Show HADIX or 01 THE rt PT it LA tn it I 1 from le TZ Qoria lie this is M the beginning of a new year let is us look back nt at the events ot of the past twelve and see what the world brig boen been doing what great calamities M have hare acou occurred what blessings have been achieved what national boundaries have been moved who among the great of the earth have left it although the past year has haa been anu unu unusually eldaly aiom war except in the form of 0 insurrection where insurrection was to be expected tho the 1 ontas havo have been fruitful of disaster M storm carth earthquake quake fire and flood laic have followed the retreating days and has isa walked in the shadow of ra famine luine thousands Thou sanda of vessels of all classes among them many ocean steamers meirs have ha TO succumbed to reef and tempest resulting in great less lass of lifo life and prop property C arty on tho the northern lakes alone no less ices thin than vessels were les destroyed 11 luring during the year year property to 0 ailcy the le value lue of perhaps Sl lias has been destroyed by fire cra I 1 in a the united sta tes and smallpox small emall pox poz and other malignant diseases have swelled the lists lisla of the dead to unusual pro portions many of the great men of 0 the nation iaac mageed laway away states mon MOD poets had and miri men of learning yet tho the republic las has prospered greatly all over the land the harvest has been abundant and plenty sits ells upon every nevery threshold the people have increased in wealth and knowledge and mao made a rear boarer er ari raach to the true principles or of republican ab can government in referring fe an fn to b the leading events of the acar wo we will commence with torelli adorth Arn arnersen erlen in the united states the most ini in event of tho the year was the reelection of 1 reticent ret ident grant and the thaid thi rd national triumph of the republican pul lican party this event also chronicles the death of the democratic j darty ariy is M a distinct and political organization gan it biving virta virtually ally abandoned il atil the iho principles which give gave it vitality t ft in III the past in m nominating mr mi and in dorsing 11 the cincinnati platform the elections of year also reaul resulted fed rn fa an aa increase of the republican majority in both houses of congress the passage of a new Ani DOity bill by congress was one of the notable events of the year under its ita mag DOUS provisions less than chaa two hundred of the hundreds ol of thousands of rebels which were lately in a ring arms ag against t the Government aro exempted fl he fill fall rights righta I 1 of citizenship A new congressional apportionment law has been given us equalizing and considerably increasing the aggregate aggregate representation in congress an question has been set at rest by a deci decision stoa of the supreme c me court of the united states pronouncing constitutional the legal tender act all our difficulties with england have been peacefully and satisfactorily adjusted by arbitration under the 17 washington ashin ton treaty tho the geneva Confer conference enie settled the alabama alabam a controversy it tro versy by the award to tho the united states of damages the sea an juan boundary misunderstanding was submitted to ho arbitration ot of emperor william of germany Germa oy who gave us 03 the he island of sau juan an ani and i I 1 the h C D do ciaro channel connel for a boundary in ID response to this decision de casion tho the english troops tb that at had so 80 long g garrisoned arri a portion of the island have haro been withdrawn and the question has ha been I 1 finally set act at rest tic the bor sejin tho the eastorn rastra states hare from a fatal disease disease has carried off many tha 1 teem during durigg the past three months a aud beriou ly interfered with the 0 operations r orations crat ions of 0 trado trade in tho larger cities the disease came from canada and in now new york spread pread rapidly westward and is 11 belill ti H raging with will c 13 ia some BOOKS of tho the stirn Wt stern irn states many disastrous firel bavo 0 occurred daring the year the in most ost destruct 66 of which was in boston which destroyed property to tho the value of lc be between GO and tho the polar expedition under cap tain hall fitted out by tho the government ment for the exploration of the arctic regions hail had made pro grew gress when last heard from and it is h hopal 0 p e d tah ilat a h bo a will be able oble to ilene t artita r u t a ilo 0 cap open ou polar sea next summer anil and solve the mystery which has baa so EO long iong hung bung ayer that icebound ice bound region I 1 the he purchase of tao ho day bay of samana sam lua rr from ona tho dominican government by a company ot of new york ca capitalists pata lists is a significant event the audacity auJa city as well as the vast purchasing power of the laires of tho the great cities of the kast fast the tbt griborn orl horn pacific Iaci fic railroad Kail road has been pushed vigorously forward durin ing the year and has reached a some four hundred miles west of civili zit tion lu its completion is predicted wl thiu the next lour or five fire year yeam out our relations with mexico are arc less leis sat bruc tory than could bo be desired owing to the pillage of the tha texas fron frontier tir by hand or of armed lurig the he put past seven years A comi up pointed to iti quiro into the watter report damages from this cuse cause to 10 them the extent of over the of this claim claici will lead to lo difficulty an a willy largo number or of per er from froia in the lisl last ern era cities last summer bummer as many as IS cap sea haynig been re arted in a new york city iu a biaglo a ly day a majority of them provide fatal the smallpox small pox has haa to a cude rl crable extent III iu the abu eastern cities aud aad a few cow esses cases of cholera cli olera and reported in k last alit summer bummer ilo I 1 lo 10 visit to thia country of another Japa mbaba y under the guld race anco of minister lie de long give gave promise of tho the of better belter re lations with the Jap japanese anete empire but recently events there do not dot encourage tho the liopo hope of oc securing curing ana ny especial advantage ibis visit of japanese notables daring tho the past year tho the national debt has been dc decreased creased abbat tuc the death of kin king a Kamelia meba of tha hawaiian islands a prospect of the of 1 ala I a group to the united states amoda the notable deater in 10 the united el states during daring the past year may be mentioned major general halleck alleck II major general meade I 1 major general anderson Ander soD the hero of fort sumter william 11 II hewri Se