Show kis x MORNING dispatches HES j i 1 1 I 1 if 0 a s 0 v S do DOMESTIC M V staci new vy aorl 20 A A do depatch Patch ge itt fl anje sva rayj 1 that is ia to secure tile complete evacuation ot of 1 rance franco by t the h e germana Burin arck his 11 con heated to withdraw on condition that finnes be earlier than previously agreed upon chis 1 his announcement tile tobacco bonoro monopoly y i project during the recent crisis chiera r ail na id to OCD gen cikay if napoleon had fifty million of francs ho would be in rower power in fifteen eileen din da in the spanish cortaz diaz quintera kid it was wan quite time to eado lal cuba to tho lio statts hi wits was holed down by y hit 04 wl whole 31 I 1 A irmild Waihing tin j senator asserts as erts that lie will loll boj li ho s confidence that ghanti v ill tin not be p tho market firo aid nd I 1 insurance a companies yesterday form ally tl tho ito iyer lor the be ocean bank tant aas bhoj tn an excess 0 of f nearly tit sit hundred thousand dollars ocary over liabilities henry ward beecher ori gen iw 0 WE C bryant bayard taylor and bret harte left for I 1 farina on steamer moro by invitation an of if the like ati ad lantic alantic mail co A private dispatch from london rei rei porta port the burning burnine of steamer america in the aitio llio do pa ei llla plata dec 11 22 not stated slated she wan boston oston built and plied beleen buenos ayres arres and mon tev Kvit fco idoo I 1 A ex it prominent nier merchants petit petition nu onn t me for I 1 a return to contract for rani porting TM rill mails hy by fast fait steamers caleb ching C hing of the geneva arb arbia sails for europe tomorrow to morrow it is reported ported rP that a project project to mil a par part of te scias I 1 as to the federal G govern overn I 1 itar for an n indian Re nation to bo introduced in the he house JIous eon on provides r 0 V 1 des for the session of territory na fa large r 9 as new york about half of Z which ch comp rises ruea staked plains plaine UL ati the the rate of of 50 cents is an acre the plains tire commonly man I 1 y known 09 deserts rl pas elese morning blo announce a n starting disclosures soon to be made of N arioul riou parties heretofore not suspected of being lip WA anih abo late eily city fraud ii tweed sup s R reported failing I 1 it is paid mid lie begins begin to fael alarDi cd at tile llie it appears that the man in in myrtle avenue brooklyn last lait was not assaulted in the cars but r arr 0 in ia tle the and tint put on tho the mu h d 0 fur c b D 1 liidi be clied offered I 1 lor 0 r alie arr c L 0 f t he to abdia there iq no clue the remains of the late mj ac ani li alleck were buried at greenbo Green wo 13 this afternoon alK appropriate services Bor vices were bield bald in IQ tile tho mortuary chapel oil 00 tile the ground no DO military daplaya dL playa though it a large number of army offic acers cra were present and biec arted the corpse to tho the grave and gold market 1 faligo a sl salo nearly am en rn alhona at 81 to jinero ij vet sold bold awards cofone million at 91 to 91 i strong al cr W I 1 U T fl 41 lit I 1 V r 27 IN willii c 1 9 careo argo 59 i i I 1 mail I 1 sai chicago 26 tho haah C bates tho united states ti tatti di brict attorney io atah ha bag mada it a full statement sta booe 0 president and the attorney G general enral 0 oc lial ill course churbe in the he mormon treala and ii ii lias hag been approved by both philadelphia 25 the cast cao of arl who wag sentenced benl ced for murder on the testimony of prof aiken I 1 and who is banow no I 1 la prison n will un doubt d 1 y be brought before fool the courts as a result t of the wharton trial bringing I 1 up p charges of false imprisonment iti 11 to be an exciting atla ca cuing in alia testimony of manam ciany an fn called medical expert ropon of chemical analysis N mow ow orleans 25 the congi elsion committee is expected to arrive to morrow afternoon when it is hopco hoped that a peaceful solution will b bc arnica at in the llie muddle omaha sl tho Legisla legislative five imi broglio ended lait night at I 1 11 I 1 oclo it by ito an ad ourn ment sine bine die no quorum no now st LOW louis 25 15 at a meeting of the lie lioard oard of trade held held tonight to night to coo con the question of an equitable pur chant of nation indian adian with a view to