Show pensions granted TRIBUNE washington july 7 were granted it day as aa follows tol lown idaho special gorge urquhart moscow leveart amow tivi dows rel adeclat Al rc lil ocl acl arn 64 william loring Lorl nr spencer agatin dr nector griswold the ratio ble den aen tilt over ever walker brn brits bank 2 ad so sa COPP coppal buila it mining code edition at Tri tribune 60 centa cry crr to or r fitchers cl ca storis lorl drink rod hd seal real ginger ale al L liquor inabit cure safest anz successful 11 audd and moat permanent cure discovered discover d treatment perri glen privately no lusti institute tute no ROM gold cuic cut e cefere n cc fean a t A at I 1 address P 0 vi box keblic L lone g diabo with I 1 mound bound proof booths telephone tuil guilding ding state street city just r rc remd Md a carload of the eel cele a biased bbate joseph ajoseph bol tied lied beer tire the beer that made Alli milwaukee famous 1111 tener quartz and pints extra pale fruct ts still and pints alc siale bialt the kell kentucky lle I 1 C company agents agent 1113 11 13 jast second south the constitution arid and r enabling bling act in pamphlet pani form lt Til burre office price 10 cents stran strait herrice for pi at wholesale at C B durst grocery hoube keeles toe lee cream carlois Par lois main 11 D rateb imbt juby ath to esth 11 alio union barine cheyenne omaha 1500 kansas city yi joseph 2700 sioux city 2715 st louis aa 4 69 51 chicago 1 ticket office 01 main street tito bizak bank 1 iii best it I 1 but we ve are arc still selling bacon c oil at 30 10 and an d 15 pounds for 1 I 00 pa ace meat market matti main tho the lit 1 oe if th pant anil and now for an air oui ng in tile moun loins the brighton hotel tile alio aarno mountain resort to the delight Us 0 many will bo be opened for tile me adoll friday next july those to escape the heat or of tile the rummel and I 1 lest cicitt flour tile care of basins can pet get it 11 by spending M L few vec ka at this beautiful resort bordering on oil the sit ner cr lake at tile tho hekl head of ell biff cotton ution ool enjo tho the cool moUnt mountain aill breeze and the cordial treatment that will be alien cac n at the hotel BRIGHTON BROS props stage will leave tile the cullen hotel every morning at 8 oc luck u 01 koeltz randy kandy kitchen go CO main ono one fiely afy five avi itt its tile the let telo I 1 bon hom of salt ariko city sods soda walar corpany con coil pany liany new york bactal marciel Mar filart liel lel fop the vry very firm but lioa ilea been dune done con sumora rumors do 1101 curi cure to lu any the very 11 it fl tul as asked bv be the th products and lf the laatt a t a sire 90 veil v oil sold baad the that t do do not moo B tho justice 0 of any concessions what 1 eor stocks aro are light and con Is 1 heavy and it la is anticipated that both homo hoine trado trade and export will soon boon have to buy slain in 0 o tile tho absence of 0 larger transactions vie ftc have to quote lake electron elec trob alo who bars bam or ingols ingots c an and d path catholia cat hotia am ta ile I 1 bor or casting copper p there has acri il a belter beiler demand and aliw 10 lotello lOt llo hs hn haz n cintado according to quant quantity ty and brand bra nd tito tho exports for or last lait lai t month nionia amoun tei to 4 tons tonit and this month too ere clr likely to bo be very heavy the rho guv lr mith mills icare are reported to b be elpe busy buey an ond cannot annot book new orders for or I 1 alio llio I 1 a next nubit ton months month lead Af though the strike in it colo ado conti naGs th ahn halket hart been very dull and no inc inclination tin a clort as ad rho chown n on lite tl port fort of t buyar to op tinto in ia a tiger way in con arm ham hit elfed 0 1 j oft off som in menil Ml flat nil awl and IV WP ba isaio a to I 1 un to rod lodia av rotta aca a tile alio plate of appeal i to provi til tit in ilia W NV wal al quotations nm am aloo moier mi ilar alx iz vi 3 iossi in III bt low loul in london arlee arl