Show assessment CHANGES long string of complaints before the board A As s the days pass the crowds at the sittings of the county board of equalization increase lu lit number and the complaints are lit in rome nome cases hotter than the weather cr but the assessor arid and C commissioners ora missioners ners are used to such beetles and 10 do lo not appear annoyed at the irate taxpayers lvery case la Is given a 9 respectful hearing and decided on its merits tho the changes made yesterday were as follows william C 14 i et cl al indigent tax abati abated d ta 5 I 1 13 sells kella a signee assignee mortgages 1500 stricken ir olt off hannah IIa williams indigent tax abated alo 10 william J T IL 11 amith same bame total balue stricken orr off W and E I 1 baxter same cotal abue W 0 stricken orr olt anna alitia L Swe risen cn total clug lao aso stricken oft off cleber lee asIg nw mortgage stricken oft off J P freeze mortgage morte mort aeo stricken oft off i P freeze assignee mortgage stricken ox ot joseph Mel lell improvements on lot 4 block plat A reduced from 1200 to 1090 Il martha lartha A mellen on lot 6 5 block 09 99 plat A reduced from arc m to I 1 emiry 1 enry schofield Scho neld mortgages mortgage a 1100 stricken oil off william fisher indigent tax abated christine gabriel Gabr leen en improvements on aie a ie property reduced from rom to william K R gaigl mortgages reduced to I 1 aai maitlin t L J kohler mortgage 1000 i olt off S 4 11 dallas indigent tax abated 10 W II if irvine reduced to 10 2131 irvine and others ot liers mortgage 1883 reduced to la S T flarv harvey ey mortgages mort giges WOO asoo stir strick tick en oly air I 1 1 J N kimball indigent abated abate 10 jano jhc ariy y mortgagor mortgage awo tr ickell ol 01 lid bole y godge I no 9 1 l r 0 0 F rn 01 iva S 1000 1000 stricken barli ken oil off ann alm patton araumi I 1 tax abated S io 10 alary lary and mary man IT if burchell Burc hll name sir 10 ruth 11 I 1 mortgage 2000 reduced to elkiv mil ed s IS SiO re duri dui rd d to I 1 huat lar I 1 I 1 L john johnson son inai Inis nl tox tax abated 10 0 joseph donley saro BATTI lq 1 eliza A aikens same clarit 13 seals total ril relate value valm tw qa oft off mortgages from to zoo 00 it II E L taylor personal onal property properly bt ricken olt olf wilton V 1 I 1 t 0 11 indigent tax 7 0 0 burlow bariou briou for Fo 9 KUSon U 5 on mortgage mort gC reduced to T davis indigent tax abated 10 john if AL cannon mortgage stricken olt off absalom 11 I 1 free indigent ta tax abated IQ 10 emilia hawkins trial gae stricken oly off A E r peek mortgage morts aeo in davis county ila i induced educed to daniel W hunter improvements on lot 4 block 94 plat A reduced from 2010 2000 to 1300 charle chariot Trl plon mortgages as reduced to 2 1305 samuel alfter indigent tax abated 5 william newels personal property properly reduced from 30 to 23 25 adartha barrows personal property reduced from 60 to 30 La gaviria viria olenn glenn et ct ILI al indigent Indis tax abated 10 sarah ann wilkins sacir 10 jano jane iickey L ame lame 10 mary biary T burnes barnes same pame 10 henry boulan mortgages re dut durad fil to sl 1200 aioo mias ellas wortis morris mortgage mort gago stricken 0 ot ff francis S douglas i improvements on lot 6 block BE 58 p plat at 13 reduced from quo to benjamin rind ani haddock in dig rit tax abated lu mmry mary A lloyd 10 alart let P arce ace fame kim 10 I 1 E J eardley personal property re rc front from za 0 to 23 25 jano jann D Rockmo Rock cid 50 stricken on off john it II billiel et al ail indigent tax lax abated ull 1 mary alary D thomas saine 10 19 E E rich mortgages 1733 off mary C frandsen indigent tax abated on total value billie dah baji indecent tax abated 10 joseph mortgages WW reduced decd to 2000 P 13 haslett mortgage 1100 reduced to E V dails mortgage 1230 stricken 0 if mrs annie mcguire mortgage stricken orr C L kinney mortgage mort eago in county stricken oft off E I 1 ii sheets mortgage mort gago 1100 stricken oft off jeannetto Jeann etlo S ferguson Fergus oti mortgagor morti mort ago gago stricken oft off H C johnston mortgage in weber county reduced froni to tsoo bertha II BI K indigent tax abated 10 T A davis mortgage mort gaga stricken off william ridd mortgages reduced to 50 georgia george wilding indigent tax abated 10 JI II R margetts Mar geMs same 10 emms emma P same 10 melissa Mell J lambson same 10 T W whiteley personal property stricken oft off jennie aj L howat trustee mortgages mort cages in davi davit t county sixt stricken eken oft off J 11 bleazard Ble aLard estate improvements 0 on ti lot 6 block ga plat A reduced from SOD to sliver silver mountain ellas morris Ioli js 3 34 4 acres acrea valued at 21 20 strick stricken im oft off joseph S richards mortgages 1200 stricken oft off J NV donellan Donnoll Donw llan mn mortgages S ilsoo realty 1130 sh icken orr oft samo being assessed to tho commercial national bank rank trank T