Show Wheat Plan Brings I Cash to Farmers Farm ers ersI I Cash benefits ts will be paid to Utah farmers this fall probably by September 16 lb under the plan with ith which the Agricultural ad adjustment ad- ad adJustment adjustment administration has decided de decided de- de dec I c effective cl to make the Farm Act ef- ef for wheat this year Utah I ranks twenty thud d in wheat pro pro- pro production the records of the U S department of agriculture show In the year five-year period 32 1928 it produced on an average bushels 5 and planted on the avera average e acres The wheat adjustment program provides for paying cash benefits to farmers on the basis of the percentage per per- percentage per percentage e of their average heat crop for the past three years which is domestically consumed as foods upon agreement of farmers to reduce their Processing Processing Processing sing sing taxes are to be levied to pay the costs The plan will be to pay cash benefits each year on the allot allot- allotments allotments allotments cashI ments of each farmer for 1933 I 1934 and 1935 provided the farm farm- farmer farmer farmer er agrees to reduce reduce- his planted acreage for the 1934 1931 and 1935 crops by a percentage percenta e that wi 11 will subsequently be determined by b the secretary of agriculture but will not be more than 20 per cent of the bythe average acreage e planted by I the farmer in the last three years 1 Only an exceptionally bad sea sea- season season sea son has reduced the prospective I crop for this year ear and the adjust adjust- adjust I adjustment adjustment ment administration decided to put the plan in effect at once because putI I of the of oC a carryover three times normal and because I heavy surpluses might result from normal yields in 1934 on only an anI I average planted acreage They ex- ex expect ex expect to pay two-thirds two of the bone bone- flit this fall and the remainder next spring after the planting season agricultural M 1 L Wilson Montana tural college colle e professor in recent years but who qualified as a true dirt lirt farmer by homesteading in Nebraska when he was 21 is in charge of the wheat adjustment I I I 1 I I I I and will wi actively ad dir direct ct program the preliminary organization o bene benefits benefits before which must take place fits can be gotten to the farmers will work with George GeorgeN Mr Ir Wilson J Brand ad ad- ad administrators N Peek Peck and Charles C Da and Chester viz vis director of production contro Approximately a million partI- partI partIcipating p be should wheat farmers administration ad- ad adI administration administration affected by the program pro am The ministration will be thoroughly with farmers organ organizing izing their own county committees local details of to tike take charge of administration These county groups will be the kep units inthe in inthe inthe the the- whole scheme and t the e farmers to men will choose their own handle the count county program Each expenses eX- eX ex expenses will its own count county group pay to be charges to each farm farmer farmer larmer er according to his hia allotment Themore The Themore I hemore more economically the local unit is operated the less less it will cost the farmers The average amount of wheat the thelast thelast thelast that farmers have grown in last three years year will determine the basis of oC their allotments Mr Ir Wilson says The Tho government has I official records on state st te and coun coun- county county county ty production Averages es for the crop years 1928 to 1932 will be beI I computed and upon this average production and acreage e the allot allot- allotment allotment allotment ment for each ench county will be made After the allotment is made to each county the county committee chosen h by farmers themselves at community community meetings meeting will wi have each farmer list his wheat acreage acra e eI I and production for the last three I ears The committee will take an average of this and then allot to toI each farmer his proportionate I share shaf of the amount allotted to the county Ithe Thus the steps to be ta taken en by bythe bythe bythe the wheat farmer who wishes to toI I participate in the plan are to join his local or organization as soon asit as asi asit i it is formed turn in the figures on his production and acreage planted for the last three years and agree to reduce his acreage by the desired amount in no casemore case caseI casemore casemore I I more than 20 per cent of his three three three- year ear average I In return the farmer will receive an allotment which is in the same production proportion to his average production production tion tion as the total wheat domestically I domestically cally consumed in this country for food is to the total wheat grown This allotment wil Ibe in bushels IOn On this allotted number of bush bush- bushI bushels bushels bushels I els he will receive a cash benefit from funds raised by a processing tax levied on the basis of the re- re reI relationship re I between present price and parity price of the pre warI pre war I period It is estimated d that about 30 cents per bushel will be paid j i two-thirds two by about September 15 and the remaining third in the I spring of 1934 I IThe The plan functions as crop in insurance in- in insurance insurance up to the amount of the I benefit on the allotted number of bushels To obtain ob in the benefit the I farmer must plant his crop in the i ordinary manner man manner er but if it if is hail hail- hailed hailed hailed ed out dried out blown out or i otherwise destroyed by nature he will receive his benefit just the same I The plan has absolutely nothing to do with the selling of wheat bya by bya bya a farmer or grain dealer A farmer farm- farm farmer er er may sell ell his wheat when and to whom he pleases or he need not sell ll it at all It is entirely up toI to I him The plan is not a price fixing price measure I I While the measure is designed to help the wheat farmer get aI a I fair return for his crop the cone conI consumer consumer con- con e I sumer is not forgotten The agricultural agri agri- agricultural agricultural cultural adjustment Act gives the I secretary to of agriculture the power to enforce fair trade practices I among food distributors and if the the processing tax is found unduly burdensome he is directed to lower low low- lower ow- ow ower er it I As a matter of economy and ef efficiency ef- ef efficiency efficiency the administration will I Muse use the agricultural extension services services services ices in organizing org farmers under the plan County agents will take an active part in the organization work and are in position to give information on the wheat plan |