axe u firm spanish lead lad being quola LU it ir aft ad and ia all lead lis higher yolk yoi k and nt mining alining jon journal al july ath poll seat pt P t T PT i to wants want a jtb I 1 lo 10 know BREVITY IS THE ditoto SOUL OF WIT yd editor tribu tribune n e kindly allow me space price to tell your readers that one nho ho GOOD YOU NEED I 1 e suffered tram froni both aamina I 1 icahn lea rb s and nd by syphilis philli TUI III in inform anny lly one aho vho ile may desire deagro to know ona of oc the h mearim by lf A ma a which ho he was cured or of these theao t two v 1 fam L 1 30 I 1 loathsome loatha omo like lineages ages and fully cully restore restored il I 1 A to N igoris hood no ile I 1 has s n 0 tha in to V kg hadeler il to sell and would not n 0 t make 1 0 ono no cent on off tire ali unfortunate having for years pam all ilia ht hord enri lings to doctors and for patent oil only y ir to experience failure arid and disappoint HUGH ni U G SON input in return JI THI 1111 only be too byi chapply to inform sufferers of a plan by I 1 aich they can call bo be certainly and peri per Fi fiad StIll ANO manent man antly ly cured write describing I 1 disease arid fil closIng stamp to lock if 71 baux jaux fox no villa park rosto Posto mcc filce colo P 0 box INSURANCE to 1 1611 COX cold CO POD assyd cl SOUTH MAIN ST sta SALT LAKE CITY take authorized FOR TUB TIIE 40 1 I 1 1 I lor OP I 1 homin gift fawell s id H fp IU scottish union and national of england co 23 l oddon london I assurance of england 18 north british and mercantile of england 17 BOO 1 Q 0 northern of england 19 it e foicey fur ftc r hamburg bremehr of cf germony S IL bieh hilll lf l R aetna of hartford 1 54 ill lil if l tit dl 10 G I 1 or lar ady lyia al hance of loncoa 6 0 ion a bruu ur r ir ulcers ira a I 1 Rire manc rund of at r trie 1 I 1 t aioo of a e inbur t branci 5 coq sold by VaLL V S A or frit or I 1 lu plate arar knprr I 1 LOST IV M I 1 ir by eap exp rr wd to fo S 0 O aw or 3 t hiell Hit ftc ll 1 ax 05 I 1 br bao of tobacco alcohol ur opium won 1 r mot on riu ct youthful indiscretion or over etc ele Daville tut Q I 1 i ea beBi Jokl aebel I 1 non DOU lily Loria late of power and areld I 1 1 M p t e bleb it 1 my may lod load to 10 premature old axe kod and CLAI clairvoyant P durw if go granteed ran teed pore fl 1 00 a box wf 6 boxes tor for SS 65 CO 00 cent ent by F 1 mail I an rt I 1 A ottoa pu arant furan hod with every before id and art alter I 1 hiie E order to robald ahn th ni r T r n t rr CM IS Z t 0 gm L d THE RUSH CONTINUES CUNTI SUeS WITH belm Z M L di ci g C 0 D T R 0 i T ic L JOHNSON PRATT DB daug IJO CO main PROF stoddard 11 sa 23 YEARS IN SALT TAKE LAKE CITY 1 I 1 I 1 DR DIZ C W HIGGIN higging 5 V I 1 I 1 I 1 mos successful specialist of the age 17 IS 8 anil and 19 st elmo hotel Par martita partita tita I 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 P I 1 I 1 61 I 1 1 aai r 11 A I 1 1 ink 1 I 11 5 I 1 I 11 14 I 1 1 I I 1 I 1 I 1 liph a 11 I 1 i I 1 tho the world renowned or of belfast ireland I 1 ai I 1 the people all go to see c him as 09 he h la is the I 1 I only clairvoyant in the rho city lie ho gives I 1 1 names etc tolls tells you the month year vear and date dale of birth atla predictions of future events are correct lie he makes no 1 I I 1 I 1 puller diner in the tha 1 st present or future in 14 love law law or buBl nepa ho be has no equal r anve I 1 ands crowd hla his onice office anti and au air are n i well pleased lie ha diagnoses disease treo free iia ho sells aella remedies that curo cure when all others fall all try ono COO months treatment of tho ilia wonderful remedies ho he has on oil sale gale and you will I 1 never uso use any other try the female reau later laior safe into and aura ur nver never falls alia lovers reunited and speedy relict for or all ladle beautify your complexion by a ans sing prof stoddard a Co coratine catine rem remedies I 1 for or sale for foi rheumatism and momi ach troubles that curo cure tho ilia most moet