the of railways along the sah puilla many citizens an and I 1 railroad men wire present the alio speech es ca mado made were all in favor of C congressional action to removes remove th the impeding the iho building of s a railroad to td san 1 vil indian Terril oryl new mexico anil arizona the irest dent of the board of trade appointed a to go to washington to pro lire 0 1 pent eat thu this action aclin to ac tt I 1 ral I 1 wl atves from Iia aso ur indin washington ton 2 20 dates U S at torn torny fOrTi for utah alt 0 appeared today to day lefon the jy attee on tan ani and orfed urged tb thit it the ationo it ie e mado to ca carry on for polygamy in that territory for this pur e were exhausted and and unless means lc be supplied flugt cease tho the senate judiciary toly today made a report on memorials in roi aci eard ard to tho the right of women to vote un arr r the alir I 1 ith and amendments and eaid committee are unanimously of pinion opinion that said eaid do doi not the inight ac camalo ilaa gc the right olt of states zo to exclude women from voting is ia untouched ty by leesul and indeed recognized by the mh amendment I 1 the senate confirmed eon linned 31 A lurz landal for co colorado do J jas ba met affue affee attorney for arizona S L slater hater RL peter 1 int l atton Ii lilio 1 I I 1 wm win A davio davi abbe Acs sor r of the third hir district of C CalL Lf Tomia ornia henry I 1 anes 1 at santa anta tho commits on forin foreign relations did not report toay on the nomination of thoo hilale for assistant secretary of state the chairman Chai naan senator cm cam apon beant being ali ent and no rep orvis c expected x t before lie returns I 1 laront w ti informed n say fay tho the statement that the committee Commil teo have haro agreed to report deport unfavorably on thu this 1 nomination I if is not I 1 I 1 trow trim bombon L 6 the stati stall Temp Tempera embed taca convention Convent iun cloned today to day actor adopting nn an address to the people tad and boulion tc petitioning the iho lefi alturo to restore tha prohibitory law bof 17 7 with amend merits mr nl it tiling fixtures ol of liquor sa s1 stores 0 r v imma 1 U facio a C i e e evidence i cn c 0 guil excluding QI ir liquor q dealers 1 r M other 1 i r crimins cri roinila ls from 0 n satt li in incho halry t box g and alic ri glit to 0 I 1 e r ig e liquor drinkers irom llie j jury u I 1 ot at lor discretion elion to aking t h the g n io fur r unlawful un lawf fui frer th alie I 1 er crit CO dayi day for or se I 1 the and so on im dou bho the time fur for every pil succeeding C cee 9 T abolishing liquor co ali lon llna and leaving leaving the state police under the control of the GOV governor eMOr and milling every liquor dealer for damnica aan el resulting from I 1 i ita ts alc IQ JT london 25 lady rr anklin a reward of two thoai and pounds fur for tile the recovery of if hie records of the 11 is roo I 1 IS ard and terror supica supposed to be depo deposited 9 ed in n K king 1 williams land nd the alg ie I 1 late ate storm la is fully full as severe iw IR 1110 limited reports or of this morning indicated in dica ted accounts oft on the he coast 2 t have been received from different parts of the country details not yet ret received the brince of wales is 13 eliis m 0 n WO to leave for 1 a I weeks IC IM lie some days on a sporting excursion in ia the highlands paris 26 20 A terrible railway awit awi t dent occurred today to ta day daiy near nice the train broke broc through tt a bridge over the plo gaioni river and threw the cars into t alio 0 water fourteen persons were acri 01 lulled 14 anil and wounded 1 I it is ia reported in jerta m circles that the powers of thiers show how unmistakably signs igni 8 of ills his late petulance in regard to tile ASI assembly proceeding proceed iDa and discussions aro are ea cirod uld as ai COT fir matious of this report I 1 I 1 an Imperiali mic conspiracy of in an alarming character iii i reported to have reported ceen discovered in arts several prominent including man many c of tile lie late national leq it onal guard an and a of f the imperial army are implicated in ia I 1 tho he home R on ae 26 the advisers urge him to leave the city i SL mal W A decree liaa has been imbed making compulsory the use 0 of f the russian language in in ike tello oh of poland roland |