0 o him name I 1 lit he is neither a judged jandrt i colonel nor I 1 I 1 but ho he is a plain deninn is mm man whom money cannot and h 0 1 fLeU of by his hid honest b ecart 1 r tad md iron ru vill bo made mado sat to tho the of the ono great end the welfare of the territory in ulius mr NI iker to give tho the attention necessary to 0 o fill the mentioned it is about troal lo 10 10 aking of him it n bea hetty donation ass a all ir ln w 0 is connio lion will admit and la in this pon do it is 1 a lines I 1 too much to ask of any ci cluzen aize n b but atilia in hoods a of mr walker we ITI sure thethis chit thu with irell I 1 hta aa T notting to do wit Is hu his acca to tic 0 or refusal of the iho tut fur wo we latheo bo helis abe bittl lie would cyb to gua gain complita leta led DI satisfactory adjustment of tho the great camph tho U problem the th loyalty mid and of 0 mr walker I 1 u boj an r anyone who knows known any thing of his capacity and managerial ability can caa hato bare no doubt of its cotero cotiro fitness fur the ollice ile he lit u boated in ID the I 1 ardella ri e lice llo lie ilse hag wm seen utah abon isen i A C cloud oud ne a k its midnight d the ibo terri 0 orr ind its ita bat le he dul did that bok d es poDa n and with a nor loir ol 01 other wave it I 1 ill I 1 0 it lifted tho the pill sufficiently to sea ee tho a I 1 blue sky iky beyond bc joad md and icon from then th a ajl I 1 DOTT IT bo 0 baa uttered bunham ft inan won vo imd mr a fitt ingre in fact none better can bo be named mr W u is oot not a of any ajo has recal received Tod no di bloms but bat in point of com coin mon education and real ml brain power ho he is it ft long ty y of tho the ft Torao of uch such men ako tko tho kind of ability pote cased ened by mr W is ia tho the one thing needful at the present time lg is no ora orator for the stamp la is not his forto forte he is ft a financier led when ho he handled terri tonal or other funds the result will mil bo be attained t ho he adnot bo be titled with no a that if in tho the ranks of those thoo who are supporting orLing him bim there are ro any DT eucke euc lauc kr kers 11 they might la well let go leold ho he cannot bo be intimidated hu but put life lico for twenty yean prove um ho he is 18 not a wan of petty prejudices u Is plainly manifested in tho the bonor lionor ablo aoam pursued bojum by win in business relations ii rr I 1 he wre were a mormon oneater aler nono DOUG could blamo um for he bo bait bae suffer buffered oa enough nt lit the hands of a big teil clique to make hini him an all undying enemy tat but his bid are too to admit of UIT stints moh thing dir I 1 badly it bu bad tho ilia chopo of that rob walker would on ODD 0 day bo be governor of thu this territory and now uio tho prospects are ro fair for lu its fulfillment I 1 wn kin glad you mado tho this nomination and aad I 1 believe it will be successful cr |