difficult case in from one to PIX months mi I 1 Itea headings dInKs by arll sito I 1 at monire fi too 00 never before have suen wonderful retire remo d alfa lea been tottered tor for palo Dirig nories of disease by mall mail fr arfe aror stoddard STO DnARD SS kae third south street salt can lake lak 1 I utah city RZ telephone ephone no long OUR distance office 1 R C we h hours ours from 0 ain to 9 p in DR HIGGINS 9 c ids tre dovith anbi rn Bi pl ni l rl r l and analytic physician E N kNY ROVAL Or Isral and only G alne dr higgins lid had soven van yr years experience ana being 0 it regular Is excelled by none fer calmun FV DV iivo arn L aln J lo 10 ma via III frd 4 1 LADIES WHO ARE SUFFERING wd 1 lh bIli 11 0 1 I hz 8 inz 0 1 1 ma with alth complaints peculiar pt cullar to lo their ile ex can consult the doctor ali with h an n as capt k ik fulka I Tf juc U lj nl 1 V ull ollof f fee 1 I 1 adlee 1 la 1111 bt b bv cclara t ati of speedy pedy relief and permanent cure without being sub I 1 acted to fill 09 r rw W jr J r I 1 the he procedure of an examination chich in moat cass ia up clr I 11 eDl i tL inai necessary carr L fiill n w J fht k I 1 ra 4 p YOUNG MEN AIEN IF YOU IOU ARE TROUBLED WITH SECRET SOCIETIES right exhausting emanating drains pimples avers aversion ln to e me orly clety stupid nem despondency depond ency to of ene ebertt rory ambition and felt conal MASONS denoe n aich deprive you of your manhood and absolutely unfit you for study buann aksa a or marriage marr laef you should take treatment from this not noted before it lq fit too ton late UTAH NO I 1 rights templar staled conr cour lavea laves belil MIDDLE AGED AND OLD MEN rt fit Alaon lc hall on the first pirir duy day af pf of each month at k b 0 cloctt sir ar knighty Knigh tt aro are I 1 n I 1 led there run ne of you troubled with weak acaling n hang babka and nd ml kw OSCAR tro URO b bUELL I 1 1 ELL E C e painful uri nations and sediment in urine impotency or L 13 SMITH recorder valin eiK of or ortans orz anif Tanu other unmistakable signs of nervous de d ability and premature decay many ilia d of ignorant Isnor ant or of the th IN WASATCH LODGE NO i A F AN ana I 1 bauw air which la Is tile the ccone second stage of emann tl weakness toe tilt most moat obel A regular communication hold at crits cae of 0 C baracker bar acter treated with unfailing success tho the Alas onlo hall tho ilia second friday of 0 carli 1 1 I month members of sister lodges lollo PRIVATE mad brethren in ili good standing lan dinc ate aio cord cordially ally invited to attend rIN alfa pl fa cloet clr it strictures J BOM BOWMAN Nl W AL ot at Orga arconi orconi rei By Hydro Hydra clo cele Varl Kele and nd kindred trou brou A sti bles il 3 I 1 quickly cured vitt hout pain or detention from business and will for fop celt ht ul for or ony any cue case taken under hit his treatment which ha be falls fall to aube ui ARGENTA NO A V AND A M stated communications held at AI hilll hall the first in each ALL CLASSES OP OF PITS FITS CURED month ambera or of cintr lodges and brethren lit in good sit al cordially corill ully 11 viled to attend IL 11 M W il 31 removed with head or no pay C PHILLIPS secretary ur mr lol tu NO A t h I 1 office hours so 10 to and 7 to a 8 vre VM nd A ii regular KUlar held and ath Alar adri laist jut reina a street im besogni monday of each aoh tool itil BROTHERS BAKKER 3 deuis E LS FARGO COS coa of at uester lodges und and sojourning sojo broth roa IV lit hi good stan stanaly aln are ur cordially willed t lu 1 attend l fee TO T BANK WILLIAM JOTIN JOHN lincir I W m 1 I secretary tile ulli union national bank SALT r LAKE XZ CITY utan UTAH UTAH CUA atan NO 1 it 1 A AL U oil stated acid on oil lite first suri bun and sell all exchange makes TI vi odne day in each month at jagnic kra cra transfers on tho the rinel pal cities hall at it p in companions compan lona of it the united and europe budroot andi and all kia KI cordially inched to site attend IM 1851 points of credit available in the tha prin