Show MORE OP THE SAXE SAME bort the local editor or orinc tile A atrit be jocular fellow judging from lift 1 14 in hib big columns columna nj mail alth ia not 14 bink inte deflected ahlo nuncio nun if tio of fa 1 crew which abom bow that obe Is hog dol dealt ato into of of one on am nort t 0 or r another tooth rr aya ya A hu ha intro daw a blu bat to an r koj knabl ah tu 7 0 to form ft a 0 n v kod s d stat fl R h I 1 le ell I 1 the austo susto government wind minis iti it i hichi time it did As ai to lh we ire appo I 1 abe it lu in cog murt most h their 11 little t it I 1 jok k b a it 64 6 4 tf if they ewh it mut irr to uppa it at may well try to evel throw jabo tab am to irnia ittle Itt them lm do mor duty and pro be u a anti god will take elm ciro of the ibo no doubt gentlemen ta io in congress will bill hae their little jekeli about the peculiar institution anil and more especially captan hooper turn gets jow joked about bill nw pro clivi liet fel I 1 ewt that trooper toper they say any to steer clear of thel val londs of catra when the how divIne the command is is to caminit commit pal polygamy agli y dut but our ocal local friend superhuman when hi he says iya they may aa well try tri to i as to extinguish truth poly polygamy garny if hla his jenorah u 1 BO are firmly c on lid big throne than is L fet ened 0 on mhd nation ire BM are irreverent enough t to 0 an imy y that 14 jehovah v will ill topple ili ilia s closing sentence however is the best of oc tho the paragraph parn graph for if tile people will wiil let the tha mitter matter alone to godt gods guidance nod and no I 1 undertake under taLe to d do aa eucla for alini urn the pro bittl ill etro the he j ansti tutow will noali perpetuated I 1 |