Show equalization FINISHED s the last day saw a great rush for reductions reduction S I 1 CASES UNDER advisement it will take two or three days to check up the work done and pass upon claims taken under after that it wit will take the assessor a week to chiango the books enlivening the proceedings s result of the days work Is a long list ot of changes the county board of equalization concluded its se belons yesterday the I 1 um limit really expired at 4 but bill the board kept the doors open until 6 hearing all who nho came jt it ailt tak two lo 10 or three days to check ill nil the work done arid and pass pans upon cl clams alilis taken andr adviser tient alter that th ill asses or will require ft A week to lo change the 1 bohs and make tile the footings or f the roll ds as changed ch angad alwn he totals will kill be reported to the voird pond I 1 of 0 commissioners who ho will make the tax tak levi the maximum levy allowed allo ved tor for tin th bounty Is 9 mills but CummIs Moner G gt thinks there al 11 be no need ol of it bev v ins ing the full amount unit unil that the boada beai a will endeavor to make elie rl rab 0 I 1 li aaion as low iii ai th tb rush was greater ahan ever ye u e the room biting crowded nt in t ot of the time AN taa ca eq Is rather dry work but there ale a few incidents relieve the monotony of even a board of C equalization tion one yest caday A lady was asking for a i reduction on oil ll 11 hv hense and enforced hor her cleman le mail I by appealing to mr air lynch the elie asses bor site glie appeared to anuw why you know mr air lynch that property properly la Is worth no such num um youve kanoun that old house for forty folly 3 ears ars Ex encute cute me madam mid ild tile suave at A clur turning fila blue olitipa on bit lh ill lady with un lit up pealing espil won 1 ant am only jt A now you that dillys dallys old because hes ball put atit in chalikian Cha linian addea arid and the lauli fejt around tile thy and urier all fiat the lady failed to secure a reduction mr air lynch insisting that the figures nune none too high reductions the reductions on real estate and improvements were nom greater than on oil any previous day 11 ine he dooly donly block which was on the roll rolis at W v as ai lowered S and sub fial bial reductions were made on bull buildings lings owned by the Urh young fiust company the changes made wore cr as follows 0 Al alordis orlis improvements on part lot 4 block 36 plat D reduced from 1300 to tl J 0 JO O peronia per onil property from ajo to too A J swaner estate improvements on I 1 lot 4 41 block 21 J plat 1 r reduced front from lii to 1250 50 I 1 gcorge ci caige P atkins improvements on 1 lot block 28 plat R reduced from SOO SO I 1 to tahl M salt lake mill ni evator leVator co im aromi ments irnen on acre property reduced froin 1000 10 lf to 1010 personal property from fr to cocci milling co personal property i deduced educed r tiani on tarou to cintr milling co personal per nonal property induced from roni to KM frank r mortgages reduced from S 15 to SUM 2419 thomas Hepwor epworth Il lh improvements on oil R lots to 6 and G block 62 plat C reduced from lit to S thoo fro personal property also bricken off IT gustave backman mortgage tw stricken ore off ilont Ilor teer er pall holler mill co C part 1 ar t in lot 1 block OS 93 plat A reduced fr from am to hoim kanny fanny Sid dowar donay improvements on lot JOE 2 block 17 five arre acre plat A reduced from MHO to SM zoo mary ann rill grovey groves improvements on I 1 lou of in block 1 bellevue dc park reduced lit SIM to lo jiw s samuil anlu 1 Wo lirt acre property reduced front from 3 1100 too to SM arso B P V F saunders mortgages mort gaRes stricken ricken et on off john fitzgerald acre property r re e flucard due L it from aldo to H same ir from 00 to inki edwin lit in clarmon ni fl rmon armon part lot 5 block GI 61 plat C reduced from rom SOO to lm brov from 2160 to aloi john ii personal property it olt oft maly 11 teasdale