principal elpa WILL WILLIAM IAM B nOLLA KD II 11 U 11 P cl cities ries of tha th world Sli ecial attention gly M U C 1 S fec crela y a en to to abc selling of ores and bullion advance made oa am at AL lowest lowel 11 LL riSI A A 0 N r 1 1 rates S on second veduch I 1 A frankino 1 U s in rs r s s particular attention given to aay d y ot of each woith at Al alamond hal ball at e throughout ulah nevada and adjoining p in all ail grobl a bitio I 1 in our territories accounts account solicited 0 cordially o invited to ineat wito us G S t 1 VOLen tate T R JONES CO con RESPONDENTS W S recorder wella fargo C co wells londa Lon doa T bankers we welli 5 puma parro co new lie torti tori NO IU 1 3 0 E t S national bank of the republic bostell Bo stoll secular mec meetings tings held at fir sonic hull first national hunk tho the first friday of each month sojourn SALT LAKE CITY U TAX first national bank omaha tax cor cordially diaby to attend denver Den vr ANNIN ANNIE I 1 IS POTTER roT TEil W 11 31 transact it a iberal banking la in atler ell hants national Chi chic cair alre ANN n r BUDDS secretary anck lary all its if branches branch cj wells Boat mens aarto bank t co san arn st SC fouls l special attention given to selling of ores J E cashier A 0 0 U W MEETINGS t and bullion of natch aich consign consignments ments aro are OT OF B no it iii 1 0 0 P F liall hall market ILO south main street street blon lon duys days at p m salt bait lako lake valley no ko 12 1 Gl Glad adaLone alona opera howe home elk silt salt lake city malt building ut at p in NATIONAL MANIC BANK irr auto ilo no 10 1 U U r ha hall D at 7 30 ll p in ill it A general bankler bankins hald hn bu sInes lD ladgir how L k N clicks and ame UNITED STATES depository DEPOSIT ORT OPT rhe pr cent interest Inter ext paid on quit qua A 11 to ie II 11 W W salt sail lake lak city utah av anz 3 deposits I 1 ole 01 HONOR MEETS till PARK W W second und and fourth tumid ays 0 of every Preil clent dont vic alce preely RI nt 1 month 8 9 p tn in oil all market cstreet capital WW 6 surplus kelc a 8 F WALKER EL a 11 II reid JR camiller Ca piller rl iler arit A AJ rit cashier I 1 ODD FELLOWS L L 8 HILLS MOSES THATCHER CAPITAL CAPITA W footo on SURPLUS president alca T I 1 0 0 rOLL sua H 8 YOUNG cashier Ca I 1 ordinate and rebekah liebek nh led e encamp p a a p L NATIONAL MANX BANK ments and union canton in incel e t at gid odd ad 1 fellows ell W C I 1 lo on market st rea batal tatal at 20 2 zo 0 a 0 clock sate safe deposit boxe for or rent in OF SALT LAKE hii h lodge lode no a I thursday adt air lake lodge lodes no i 1 friday IONAL BAKK general banking in all its brancha branc hM cystic lodo no 22 2 nonday monday N in OF THE REPUBLIC tot i loddie i io INC 1 L wednesday ideally lodge no i 0 I 1 IT friday I 1 directors F ff auerbach Auerba eh jobs joba ji abin I 1 Retta kith lodge hodg 1 ho 0 1 I second mank FRANX KNOX preil bent daly 0 3 Sal calbury bury moklan boylan C irv and fourth saturday batur day GEORGE A ca president thomas marshall I 1 W P noble N george f miriam kah alien no 6 brinit fint and ur UD W cashier Ca it downey john W donnellan connellan till 1 U 11 GATES ai at cashier beaman 11 E 0 erh ne a nt no 1 first and wit canton colfax celiex v no 1 P M W fourth CAPITAL PAID TV IN mow utah commercial and savings rui Tu adir endlY row r OW BANK KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS Pl THIAS rankine la in all its it bran branch cheit transacted ted frank Armb armstrong trong pies F P W madson exchange drawn on the principal cities of at vice fros J E M jennings cashier L arop KNIGHTS OV or PYTHIAS LODGES LODGE I 1 NT rnEST PAID ON TWE DEPOSITS GENERAL BUSINESS aut t me aa follows ul tit p 1 ui I cualio hall ha lot blain strout cent Inter eRt paid on an savings h a no I tuesday be ben hails 0 00 vivo per C four times compounded a jolia P K of R 8 ci SI mo di ans I 1 year k Moll no 3 if c established mi wl OFFICES OFFICE C C IV W phillips K 1 of 0 TILE THE oldia r AND LAIX LARGEST GErT i S |