Show KOTES ON LEAD NEVADA AND UTAH gly BY 0 tr ft runs st f E j fi 1 I afi ill 1 0 4 is kr irl P a iri in selectia tin c a furnace site agrest a many shingi g have to bo be taken into consideration in in regard til li the be mical parl pare amwell i well as aa to tile alti bic 1 to diirr answer the latter lil tor izreo conditions are arc necessary a sufficiency of water a spacious cious ore floor and a convenient slag damp the lack of one or ill all of these lese conditions puts pals a smelter 1 a greit inconvenience au i anay even ciuc a finin financial cial failure after hav ing grad graded edoff air a suitable eutta ble location for it a furnace lie it the ali alda ical of a denly genly sloping hill 1 tiaro ti ciaro aro or ci eR cT tion ja mede in the tha ground lore lo re cire the arcu ca generally genc rally or loelf feet ill ding upon the cond condit iliin of the subjacent ground aroun 1 if the tama manto bi be directly 1 on OB ilia 01 rick oct as in tile I 1 tho the 11 ilick coin banys furnaces DO foundation is id required and a depth or of three or four our deft N to IS receive the furnace ornace rna conry proper cut bue if it be moist or in grabel a depth of froni from seven to fourteen feet is judicious the 0 faiia cotla dation j is made air undressed rocki laid ir in or or better in ill tito largest larg gest ones are used for corners and the joints must mail va itt filled tip spall 4 the top most course on oa which the furnace is to be built ought to consist or of dressed arm eton eswell the joints must lc be per tight la in some ins it is desirable to make inako provisions for irain drain bog ia surface halar jis tile fornai bottom oasby to lo bo be ab y dry if the furnace is ii io tended to lo be provided with willi bearth platts plates iilo hlo the th ono those as well as the cast iron pillars are arc to lo be put in now then the inside ids of olllie the hearth plates plat i i carried carrie J up or sandstone block blockel kl 2 feet wide 1 leaving cavi ng sufficient to room crol fo for t tho he tap lap 1 oleo anil an open splice at 01 be dam plate As AB soon a as s it llie e miron work bori K 6 listii ved tj fl 7 iacchei sh ove the plates jhc 11 rc ire placed in pd 3 and d waited in with fire bricks bricka cl three reel feet above the jani dam liste lis over the lie breast is started an aria d the lie masonry continued to it i level with the top of the pillars theo abo golan which is is SW to boat ile AT thail parl ir 43 put pat in its i place sod and well bolted to the jars the flange dingo is n 2 indies inches thick the part or of the furnace above this flange T nay may consist of inferior land and itono stono or even common bria I 1 ft or IS 18 ais ie ic Is 13 bitsi aldeff by the he heat anil and corrosive action of the ore rc about arioul f ini nr I 1 loot foot u bove above the charging barging floor tho the chimney fur for carrying in aff iff LL 61 uliules i ia s i started ID mf 4 1 COB T anu 1 I 1 0 frodi adi 12 IOU 5 ft I 1 leav leaving i in out spaces for the feed eed holes colci 3 ft feilo bv 2 j it IL aili at vav orphic orpo ic wills walls the clim 11 cy go ought gatto to badea a sufficient ope opening n edg say ay 3 ft at thetos to Loot the smoke from issi hailing ging through throng gli the feed holes into room ake ti F iron J I 1 is S vb oh as they always get red hot in operation 0 of lighting igli tIng up and blowing out a fur furnace n a and thou rapidly yield to the ali er corroding rodic action of 0 the he oxygen ofine air keep the frym from spreading I 1 it ia a sufficient baffic acut num berof iron uprights alch are in a lion tj on wy by wrought iron iron bandai aaning over thew them which are ara bolted ber tho the first firel laid ilia furnace about abon 3 2 ft aboT gil the dini difu a and nd then tollow jollow ono one a I 1 le apart tho the upper par part ol 01 of ili the 0 furnace if if trade laako of brick may in n a sheet iron shell i 0 an nd fi tta cea e i if 0 I 1 n L had andi all 11 i IF idill Us i just aswell as well the of iamo me r remar r