Show Z r q V aaice V EVENING dispatches I 1 I 1 r lit H do DOMESTIC VES tac A I 1 i new N ew veil I 1 m L 21 it is atal oil conklin or ir tile market gnei Rs hunk bank 1113 fled aj lri after aca wt footit apy ier or on behof of rit ex comptroller voni foni no upon motion to star slay proceedings in the t e suit mut of the luperi arsi asiain st connally of the ourt court at albany bany in the said of lie peni penile ile 11 judge talca that lie would decline mine to tn grant the motion as ai lie he te lit lifred that the iha wp enison had the file rig right it to aring ring the anion action ind not ant the lle people this thin is tile the fint judicial aicia ion of ct tendered M is to tile P proper r oper parties to I ring iring irin these iiii T tie I 1 e judge did not hear tic the coun el for the board of super air lul but A gannan e ei a printed ionti of aco T curtly curtil and lad ex cx J ande edge porter to I 1 rig I 1 lie avi 0 hy by the indge ande T at 0 ohp C caloni inac to day testified that lie paid five to ton dollars to custom to prevent goods going general order orl erst erstervin ervis k an AD ri telling shooting Mho allour just tool alce at n W va I 1 ll 11 under tho the following circumstances puring ing the war tile the linda clarann Clark wn nn a wealthy virginian were sold lor far lac anil an yesterday he sued for lifar fie it recover ro gr m or of tile trial clarkson called tho the defendant n dant U S manhal St ocla liar then struck clarkson and an I 1 a general melee ensued in which seven photes ere fired ahe 1 I he room was wa emall email and over 01 cr a dozen persons persona were pr present clarkson agis shot four times one wound la is in the breast all t he li artie iea nio are wealthy anil and able an and the affair catilett cati lett grea great excitement i ann irrael oft work block marked S oan jan 21 today to day lu as follows sh charca ar at ali 47 1 I IS latto ac agi imperi imperial 11 am sharer i at 41 1 mp COO 00 shares at taj ta 8 h b A 7 7 1 I Min minnesota necota share at aab 5 no 30 11 II b no 30 11 I 1 I 1 OGO shares at 13 i n 11 13 b no 13 leblo b 10 c al shafa han at 17 IT ib b it 30 ac brawn botn point 10 fib irei at 61 aa a 3 1 V y I 1 page jakc t pana ca 1900 shares lat al 11 1 il i 1 4 41 a 8 3 R raymond a biond S hy ely loto 1070 Bli arca at ah b 30 I 1 11 ill h ba 3 if elcher belcher 5 at t eurela at 23 21 21 j b 30 22 b 30 meadow valley CM aara at 1 I 17 17 b no 1 could curry shares lit at IX liale ifante norcross gao 30 savage I 1 lne 9 00 shares ch arci at 0 04 a 1 0 ca b 30 63 at atac 15 lib la 30 ill shares at W 51 all i b h 30 53 succor 05 shares li are atut li 11 6 Q I 1 patica TO shares chares at ai lillian libian hall athars it at 1 I IL L 0 21 b 34 aurela consolidated lianca li arca nl at 2 80 cliare il iare at 21 arizona etab SO 50 i lit at r i b 10 ammoth SO 50 charest bare at fie 0 IL 11 Trea treasure gure loo share at aj consolidated virginia nil at A jl area at I 1 b no 23 J juanice al iiii H 4 W ij I 1 4 S r belcher 05 hi habat hart at ta 15 b 30 5 4 b 30 0 sierra arada shares eli arc at 27 28 10 I 1 AT yo 10 shares rii ares at W IS bif b 30 Ken kenthack track I 1 12 29 3 aares h arcs at b S 3 9 A ml buckeye shares eliare lit at 0 S ii julia 00 10 olo 41 jackson jackion IX shares sli arcs lit fit it 1 1 I 1 11 I 1 it I 1 no 30 golden chariot chares at alfi 14 it 17 j 18 13 b 10 ida findore HO li armat I 1 k IS sib b JO I 1 IS it south charlot chariot tili arci at if H i I 1 I 1 b 34 30 4 0 b 30 1 war hagle 50 0 lares at 7 aiple L I 1 10 shares share at 2 23 it 30 22 23 21 ye yellow lowi jacket lack et sh arcs at 0 6 q 07 67 GG CC b 30 30 aph it 03 95 shana it it lt ac 57 it VI SQ kaalt kiffton at 31 sl a 8 3 MIDNIGHT dispatches ims tl ellor of it ih jr I 1 in 1 Illif fing san 25 col B 1 1 wh wali A hagbon i editor of the mr is ii reported port eddying dying A consultation of ciaci lit at midnight lilt laight dei oil that his hia ewa eallie was va michael fini fin I mary his li n wife abc K ami lonora his f for damages