Show THE MINORITY MUiO RITY VS V THE MA MAJORITY J OR Set several leral of the church organs organ late presumed to word the argument and purposes or the minority of utah ter mr the majority the IV adf wit with its usual awil arid double minda dicka which kaik k aik to be of priest hoods AH tt haar huttt aps vps w rat becoming lan ring sti huito tere w dorme ly nor blie pj mg into I 1 it till awl claih jr a h fr form 0 o the th winit win it wi auit to rala uth I 1 ba m 4 bibau roi tb 6 allway baut will be blite voi rolco sw in ag ib lio in a who choai m ti ajl hinr III ont wn be b 14 lodged ed M f 1 the chanam for uw uto maltion mal tion of oar ambition A y to m drears of bixl ixl power r till 1 jya miller by ditcu mil if ilow ow ever are durw to echer rule or turn ruin wo will 91 11 I 1 our powers the by ova utah 11 or of a form of bu v only app 4 v of lilyh 6 bv a star thin is lil ur tw appos uton lion kwasnoi jo A an kal 1 rt A bo be tora accordingly jg Is it fordia alio t be rr fr the firo fire min lom i ittes cutca if so i let him tollow follow our wording win otan ai auw 4 t f OF thi nio 0 inu ip applin to ch aba owalde ZW colliu I 1 cje alde the aba mornion n are arc a rathe 10 the ration if thoua od to forty fity Mye rilo minor lilyas od eDnal lind kiil the run majority jonty tbt individual can caa his lights can DOL b bo claimed b bytha million indeed the individual lial 1 V a p inch iod find c ansu tu 0 afta 1 t and cog As the ctr entire n LA L A has c collectively eo far fara as this is the par pal f i ih the af mor or mon roo n aad apollo tic alli achta t to dwell upon uniform un ifor f attoa U jakc ct gim i in n qt tell embodied in him bini in ill his bid arrogance he f for iana aioo lit it be deore ot of coni al aid bat 1 1 I demand the right of self kt govern benl to LS be in territorial is anti republican I 1 dier clure demand to it be a stale we lie t n caul tuk to r abo 1 binin U united cited states the right or oc representation and the privilege of el c mana altham th briwn men who itt shall rule over them ibin them people of till tai flatos in uli I 1 dm am the majority un J 1 0 66 and not the pitiful pili ful ini minority nor no norther theotho th ertho tha nor yet the corrupt lawag offic officio iq J X sai am the atie boal citizen alio built up abil now I 1 demand to be made a staw state or that I 1 may give giro tile government of f that stal slate into the gotera luel that haada and cliot good men man who linvs live go M long iwan asso ao chaw with in whom he and I 1 have M ui we VL want to thare the government of the country altogether between which wo we have ha clip right to do and this would be no RING for we mor mons are arre I 1 B tile the majority 71 binl canei t boll liona il acm e A anil n i 11 who leave nul liin to this c coun toil lla or of 41 jod d or nothing lint that ant is no bainen buinen ol of Conc for fiu yi republic is u broad enough to take lale in god a kingdom kin gJon rod llie constitution oya that conre a dball rim ann all that I 1 require to be acceptable consta I 1 1 11 a 2 lii ill of gov ori r fyr ak ILL the care that t tile llie pitiful bal e no nog part anil mattory byet yet must that though to furry forty millions of people I 1 myself a am tile pitiful k jet ac I 1 glaab as many Sc natora is as testate th tho State of nw new york or any other of the great geates st ilca with its aluc aiichi ot of p cb and lop alon in bd ja qc 0 t ibia nation of ill thui glorious glori oue r republic e pu bi of r which h le 11 I 1 am a demb c va dl d in VC ulab I 1 b an d 1111 1 w majority io rity this A about tile qt 10 lo ia p f cism f farl cs sM cagnon and ta I 1 lo 10 lor va a republicanism and i is a fitting co compliment comp u loment to be xun wording of tj the e vicci pal WALO nonty ty of utah |