greeley Gr celcy james gordon bennett professor norse morse ex lost postmaster master gentral randall Ki humphrey mahall governor johnson ot of Peno sylv ani a P edwin correct james E murdoc mardock Mardo cb b professor upham T buchanan bachanan read rea d archbishop spaulding and Mr sParton sParto n 11 fanny fern coming coining dearer lome home during daring the past year many new mines of great value have been discovered and de dc in nevada and our bullion product will foot up about mexico remains in au an unsettled c con on with another revolution lorcata ening the death of juarez filled the republic with gloom the election n to the presidency of lerdo do tejada filled it with joy and bis big inauguration 0 filled st it with a desire for another revolution ju juarez arez su suppressed ed the revolution or of diaz and so I 1 died fi arless a tejada will probably die in attempts attempting lag to suppress I 1 the he revolution now threaten ing the cuban patriots pil pit riols riots lave gained both ground and strength during the past list year acar rod their cause looks today to day than it did in january 1872 in tho the present revolutionary condition of spain the p patriots atri find abundant reasons fur fir hope the republics of central america have hare remained remarkably tranquil during the year and no DO of importance lias bag occurred mouth america few revolutions of consequence have occurred in any odthe of the south american ro republics publics during the year last july in peru ieru C z io inaugurated augur a revolution proclaimed himself dictator and president r dalta alta TO the people op e indignant indi geant at the murdo murder captured capt d guticrrez G t killed him and burned b bis is body prado was then inaugurated president this ended the revolution which was ono on of tho most serious outbreaks that occurred in ia south america during the year through the of the united staten a treaty of peace has been negotiated between spain and chili and peru but it is now stated that peru will not ratify the treaty b because it binds binda her not to assist tho the cuban patriots for a time war between brazil and A argentine argentino was threatened growing crowing out of the paraguayan war but the difficulty was settled without resort to europe during the past year apts jae been made mada to assassinate sinate the iol following follow inc european arop can rulers I zing king A amascus of spain queen victoria and president thiers nono none of the attempts succeeded daring the months of october and november terrible storms visited northera Nort Nor herc europe inua inundating dating towns and cities nuj and tiding doing immense damage to shipping portions of france and it italy y were also inundated tho the exodus of thousands of if persons from alsace and lorraine forms forma a sad aba chapter p ter in the history of the year unwilling U ato to transfer their allegiance to germany r y they left their tomes homes by thousands sacrificing everything and crossed int into france the action of germany in expelling the jesuits from gernian soil is ia a a significant g ant oyent of the past jeer the pope has given givan the act his hia condemnation but his voice is impotent against the will two or three revolutions have been suppressed in spain but the republicans are gaining strength and Amad amadeus cussi eita ta insecurely upon the throne of isabella the meeting lometing loc eting of tic emperors of ol 01 russia and prussia at berlin wits was the th theme of much comment but t liine nae alone can determine deter miao the significance odthe of the confer conference erce last spring aprie the cholera made tta its appearance in russia and a few cases ot it wore were brought to hungary and gome of ibo cities ortho of I 1 bo Nedi A mediterranean but its advance through europe was checked karly early in the yo byoir the made its appearance in england Eo gland carrying off a large number of cattle but abo ho plague pa ue no longer r cs es ests IS with the exception on of 0 the riots in ireland ha been comparatively quick during the thoy year car and andl fenian nian let leni I 1 i seems to have bloo pretty thoroughly crushed the conspiracy piracy which developed itself in a few mouths was wag without difficulty and russia is u ilow at within her own borders the pope and victor emahuel uio life oa no bettor belter borms torms thau they were aue 1 I e year I 1 ear ago not net long bauce the death ol 01 charles arks XV king of occurred ills brother oscar to the ilc brooe brone t among the noted deaths in europe du during ling the year ma duay y la be mentioned irinca IF I 1 ties abracht comm alderin chief of austrian ormy briny prince albeit brother of william Wil lini of gr get kanj mae y M U kaisar the german astron outer end thiophile gau tiar tir the I 1 tenth ana nl critic asia ada IG alloi sia iia las ban been pushing her conquest iota into the heart of aoa aia during tho j acar ear and is now menacing 0 K chivi va the khan applied to I 1 england for succor coor but the czar has been informed that he will not bo be interfered with in that quarter if ho he will agree not to ex tend bis big 0 operations po rations into afghanistan the c cholera to era has baa carried off ands iri in india and during the year and liag has not yet disappeared the city of le hamachi i in asiatic russia a place of or in habitants was almost completely do dc strayed by nn an earthquake last and about one hall half the iho inhabiting were killed little change has occurred in the be affairs of china and japan during I 1 the he year the rebellion has baa been completely suppressed ja in china and ila ia japan the party opposed to foreigners forc ignera seems to be gaining strength arrien africa the klic khedive dive of agypt has li ba como coiro ambitious and under the pretext of assisting asa inting in suppressing the ibo slave trade is niovi moving ng adargo arme 14 expedit expedition iou up the nile uia ilia purpose is the alic annexy tiou tion at the nile provinces cs and possibly abyssinia to egypt go le possesses wealth ambition and energy and will enoa extend estand the iho boundaries of lis bis viceroyalty vice royalty into the tha heart of africa the relief of tone by stan ley was one tf the interesting C events of they car zanzibar was wag almost totally destroyed by a hurricane last marca ch the damage was waa I 1 attention Atton lion hating been directed to the continuation ou ot the slavo alive trade in cantral africa chii christian power 5 are arjang ar rang g to put pat ft stop to it I 1 tho irb yi yield d odthe fiela s of south arr antici ca has no been great daring the iho year the dla diamonds aro are quite u 1 to abundant abaid tnt but the of all found ou ud are arc of poor quality |