Show L LARGE ARGE quantities of iron ore have been found in flame which i it is proposed to open up in 10 order to r iupe 11 iron iran for or the NOW hew Jn jaud marlet marLc fc tilt annual value of iron manufactured edits ia this country is the wigs bif ot labor upon it must wg exceed d and the number of workmen employed in it is 9 allowing the usual bumbers to the work mecis families oue of the tha entire population of the united tates is 11 seen seea to be dePend dependent ont upon the ibe production nod and of iron ter jor support AC t to the llo ad london 10 koono mut mist durin during abo past ten years cars the ex ci part ort of cold y from the colo dies was tactless than linn ounce or about all and athe alo old coin export expert baa been ena about out i during criag the ten years yea 1 ceding this time tim C the alic call it of r eold a haq i about equal to IQ t abo 0 a above ve fiuren fiu gur if this is co r t the 0 tad C export port 0 cold from tb hew colonies to afi unco TICO t abo 0 first discoveries of the diggings cannot lavo havo acco less th ahja do yield 01 ol Cali california furnia durins during a lilo ILLO period Is ia estimated at giving a atus ETO S total aiom these two important bics of the precious M betl atai of OL chokilo CHOO 0 W ilO s addad all d to ta chri til wealth ol of mhd carld wr lItin sil ra A 1 ka I 1 I 1 hofts DOZ aes ues wo 5 that in ia be very cory city of efler son on the capital of the great state or ol missouri no DO citizen is moro matthews the deltor is i a druggist and ts as a eouse benee I 1 sells illa everything pertaining to ll 11 abc C healing tart art one bright summer day i a laj ad ta u cred his tore store ual and asked for a bottlo of 0 jog dog oil od the derk clerk him that thai none noab was there vi AS the ali toy boy was baa leaving tho alio doctor who ho wan wad silling in tho in 1 runt or alic etore storo I 1 cd him hu hall labe 1011 DOX 1 baill tho the boy what did alij you ou tell hini him smith 2 aecil acl the ilia doctor of im hii ark clcil 1 I etolil etolil lint we have any ni N cooil do 10 oll oil Is out oli torl or bitet wac all gone well well you come hero in an ane OUT nour c find od you ran can have your dog oil od when 11 the boy be ld had left lef tho the duo 1 tor reprimanded his hia clerk cleric for not having say 1107 article called for and directed lim to ill fill the tb bottle with lard oil god BD charge the tda boy a dollar by and by the boy ca back fht did you want dog oil for said tho doctor has h the 11 said the toy boy bob oh yes faid ilia doctor ive good lor for that and burns and and scalds nod and every everything dog oil ad 19 awful do you tco see hinal pointing to I 1 big bie newfoundland dog lying in the tho door loor 11 aci raid the boy docs Ho cs next |