Tea Te adale amdale farm property re it lucyd from S to ao 20 samuel P tc indol 1 mortgages tt ricken OIT are matilda S vr IV IV nilsa bliss part lot 7 blok H plat r D reduced from 1330 to tia too S 11 1 Tens del personal onal prop cily city tsoo GOO stricken off bairle E C flub improvements on lot i 1 block I 1 it plat K 1 reduced iron from LOA jm to saw I miffie stiller improvements it lot 3 11 block 22 plat fi 3 I front from irico llio I 1 to 0 JION personal property from allo to AV r anderson mortgage tsoo redo d to axi samuel cooper lot 3 mock block sri 86 plat A from aco to as improve melta from to ann li cAmbet g acre property reduced front from MO to goti COO adolph bjel total value abated john boulde mortgage W stricken on OM J J doton do ton improvements on lot 4 block 27 7 plat 0 rl reduced front from TOO to COO F 0 0 XV wb bb personal property SIZO 7 reduced to rsvp A alet rill co assignee mortgage SIM am r deuced to K S W morrison mort mortgagee gaget Nt ricken off on john tiernan Tl ernan mortgage morte aee re d to AV th ij borshay shay mot 1005 stricken oft off L laura a ura iooss nort gage 1000 stricken bit charles K johnson Toh non part lots lote 20 26 and 17 block 2 aeby 4 gillespies Gillesp tes sub aub of muck blick W ted reduce i fro from all SICO to 1 1110 l ia improvements from to MIX annoe ce improvements Improve menta olt off i JOR joiseph it 1 l chamberlain personal pera onal property m stricken olt off clara clapa A mortgages 1000 stricken on oil mrs lira larson ap pp ir onal nal property rib rc traced from to to 70 robert sherwood sh personal leri ional property pron erty to am cr acif rt property properly sro aro to mortgage morie aee 1240 stricken nit william beattle rattle li mortgages 1900 re aund to sim alice 0 syam PeTs peronail pe ronal property reduced from to david john mortgages tam reduced t to 0 C tresco t 1 I 1 on lot 9 2 wo block bl k 11 pa plat a t 13 deduced from C lu bacin son improvements sao 30 stricken fr personal property stricken off martha I 1 wallace improvements on lot 1 I 5 block 81 96 plat A reduced from 3 iwo 40 to to hy personal properly perty reduced train froin aw to 00 gearri V W phel morl tut c ft f r 0 eed t ajr i i am ial r dui du d I 1 to a 1 iu O on lot 1 blo blok i plat D from MOOD 2000 to 1500 personal persona properly amr e arty from to lo th the dooly bloc block k valuation ot or building reddo reduced cc d aiom to 31 john 1 it Il trustee mortgage SIM stricken 0 ken off C C A GI gilbort Ull lerl llort J improvements 30 50 r 1 I 1 dickon oft aft r P AV madsen mortgage 0 olt rr john 11 Il liller mortgages mortgage ii reduced to 0 o asoo double assessment stricken off n I 1 S spencer guardian mortgage mor tRagA stricken olt off D S spencer mortgage stricken orr on mary ann jack mortgage reduced to tn Prig I 1 lani young mortgage stricken olt oft john Ced arloof part lot 4 block 2 1 plat r reduced front from 10 to 1010 1040 sarah A pena liaw improvements a on n lot 4 i I lock 7 plat D reduced front from to ao 40 adelaide williams Wll llama et ct hi al improve menta on oil lot lol S x blok 51 plat A re dueer il from to salt sair lake I 1 dramatic association im provo ments on part lit it 1 mock 75 plat A reduced from 1800 to knight 0 co mortgage mor leafe on en off on mortgage reduced to r ta charles charlei popper part lot in block 33 section 33 reduced from SOO to 10 part pail lot 1 block 16 plat G from MO aso to 00 utah istah slaughtering company mortgage 1508 stricken ore william weaver improvements on oil lot I 1 block 62 plit plat C reduced from ca ia to 1120 20 13 it II Seli ettler moral P SOO reduced docen to mortgage mort stricken orr monea gage sc reduced to thomas miller mortgages 0 O reduced to sa ia 50 julia A silverwood on oll lot 1 bock block 97 plat A reduced from SOO to ca personal property strick stricken cn orr on rose nose toronto and ana children improvements on lot 5 block 61 plat C reduced from to 10 theo N whiteley mortgage stricken orr