lii 9 are a applicable aicale I 1 tl tile chim iy ay ney I 1 now ihn I 1 is ia colored with wilh soil boll mado firm by pounding to ft the upper tuga of he be plates and a track wado for the plat trucks art having COX con I 1 uc antei ter itan brou wrought i attio iron 0 o 0 convenient size eian 1 I i or I 1 IS i in ia tho the work of if seam ning fai T to afif billet wood 4 kept bev i atly if aira burti abc acc slowly and steadily increasing crewing in fur about two wee ka inuring that time lime the beals ought to ba loosened 0 prevent the or bricks front being by 1110 q ats pio As AB quon soon as t the furrini wall get abd irio i more moi atura is alc tlc willis the furnace wr th is kioh wn tu enough to 0 o allow a 2 roio min to work iol iosue silo the ile bottom stoic put io in to 11 now provided witha wilh a thin conlin coating tw OT or aa compau pow dertil cliar charcoal coal and nj clay io in vary 5 which is i rammed in WIL anilu a wooden stamper after wetting welling it I 1 until it just coheres in lumpa abot ati iliin dam is in made in the same manner but bat of very viry ODA good fire ilay hay and car to tatlo it extremely bard it has i a steep pitch towards the lo 10 bottom atom the tap lp holeik hol iii boade by clay into the a spa ceIri lt lor thit that purl pur patt t ind turning oll i A doted I 1 abick ati ck on go the be outside round a central a cone Ili hole way any be io ia the be I 1 aront diate which is best beet or in ia s biag or the furnace centrally i a large furnace has hai two tap lap holes on sides and at riat angles with tha fiorit lf onn no tip tap hol fi As 1 t thi bo pom af of ats tk bottom boit tho the other one a few inc A above it tt knittl aly be li lopped high or drawe io according to the circumstances mr areas of tho the foreka IT a I 1 woi C to a do away with filid I 1 icat moda of if 11 lapping ping in i i lio and lia his ef cf bieni Kii puch fuch success that there is richla nol a bolo fur naco nace in fercl without thimi peculiar ivanci I 1 vernild tap lip or automatic ic tap i its ite advantages have V e lully in a 1 former number of thol the Enji f engineering aej Jour journal flot this ft tp ap con col aisis e lils or of W 0 acca acct wn altello ig hie it is is bolted to ili furnace plat 8 six inches froni its in fop op there them alf a hole bole through eliuh a 3 inch wrought iron iron pipe pas slantingly flati tingly through another biolo in point this aylin cylinder er is is now filled up ju fola y ia a bowl IS incurs es in ia diameter esthen latti cu a V out which ich with file pipe r 0 of this f 3 m n level about one no inch lohrer than ahr lowest point of the matico pout so that no 0 licad cab c tile the latter through e th ib the leaa is ia ft kept on tile same level whilo while lh 1 i ruff running oling only after ll 11 wing 6 tho enildo i is drawn ota it alid tap tall hole wd inta abc ba lead well tito the latter il amado Biado by egging 1 out 1 ft hole of convenient size a armit of ilia tap bp holo running i in in lz routed td cay a rew few inches bevc above tho the I 1 loor lo orand 11 and cutting out a bowl bawlo oft orly I 1 inches iti a and iel eighteen acen lies in ii 1 11 th A As kon as t the e bat t I 1 ae odin lomia madette ma dethe the 11 irist r t t acut 0 ill sn n about ail id cb alica 9 a alcove ovett alc front pitta a arceli the la a started of firc bricka rn in accord a ilia thickness tile lia breast I 1 deta de bercil idd t they are arc laid lung lu n dwile wiio i I 1 or ed at eureka the breast breasts bre lis mao mada vial kliick although roar four inches would be sufficient A fire i is aw MOW started in the hearth dyphon top tap well viell to dryl them ilir thoi p fire is ia conti tined lill ra aci hot this is ia dono done liy by filling the hearth litt orth with jampi et 31 and kj i odlin it t adfur afur it is ie a 11 burnt down the belics belas are withdrawn wilh drann and a flesh fire is I 1 barted these are arc con oti until tile tiie desired end is ia decoct PIS I 1 b P do shiell generally take a IBO I 1 dayi t |