Show I 1 THE eire HI A AND ND TI THE 11 MIDDLE CLISS CLASS utah in toe ito past his bis been cursed with the aims and policies oi of two radically radi cally opposing parties extremes hava characterized the majority both in their mode of thoughts and actions men hive have pissed passed from ono extreme to the other and have neither appreciated their owa ora condition nor the condition of othora ollic rs and seldom has one opposing party done justice to the other side bide the consequence is ia that there has been but liddo disposition to give fair play t to 0 the minority or to the by the dominant party but to crush all op appo ao 10 s allon out of existence and to stifle free thought notwithstanding an honorable honor ble opposition gives to society health lao and d tig vigor or and free thought cli charges cliart arg 9 it with the impulses impulse of progress and enterprise on oa the other hand the minority in utah has haj been beau equally as 03 indisposed to respect the rights of the old settlers and to do justice to their motives their acts act and their quality as a christian community but would fain cut them out ont ss as the loathsome ulcer which has grown out of th the american nation ind bud the existence i of which even for another day they declare to be a disgrace to modern cit the fact is utah society in the past has been in ia a very morbid condition nor is it yet cured though it is u daily AV approximating a more healthy state the primitive aims of the first settlers as the peculiar and chosen people to whom they arrogated arrogate at rig rightly hajy belonged this c en n tiro are country and the absolute gorcon meat thereof brought forth a corresponding reaction thus V abil hile the old settlers wed used to treat the gentiles as lit in ers ia a this tau territory and wo would ill a imperatively bloomia ana the to 6 get out of the country cOl lutrY a bert certain alil I 1 class of the newcomers would igno ignore re all the original on einal rights of or the mon men who have hare built up utah and who are arc largely in tho majo majority ri ty while some who have se EC ceded fronk from tho the mormons cormons hate wit with I 1 I 1 a morbid vindictive liess and a total in 1 consistency everything which they have once been irence hitherto the conflicting elements clement of utah society y mayowen bavo abc commonwealth OIL as well as to individual cc enterprise tr 1 and interest in the first place 1 in the life past utah hu hai not been blessed with li n legitimate Ile publican gove govern ra I 1 becat man including of nr cour course c that of the city council and the az as well as the federal rule nor has haa it po posa tin an Jiom honorable raUt opposition iO it to cora m feet the eelig agitate for the right anil ana help to bring about A thorough deput lie lican an rule by an irresistible moral force but tho the hope of utah U tall lies in her I 1 ifil middle ddll class belong to neither extremes 93 and who tend to neither but whose eyes art are directly fixed filed upon tho the welfare of the tha territory and the good of the entire people without res respect P cot to parties or beef 3 and whose every imi im i pulse prOmpt ithem to a hold bold warfare acuest despotism on ono one eido aide and nd political coteries bud and their ruh rul or of ruin in policy on oil the other jhc thc IQ middle less class men luen are arc a legitimate class in every nation but in great brit britann aln and I 1 Alu america erica they have been huot d dc C fined filled and potent jo jn england they not only created the COMi commerce nerce and trade 0 01 the count country ayi and alid made her nation of 1 which overwhelmed ed napoleon PO I 1 con but that middle elms dus have created tile tha I 1 adlish aglish commons common or of to toi day the land croul liage rail brud and and given to jho pet pei pk PIC t As 9 for far as aa republican amer america is a paralle paral lil 0 to o monarchal a S her middle ti alii 44 ss 1 I or more serl el rielly otly r lair ter brij and commercial alam have given tie ich prosper 1 ty bud nd tu the U united a itea ettes att wilo while too often politicians and been but ai thi vultures fired P preying ug on her I 1 atall now utah 10 in MADY respect is ii like filo au 1 I 1 an 11 I 1 W 6 or three cent centuries i CS agai slid shobei 1 lai I 1 cc K be redeemed dd from a epee c B of kinge raft on one side lido and lep kept froin the it auja or do demagogues mag and adventurers on the other like Eo EDg landi gland too tho be destiny of utah 10 lo do ponds on her industry her commerce and ancl lier her native wealth tuch such as that of coal iron irga alver nad bad leid leai iler her future irel thess has haj but little to td do with priestly domini domination tiou and monopolies mono polita or with politics poli lica ind bud tammany Ti rings her Ifer vilot and nd her boundless health will tale her ber out of the lands of 0 both and nj the class which doods most to encourage the one ind ana develop ilia other oilier will till become the uio t potent and the in it fulfilling her a ilas CA tiny i the middio ch men in lull clr ir lave then iho most moet decided ind and important pitt part to a play in tin the future T alicy ley will bo be formed of our old men who helped so no much t 0 build i ld u up utah labut buc me men n 0 cf abo 0 m ciuca S who are re now pouring in all host who sent money and the various br brandies inches of industry with tho the Ueral id nil ions and nd lie conseen adae those thoe conservative Oc gentiles attles are now BOI CAW called jack Mor loimoc lor moc mons even as t llo lib liberalized e a ize cormons mormons iro are called op lod nut u these middle chuwa mes men W will aby by a and it by F become so BO numerous and iffla ell bial in io U utah tah that they will balance all other eta claires mes rod and redeem the iho country from sea se lionil strife and the war wait of social and political of religious and commercial bates call all this class clas a the if f you yoa but they will straddle raddle Et the it back bone of the situation and riding round the course will win t ac he to race ce |