for allchin that aith lewis and 1 I mary had been gui A ty ly of adultery ilon hon charles K 1 delong i received from Marys villo today to tg day I a arii of of welcome offering hout alic lie odthe df the city the the colored savings bank da lared 4 dividend of acini annual rate 9 ter er I 1 cent the examination aja 13 newley carboy swell i wall known police court lawyer aroln county oregon obtaining money from en bil i is clients on false ti today to day resulted in lua being held for trial on tho the charges bad bail illow ilow this is aa arlt in our courts win Iii nuan a 2 well known dute for Mell waine stock broker fell in a fit of apoplexy this chii afternoon the cha chief japanese via re in nt at the western 1 baere union tele ph office today ilia his fong in new jer berty ey were put in irth instant tant com communication calca with him and their affectionate replies to hn dewire received within three minutes minute 1 evir pried and delighted him greatly the banquet this evening ey in at the hie grand kroml to 10 be a li milria a affair the prace of lati in ii twenty fire dill collm I 1 ars and the lof plates il ian only two hundred there lually fir tickets beya beyond nd the number fixed by the committee and there w is some dissatisfaction ak a tho the no a alj I 1 affair in advance of b banquet abue ILlo london udeAl 2 23 K it literal liberal ancin member 1 r of pa liaa as off etith ith a active member in order to BAO a brief viat to the united states Sla tait lie ile will visit the mines in utah and be absent about two months A deputation froni from the auti anti liec slave trade society waited on earl granville and mule made representations in to non noa of the treaty for 14 the suppression of the alato trade rade ard ord granville yin kreply said it was indubitable that thai t spain infringed upon the treaty but the il mattor latter was too loo delicate fur for interference by england Ln gland at at the present times lime shaa li lieving sving an insurrection on her haull the minister at lairid lK irid was doing ilia hill uti oot to secure an observance of all treaty 0 alij I 1 just his t mid lie he would would consult coni tilt with im his colleagues coll cagie before taking tell or pronouncing AR an opinion to the conduct of P while tn burhop 3 bieter WM prep ire I 1 billing J A g A orar r r a 11 meeting to 10 I 1 day in n fl r 0 of f abc or if brI hament of yf ft bill j 1 roo r A biag the he sale ealo qa under alder it t cerium 1 restriction efi cin he W t ed and bt at tacked its by a of an men on some friends ot of oiw the Bip bishops hops interfered for iiii protection when the insults were renewed find tile meeting alp ilp 23 tile membory oft of lie part of the lie centro in the assembly of offered to support I 1 mar lial hat MaeM Hac Mohon ollion as n vice ice president of I 1 lie H alli int the marhal I 1 I 1 A ea I 1 I 1 I 1 ir r il ii said nid that a committee of reven alii scientific gentlemen ia 0 o sent ont to congress Lon groa LIAC i of an observatory on one of hie he orthe pricill c radway hallway where nearly one third of tile ph erd iq ii below the observer the I 1 kutal u t ill liblit of tho the atmosphere ling bein estimated at about forty miles tile I 1 if A e cefic fie ninal mua run ott at tin nn elevation of twelve or thirteen thir Kon miles htwe thata level a aliat fm I 1 bagh I 1 tin tim mf lot leini china li ii poon eon to bo be married and nd haa livis i imported a pair of elephants ponssi 1 AT the cerera ony iris future conort concert il ii undergoing it a care fill mainini rai nini in the etiquette of court lire life for three aycart Ts I 1 lid fooling of nankin Ilo nschan 1 and d hnton canton havo have been on en prad ad i on the bilks and gatins satins for her anda al tr tron oliveau wini and just now they are announced as completed at a cost of near y half a million money the arizona jamer vi birr sayi flays experts are now testing the country cast of vircil cott for ln and W we e nil may y soon have a HB big diamond excitement |