Show ift A j j i f j 1 4 ar f acts 7 1 MIDNIGHT midnight dispatches I 1 fj ai a 11 ml iad I 1 hucal HH 1 cAl 10 hii agton pa P C 2 rathe the fullow in ng F i iii tile alio lat ement of jay cooke to tic J kaaya Ys and maani c regarding lin lie tir inactions of the Kyn syndicate dicato valley under arrangement it wilh ith the beem liay of 1 he treasury the indicate arr are allowed whatever remains or of one half orone of one tift cent provided by I 1 law aw 4 t that ll 11 I 1 is the like entire government pays there are arc of course incidental advant ig such as a aure allowed under rader alio llio Treasury low law to Nati nations bank babli that become depositories repositories deposit ories of the gov CloWe clomenti by depO securities and emch which arrange arran pc menti dij iAl io in ithe of hie lie baline and comi newe of the entin country try T fo for III il if the whole amount ali nh alia ho ie patent some tiina I 1 IIA la to 11 credit wasi thrown into there to remain locked up and i idu ile it would contilli con the llie bus I 1 n if the world I 1 akay tile lanka in ill cillen tally get all li a through belz taits asi 1 it lil a the government lovern ment losta loses bothin bocan 0 o itie nullify money would 01 otherwise IKI blerot idle lie in in ito sub gre roan auntry iry rail find draw no no I 1 i mr kelly ono half per cent and nd to retain money on deposit until in int t payment of called bonda mr co caolo ko elitt ia h all keff the banks honc hovi vcr over really imarean adenago of months in terest on the money how flow 11 14 that worth to ake t cooko 1 I could not answer that que irs ai tion some would make more al and ad auto less ku on art tin tile lae of tile money moncy T the h a w in precisely what 1124 been earned carried out with willi tha IN t it ioni banks from tho the start kerr I 1 want now to tick bik whether it ii is practice practicum tica ticul I 1 for the government to adopt i a shorter period than ninety kh dayi within which I 1 to 0 redeem iti ou outstanding titan J ing in in cooke catle 1 do not it would IKI right for tho government to treat it ih bond bondholders holders in any summary kapliy slopping A at once aging jhc thc belie ic bondi are arc held acry largely in in I 1 term any and til an over europe an and it seems to roe file that ninety nil lety dayal days notice is as short fiort a period as aa the searel lory can fairly gito 1 i Of courso course government booy ern ment can tie do anything it please if Cori congecsi grui so decide you can top stop interest in six sixty ty days or thirty da i ol 01 or willious willi out tiny any notice at all I 1 kerr I 1 isyou r out stop interest in days daye would it not le he practicable practical lc to reach most of the bond holders ro ILI as to enable 1 them to return their bonds for cancellation within that time 7 j cooke I 1 do not think it would arka and tit the experience we have alre illy shawl that it would not we have spent thousands of dollars ourselves in sending the circulars circular a allover all orar the country no tiling holder holden olour of our intention to redeem these hundred and thirty ta million killion of dollars there are many millions mil lionA which hall had not come in on ILI first brat of january Terrible lf beof lue of bilis 64 anro 1 chicago 20 M A 1 singular Bin gular me cae of hyl dro phobia los hai oc currad hotel george a prominent young oung man wn wits ulac Is aled on monday night last and died dic I 1 lait nit sk hi in agony but hill had never or been bitten by a d dog rabid or ot otherwise berwise I 1 J 1 n catin J aged 0 20 wa wai yeter forfi lianzi in a i low ow saloon alaoen i in ahl ibis JB n g city cily in december kl last the grand jury of the Iri l adjourned yesterday found indictments indictment gant 15 aldermen and ex cx bl ermen mckinl lock and nl arone lark lr rk NOW new aorl guld firm aberl baerlin Bt erlin it 91 SiO oila steady meady stocks kocl quicksilver sold at 27 dochnal to 1 I and coad at st W IJ II T aa wells bargo mail kad ki san francsco st 26 the bales or of ill alii 1 S bao a stock board last tree k automated to the Post postmaster maiter has baj no al ai to lie coming eomme through of a any ny maila from frank the he east anil and is is not certain if iro iril any yet tot for a week to come or even longer the ai advie ivits les 1 from rein V U I 1 1 are more favorable the departure of tile japanese cut cm bay basy arranged for next wol will proba probably ly bo be hoernel tho the in bated silver company to operate in ilu ills brict arizona anzona with willi incorporated corp orated today I 1 he ice above vcra mand u 1 open A steamer with three companies panics of infantry autry for arizona left to day two more companies will fullow terrible 1 ril differ CS to f a honch libbon lambot 20 26 the mail steamer frodi fien I 1 rio janicki brings news n ew 8 of a terrible ft camshaft cAm shift american 1 plying D between fly a RIO and montevideo Montc sir while i e toini to laue hilr enri i 01 t 22 sil took ok lire fire and to the e waters a a dlo go A laro large umber number thi 0 of P sig IT was on bearil ard ol of whom 87 were c re I 1 loit bt dicing ng e tile r h trued to death or empress dowager of ofIS brazil hii has freed nh all her personal per s slavca aye trotting race of two miles nod bent to lo day iia al agricultural aarl ark bc tilleen democrat grattini GrAt grattan LIni bady emma and w winna ft a large number of people anil and by the japanese nellie won dle die first heat in A 35 second heat test was won by hill in 5 third and fourth boats bents won iron by democrat in 11 and a I 1 1 a after which there sir WM 1 3 I 1 a brinl 11 11 11 duplay p I 1 1 y 0 of f running horses ind d stallo stallion ro four i in hand and double teams cam 11 passed tir off well hio herair lusky ft fernr 9 in lh she C carlf ll adrid 26 1 storm yAce followed beheading the be reading rcA ding of tho the decree devolving div the Lor lorta tes the seemed take lalon by surprise and the n an members unable to I 1 conceal their indignation pami passionate onate speeches were with crl anea acs ics hy by tho the few supporters of the iho ain i one deputy exclaimed t the h e t liuio lia I 1 a was lor for barricades come tho the greatel grea tot tet alp uproar at and coorsen coo ruEn rist iod aruid amid v which tell be aoa WIM wall declared craod I 1 it t appears that kindom ki AdOM has finally hefti d to ac apt the lie of the ministry ay fly iy dagosta Sa faeo gosta tl and nd hu 1 I decree di solving the carlos in conc price tho the people generally ce with the demand tile the retirement of the present government there Is very treat great agila liun out t the city anti and broons aw are ii nili pan lari LO 21 all places of business will lie be dosed closed on tile ath it be baciu ill I 1 I 1 he u annever ii 0 if r tile iho capitulation of fari lari a bagents are aceilo in the aruby ui 1 b 0 ting and or ar hu jiing ali lio of arthr the km em ceroi aror wuI 1 lid iid all 4 in at linca copies hove have been faunl in barra barracca barraca bar racla cc an and seized cl zed by the alio police washington nilon 26 the crual furor anic Lu liaa has offered to carry tho the wed I 1 mail true aroa or of cliar barge it gc I 1 tans h to c clauc I 1 it 0 the POA mister bettera 1 to reduce he be rate of to I 1 conta the ithe confirmation by the eoal eo aj was wai jamen P I 1 jsaie gate to lie be governor of WaA washington hington te |