Show brwn EWA the 1 report for 1871 18 I 1 his has just J 1 bee been n published showing tho the satin factory i t ory result that bit the tha state receipts bat hare ve exceeded the carimal i by about roubles coubles rou bles yielding in round figureA instead of as anticipated rouble i 11 the inundations in paris he have 9 11 birth to a flow BOW trade whose practitioners I 1 are known as of alo it e seine their commerce consult consists in exploring the he inundated covi environs of paris and nd in collecting wrecked property from the water according to recent recant arrangements the forthcoming exhibit lion at vienna will ill boutain a special department for arms arena and ion 1 I ammunitions 60 arranged ai to show the ho progress achieved in this during the lul 1931 twenty years intending travelers travo lers to europe E this ibis year r will bo be glad gisa to hear bear that an effort e i ana is being in C made in venice to put pat sown the lab 0 practice oo co jeneral general among shopkeepers of continental C 11 europe of asking double for their wares and to fix ane t e prices at a tain tariff an aa aral arab surgeon turg too ali bay aey who liaa has just evered tho the mother of tho the of egypt of a serious malady which had deeply affected her health I 1 has received from froin his hia patient a foe fee of f and has been ra ieca by the viceroy to 0 o the ran rank k of pasha tho the swiss times is informed ormid that Hess rs byrd and matteini the well known bankers of florence themselves have pir arb ticul arly distinguished tenders toa by D the aid they have generously tendered to americas tourists touris too left without bj by the be failure of brothers it co 0 it is a s I 1 singular fic fac thai eliat of tile the tb ce engi neals who lad tho the contract for constructing the mont conis tunnel So Som ciller la is dead grandia and grattoni aneano the cause of gratton Grat tonu is insanity is by h his physicians phy 8 iciano to an over me of lair hair il jo el hongly 0 impregnated bated with mer inter cury A religious dispute jian hap arista arisen in tunisia in bohemia Boll emlia whre the catholic clergy based to allow a calvinist to be buried in bleir tl cir graveyard which is the only burial place belonging to tle tie town tho the government occupied tho the graveyard by force with gen darmes and hid bid the corpse buried with popular religious rites I 1 the th form is being cast for iho 60 em m borg bell for the cathedral at rc logaa tho the metal for which w aich has been provided provid cil from ron captured capture il french cin can coo con it covers a circle of forty square meters the cla clapper riper will weigh near a tou ton the tha casting will be begun in my and 1 I the bell will bo loft a fall mouth month in in tho the form to cool admiral alden and his bis officers ga aavo va a matinee to the american and other leading residents of nice on board the flagship babosh 11 Abash on the ath of if december upward or of one hundred and fifty persons were present including general schenck the toilettes toi lettes were splendid dancing was kept up until five in the afternoon ft |