Show ah the philadelphia press thinks that as a the chaplain 0 of the democratic convention will be a free silver man he ha should not tall fall to quote appropriate scripture by referring to the cave of where david gathered all the discontented souls ot of his day and the I 1 press thinks there Is 13 nothing he I 1 ake I 1 scriptural warrant tarrant for a gathering eatherl ng I 1 uch such as chicago bees this week th the albe Is a good book to quote from i fot foi instance matthew irth h I 1 verse i woo unto you yo ye blind gulden which i say bar it shall swear by tho the pl alfs I 1 it t Is 13 nothing hut but tem I 1 debtor a n estr er by the gold of 0 tile temple he shall Is a i at Y anil blind for or whether f Pre prester stir the I 1 IB a I 1 cold or the templo temple that the th gold I 1 T then attico the ath and za tb verses are aregood good nai woo unto you scribes and Phar kees t hyed arlt 11 POT fw yo pay little eltho of 0 mint and an NF I 1 an and cummin mid have omitted the tha weightier matters mattera ot of the law judgment imlig inroy and faith Y yo lind guides which strain at a and swallow a camel chat woo unto 1110 you you 5 scribes rj 8 and nl h i il seF lt l 4 t aliw a of 0 f the cup and ot f uio tho platter but mil titer they aro are full fill 0 f extortion and ex |