pierce mortgage stricken ore off mortgage stricken strick eni off robert harkness Har knoss mortgage ge reduced to 1200 james jame A D murphy indigent tax abated 10 1 A hanauer Ila mortgage mort gago stricken off ff AV IA perkin ns improvements on lot 1 block 3 5 plat A reduced from to to emily atkins indigent tax tam abated 10 john waag taff Jy mortgage 1000 stricken olt off D egan mortgage re dubeil to M KO 0 property reduced from rom do to john bohn A larson aaraon indigent tax tai abated 1750 7 GO hill ellila larsina Lar I sini improvements stricken arf isabella burns bums indigent tax abated 10 ann J bardley Eard lcy sam game 10 S B davi personal property reduced from to davis bros improvements in plat C reduced from tv to 1100 00 edward 11 II dails mortgage mort gago 1300 1500 reduced to 1000 margaret t hanson Hans Indi ln dipenti genk total lalio L lue 1 00 abated john 11 same total value ab abated rated 13 3 IT allis all Is on lot 4 block 35 25 put plat V F reduced from to t moo per personal bonal property properly from to I 1 wo 1600 angeline duth bub indigent tax abated IQ 10 george judd et cl al same tax a abated 10 samuel cooper mort mortgage age stricken off william cooper mortgage stricken off samuel cooper mortgage reduced to 2500 2 L T staines Sl St alnes atnes mortgage 1100 reduced to aanet young indigent tax abated 10 J C C glanfield lots lota 6 7 8 mock block plat C reduced from to TA IA indigent tax abated li IV J L robinson indigent tax ciliated baLed ti 10 IO 10 john pago page jr same 10 horace cummings improvements on lot 3 0 block 61 plat 13 reduced front from 1000 to julian I 1 aiossa q estate mortgage 1238 stricken oft john kingdon est state indigent bax abated 10 william dath bath same flame 10 thomas dobson mot mortgage gage 1 stricken oft off ilantha A hunckley indigent tax abated on whole value emma N davis mortgage stricken of A 13 cutter culler on oil lot 1 4 I 1 block block BO 50 tit plat A from to ID louisa woodbury improvements Improve menta nn nit lot 7 block 31 plat A reduced from to indigent tax abated 10 joseph stay personal property 30 50 stricken out indigent tax abated W 10 11 hawkins indigent tax abated IQ 10 niagara company bingham va 3 f fur net proceed 4 stricken off L I 1 il 11 dalley bailey mortgage 1210 1249 tA rIcken oly off W E I 1 morris forris 5 indigent tax abated sa 5 niagara mining and Sm smelling smelting elting com party personal iro property perty at reduced from to dilloo hrs julla lilen ln ants on lot 2 2 2 block 11 13 plat D deduced noni 2 1000 to mary illary soffe indigent tax abated 10 W N goalen personal persona 1 property reduced from to la A C loll lob 3 block plat D reduced from rom 64 to mary miner mortgage 10 stricken oft off indigent cdx scaled 10 ellas sloat mortgage stricken astric ien off boyd park mortgage 17 stricken ott a ff morte mort guze aire stricken olt off mott gare 1500 stricken off 01 carrie latimer improvements on lot 1 block 99 plat A stricken oft off henry W attley indigent I 1 tax ax abated 10 caroline Caroll nr 11 II lyon mortgage reduced from 1700 to 1100 georgo george W jackson Jock aon indigent tax I 1 abated 10 thomas W Muni tord improvements on lot li 6 block plat A reduced front SOO 00 to S Sand sandager ger indigent total value buo ali abated jolin john r T E U thompson improvements on lot 5 block plat A reduced d f ironi I 1 0 o ni to 1 henry howard tax abated 10 elizabeth brown total value 0 0 stricken e kell off V r 0 I moi S tw elrock atrick 0 1 Y prank Irai ilc hicks mortgage 10 ISO stricken on off john eckman indigent tax abated 10 reduced 41 1 1 I personal prop propel city ty re rc duca from IM 10 to 1 sells si ILs root t gage on brain indigent tax fin 10 0 K X hr it indigent lax Is ablated 10 till IO I 1 maitha ann I 1 lunn same sam 1 10 smith InOtt tease gage alwo 1000 strick el cn I 1 ott off l avana Lv IlIR indigent tax abated 10 C D 14 mot t imo strick e en I 1 0 oil fr Sc lettler agent mortgage 1150 reduced to james 1 D pardee mortgage 00 OO 01 stricken orr oft V il platt piatt mortgage morl sage 2000 stricken orr on john X pike et ct nl al mortgage SISS ort off hattie peak pak P ak on oil lot 5 i block 43 plat 13 r seduced educed from 1700 to lo personal property pro propel petty ty from rom to aioo ao 00 james D imurphy indigent tax abated 10 john U E Calli callister ater personal property stricken ricken sl off indigent tax abated 10 george E romney lot IS 6 block 56 plat A reduced from 97 20 to lin im prow ments fiction to P peter eter beld 86 59 acres reduced from rom 2030 to 1750 acres from 2412 to 2012 22 23 3 acres ili bioni oni 1230 1290 to peter mccardell mortgage mort Kage 2300 2500 stricken olt off mccardell Alc CardelI sr mortgage mor tease stricken orr oct N marcha 1 1 m 11 6 I 1 iltis i t L 1 ii d 1 ge nt ta taix 1 x bated abated x 10 T alla 1 11 a 1 13 3 1 hennery 1 e n n p e s y p personal e rs 0 i il I 1 property reduced from WO 10 to |