pioneer nursery company personal properly Pro propel PellY ly reduced from to alfred J oliver improvements on lot 3 block 88 plat D reduced from to W A white while mortgage gage stricken olt off ilarion T fi 11 rattie part lot 8 block 63 plat 13 reduced from WW to from 1200 to it Y trust eom company pany improvements I 1 on in lot S block 7 ap plat A reduced from to 1500 1300 tzuoo n off n improvements on lot 3 I 1 lanck block 71 ac plat A reduced from rom t to to on oil lots 6 and 7 I 1 block 70 plat A from 2009 to lo Tho inis 11 II bulluck nul luck ran part lot 3 5 belocic sl 81 plit plat A deduced front 61 to 60 charles R Rul Il ullock lock si rallar proper property tv front arom 1615 to mary il J n propel tv front rom to SOO francl francis i A bullock similar proper property ty to 13 mason similar property 61 to GOO COO it II R sli tillar property to jennie A frola th acre property reduced imin hio to 20 improvements front to tm XV V AV Chi mortgages to MOO oliver S uny ny lorl lord mortgage mort sage reduced from to 1150 mortgage SM GO icken oly off william al bradley mortgage 2200 stricken olt off spincer clawson mortgage oft off aaron keyser ot ct al mortgage 53 stricken orr off albert fisher ll lier mortgage re alced duard to amli A r broning company mortgage reduce I ll from toot to 1800 SW jennie ft A acre property reduced deuced froin saw to HIS costello Cosi lello wilson personal property niini wal reduced to loo commercial mill arid and bull ling company personal property 1520 reduced to 1200 john estate mortgage 1000 reduced to aso I 1 sarah arliller improvements on acre property prop fity reduced from poo to ills alls sarah C sillier miller pers 0 nal property reduced fro 1 I to 50 thomas C armstrong mortgage ao 60 reduced iced to soo relt alice ace A holland total value abati d mary J currle currie personal property prop eity reduced from to too eliza llda 8 dunford improvements lot 5 block GO plat a reduced front from to 1000 frank pierce trustee mortgages 9 es stil eken orr watson liros bros personal property properly reduced from to 1650 william nelson part lot 4 block SS OS plat A it reduced from 2900 to 2400 mortgage moil Kage gage 00 stricken olt off alta club perv orial Dro property perty made by clerical error corrected to pool alkio francis forbush forty acres re cluck 1 from rm 0 to shoo J john tl cristallo personal property re 4 3 f from rom to too 1110 P 11 II riley lot in place reduced front fim 3 la 10 to 2160 emma warburton hurton Pera personal oral property properly si aarl st alten off rol hoi it hurter mortgage mo too 60 stricken cufr aft P 11 riley port part of lot 6 block 33 39 plat A reduced from to sitio julies daniel field mortgage laru re duo diled d to 50 elizabeth meredith improvements improvement on oil lot 8 mock 47 plat C reduced fron from to 00 M N 1 paterson improvements re dot ed from 00 to edward d braby mortgage V 50 stricken off I 1 mis its S F r castleton mortgage 1250 stricken oly off thomas personal pera onal property stricken orr or K I 1 A M S nellson neilson total value braue so abated marl murtha ha A coombs ago 1200 stricken off mary U D currie personal property pro porty re duard d uce it from roin to too I 1 T H 11 krebs lots in poach peach grove addition reduced from to COO arthur B marall Marc ll mortgages reduced from 1999 to SOO alonzo wallace Wa llaca improvements reduced from po aa to dark clark eldredge EId redee co mortgage r ro sliced from ai to sonic same esix to 1796 J P oon mortgage niort gace stricken olt off lavina snyder improvements on lot 3 block 65 plot plat A reduced from HOO to samuel mills improvements on an lot I 1 block 45 plat 13 reduced from ISO to i ISO utah 7 tah title and T rust com play patt of lot 2 block 76 plat A rodd il froin to tl 24 improve menta mento from to whito S aws uns co cc part or of lot 1 block it 74 plat A reduced front from liw to improvements from 1 I too 1100 to 1000 john AV white part of 0 lot 2 block 71 76 plat A reduced