Show OCAL parliaments FOR IREA IKEA LAND AND SCOTLAND aka 5 h alwn 1 gre few ltv days day since rela tT flErl E Is proposed measure corff or j alt ulain ireland gave a 2 very cw of 0 ill tl matter the diss ata V asad or on a lottor ro from the ex c premier of england atia to the tha 1017 the new iw york world with the ho mala malat t he letter public in this thin lette i r ilie erl lyte declaring that his hia object was M to employ every means to promote irish ampry meet tod land bring about irish prosperity faid aid 1 j but I 1 rr fear that out it if art u craid parliament Puli mat 1 Is mt lot up in ireland all bar ener gift will bo waited in political contention I 1 therefore clfton tb wish ih to divert the b forca ore wh hka likht siro pow best end ad comfort instead of cobren mitat rating them la in a manner to produces conflagration thiele the mote more necessary as tho the irish nature is so 0 o verp my inflammable that it IS potters ft a boci firo to oo do of ef A moderate mol cf fire I 1 faer bowelet r thet at wisdom will b be wanting both I 1 ia d aud id ireland I 1 f this without fur further ther I 1 ROOMS ncoma to convoy the ides idea that shut tl ex a was wall averse MI cs of an a iria parliament whereas W I 1 10 tess he be proposes to establish I 1 ato ta vincill parliaments both for ireland iod land od scotland rese mg oni our stag slat leaving the imperial aar crt of great britain intact AS a S re redena derall flo casta liko like the ilia american con coa 9 bres bre reits s Wh what tEarl ear russell fears is an irish imperial parliament breaking up the united kingda King dm mauie ireland anin an depe adent nation dation and of course in that case a republic to prevent such it a consummation yet ret to secure wholesome and effectual homo rule role for ireland le he proposes pro poe host those provincial I 1 aar or hament both for ireland and scotland in hia big letter to tho the london of august oth OIL earl I 1 arl russell thus touches this thia port part of his hia proposed cill bill upon home rule role the of local legislation ia ono too largo to be b property treated in ID uio the present let ter it appears to IQ me ino that if inland mr to ta be shoed to elect a representative ait embly for each catch of ef its four pro of 0 Loi neuT lf 1 bacr 11 boiter munster oo iter lad connaught aud and if at scot 1 ikid ad in ia ft a similar manner were to bo be divided into Lait bada aad for each province a rr tive si the local wants of ar brider it ider au binl Ib might be M bottor bolter pro aided for than they aro a I 1 the imperial parliament dijt adgit ga W I 1 its iti hold ova this legislation and refuse if is ft so BO chow chose to gin cire a third reading to aaa bill t to oa lu first fint and aad second ru and a oa the die report by tho loul aaion my 33 lut M this ui as too iano ft rubout to ta actor upon in tho the lottor I 1 la tho course of the winter to te explain to a a pow plains tho the w courm w which I 1 might ho be to tho she aln caf s at ufa of the nation at largo what the worlds correspondent is ia now authorized to intake known to the iho public of the er CX I 1 s mio mind a is that in ia his forthcoming pamphlet ho be will not retreat from but on tho the contrary strengthen and hold with a firmer grip than ever the position ho he at first assum assumed ed at first his project of provin cial parliaments was scouted as utopian and d his bis lordship ws was cli charged arged with having 4 shown the gul gullibility or age in in ta talin I 1 lo 10 in good laith faith the irith irish professions S I 1 ous of simple local aims it was argued 9 gued od that hat they would won soon aspire to become imp imperial crial and breaking off from tho the federal union would set up an independent republic Kc Re public upon this point the authorized correspondent explaining him observes it is ii clear that tho the english wu wait not blind to tho the danger lot but being equally lio ahlo to the be P 1 1 lity at t ewt baini enog bettor of 1 bitof the iruh irah demand lio be as a k should to the two ilia his four our assemblies aro are thO theofore fore SO 0 o many counter scan forest own to th shot asinjo irith parliament vall be provocative of political politic in 0 o a I 1 ia the hoax hoa ab tho soar would 0 U d d 1 ll 11 0 tl alu force 1 t I 1 orritt delaio t 1 nd ibm make 1 intili 1 i u it acro c iho of the project to Scat scotland iI 1 also I provincial parliaments dil 1 d 9 it her or into provinces of the ud s and uio tho lowlands IOwla is decidedly wise this would put ireland on the necessity of follow following ilig or of conforming to the example P w of scotland and she is conservative loyal and protestant aria and utterly indis india for a separate nationality it is SILO gether different with her t today to 0 d day ay from what it was in the time of tho the edwards wallaces ini and the brums since the day james IV il married margaret of ragland Hn glaDd sister of henry these ancient kingdoms ling doms havo have been browine naturally into one nation by tho the blood relationship rc lation aap of their princes until it became united in the stuarts smarts and is still united in the present royal family which inherit tho the brit british is h throne not DS as gormin german relations but bat us as the he descendants ts of elizabeth stuart the favorite 0 of the puritans Pu sister crof of charles L the ill fated queen of bohemia and mother of sophia of hanover so that all which remains of the monarchy archy is u sul embodied bodied in princes of scotch not aag lija liili descent scotland is much letter better prepared than biats ireland for a federal union of ol 01 states such euch as farl earl RhE sells scheme would I 1 virtually create both thil tin gent Scot and ho he are arc today to day the republican type of maix ill til cici couldry coif cout Mj dry and are arc julto prepared to got up tho ilia united states of ol 01 great britain adopting all 11 our improvements improvements on national nation institutions ons as illustrated by russells Eus solla scheme so eo that the he baro bare form of monarchy chy bo be retained but the irish are not st at EO 80 much MUC h prepared prepare d f for or 46 united states stales empire in their own country as they ire are in this in Irola ireland nl they too much if incline icline for the scra separate rato slid and independent nationally Batio nalty this is 6 now the croul trouble a in the home basin question but lord jobby ingenious scheme is u offered as tho the solution the CX ci Pr premier in not be able to carry his a bill at the onset but it if the lie veteran statesman stat esmao man who is eighty one olle years of age lives it a few cars longer he be will wil certainly we bee via his scheme realized I 1 for great britain is as surely burcl traveling again towards tow irda a cone commonwealth this time lime the united states of 0 greater great britain I 1 etain with the bare faton arthial farm formas as that we all sao aia approaching the to tomorrow morro ir |