from to 12 rm fir part ot of rome amo lot from to 4 W 2 loli DO ilizabeth greaves mortgages mort gaeo re luceil to U B K ae co mortgage morten gc 1250 reduced to 1800 john if 11 whito white lots 4 5 6 and 7 block plat C reduced from 1320 E to 31 50 alice ill To egert improvements on lot 8 block plat C WO WO stricken orr oil mortgage morti taBy 00 stricken oft off improve in mani nis on lot 4 block 8 plat G from to faw agnes K X hill personal property reduced from to miry mary A athman artiman part of lot hock 81 31 plat C BI reduced front from ima to 1011 part or 0 pump bum lot from 1510 to 1010 mary D I 1 woods woodi part of lot 2 block 21 plat n P reduced from 1510 lo la mill 1010 mary M X lynch personal persona property re dured from aioo to in efio if A W J timms improvements on lot irit 4 ble ak h 13 11 plat is 0 t r due 1 liam to ill pan onal property from to 10 to ao 10 elizabeth delicker Ne licker improvements to tano stricken orr olt david mortgage mort Baffe 1550 rn in r n ot off ii van St ecter jr improvements on lot C G il block 19 49 plat C reduced front from buoo 14 0 0 to 0 alloo 1100 Als argaret A sharp part of lot 4 block 9 plat D reduced front from 1120 2110 to 1920 john 7 ink pt et al aj improvements in park reduced front from WO SW to GOO CM daniel mcrae forty acres reduced il from too POO to 1400 XV 13 Fro et ct al mortgage morte oge 1000 reduced to IL I 1 T burton personal property reduced arrn rom 1060 to 1635 it T burton jr et ct al mortgages 1160 ft stricken oft J 11 allen alien personal property re rc daml from 1700 to aloo eliza lester total value 1150 abated angus al cannon personal pe ronAl property 53 stricken orr oft on account of double assessment byron goad mortgages reduced from to 1000 sophia A nalley acre re i property reduced front to TOO jolin john 11 13 illey y acre property re dueer from lin 1 G holding mortgage MS stricken orr oft edward Hins llan hinsley lcy improvements on lot in five acre plat ilat A reduced front from ta 5 to wl james sampson mortgage reduced from ST to 1000 alary R II li alioe aljoe total value 16 L bated brig shurtliff improvements Improve menta on lot 5 block sr 35 reduce from icso to lo 50 perl nal property propel ty from to jennie al ware improvements reduced to MOO john 11 almond Almo nl lot 5 blo block 0 it plit plat A reduced from t to 0 0 sc A nalley mortgage ort cage st sti token ilcken on off john 11 II bailey mortgage COO stricken n orr off People pe Plea ft equitable coop co op improve indents reduced from 50 to WW ta 00 oo juall A kemball lots in block 61 69 plat A reduced from to 2500 manche blanche V K S lett lettl l improvements on lot 3 block 32 plat F r reduced from to william L hoffman offman JI improvements 1 stricken 0 off ff 1 sophia C e Hoff maii part lot C G block I 1 81 plat A reduced from amo ll 11 T ammon personal property 30 stricken off Ax igusta walters waiters improvements on lt I 1 2 block 45 pant D reduced from awo lo ll 1050 1100 J C thompson et ct al mortgage stricken olf off clara ri 71 dowdle mortgage sit lefron om off J 11 bowdle mortgage morte aea 70 stricken 0 oft ff II if IV parker personal property stricken off mary crowther Crowl lier mortgage reduced from 1150 to eorge V morris I lits its ts 6 7 and 8 9 mock block 93 plat pint C reduced from to i I 1 M b I 1 waddell ll niort gage 1735 stricken off same MO stricken orr off Worm orm acott mortgages 00 stricken orr OIT elizabeth el jat zabeth boyco boyce part lot 6 5 mock block 77 T plat A A reduced front from to james W morris all improvements on lot I 1 block 8 plat pint P I 1 red reduced laced I 1 from rom 1601 1600 to 1200 personal property from to soo S oo john R S gillespie improvement Improve menti on m lot 6 block 68 plat C reduced from VIA to william langton Lii neton mortgage stricken off william AV harvey improvements in nhi lohs c of mock block 3 plat 13 ichu imbued ed from 1500 to ono 2000 S T harvey part lot 4 mock block S sa plat D reduced from to larl earl T |