Show irot HOT RACING AT CALDERS dennis nyan byan erma erm D A and dr winone one active kick over 2000 people observed veil the ilay at calders park the races given by the salt bait lake driving club formed the chief attraction and were exciting to hold a large lollion lol 1 01 lion tion ot of the attendance until 7 whon the last race was waa finished the first race was a free ree f for or all liest best it f r nok n ok A art chrt entries alta alia owned by 1 I A benton dennis ryan owned I 1 by tom abat it jolin john S owned by J carr can vid and datsy daisy shermaih Sher nan maii owned ly by toul tom icoy dennis kyan wan waa a favorite with jolin john 13 sf second cond choice lit in the ali first heat beat dalsy daisy sherman nan ltd led to t 0 the last quarter dennis ryan closely following dennis then closed up the rap kap and the two horses came into tho the lic nic stretch bieck aal neck daisy li wint tant oft off hi her feet however atrid dennis dennin w won on by two tv 0 o lengths john S casaway was away li in the roar and alta alia nari narrowly escaped being distanced time dennis grot got tho load lend lit in the second heat and told held it to the end passing under the wire three lengths ahead ot of john S time 23 lit in the third jolin john S went to tile tho front alta alia drew tit ii and forged ahead in fit the second quarter quart cr but broke at the end of the first halt half and went behind the boises wore were bun bunched clied in the he last quarter but alta again went forward and took the heat beat tho the rest closely following time 2 1 6 dennis ryan kyan won the fourth heat and the race by a good lend lead in alta was given second money and john S third summary try alta 4 1 4 1 3 Der inist kyan 1 1 2 1 john S 3 2 3 i 2 D a I 1 sy S iivo mit n 3 2 3 4 1 for the ali 20 race best three in five for P a purse of 0 tile the entries were lady almont the mind blind mare by I 1 M 1 I moore ditore I tore lady angus by jacob moritz dolly tilton by dr whitney erma erina r P A by harry duke domino by C C in ili the pools lady almont and lady angus tail lan close for first place and erma D A was next lit in faor bior sir mr moore drove his own horse mallilo W J carr was behind lad lady y angus and tom as is ermas di ivor iver lady angus won the pole and held first place throughout the first heat beat inning by half hair a dozen lengths dom ino was distanced in tile the second heat beat lady angus again took too the lead but vas mas soon passed by lady almont ane and enna they finished lini shed the first halt half w with lady ahead lady angus and arma a trailing trall lne in ili the last quarter riu arler ernia passed lady angus lady A iiona broke ind and went to third place ernia erma won by three lengths lit in 21 lady almont was given fourth place for fouling lady angus ancus erma and lady angus slat stalled ter neck and nock in ili the third lit heat at and alternated in first place in the first it half alf lad argun angus rained gained in the third quarter but nearing the home homestretch bretch irma erma drew dren up said and the two came toward the wire almost together lady ankica angels e spurted and paa bcd the stand a length leneth ahead tho the judges however put the moritz mare man in the third place in instead stead ot of first as a a penalty tor for pacing with her hind legs this dec decision lAlon called forth violent protests from men who had money placed on lady angus and a party of the hottest of them went lent up the steps of the judges stand and assailed its occupants tor for what was termed a rotten decision S J the starter stood in the breach however and ordered the angry losers of bets to withdraw which they finally did after expressing numerous un uncomplimentary com opinions about the arbiters of the days races the complaining ing parties insisted that lady angus had paced as much in the other heats floats as she had bad in the third and as the mare had not been put back in the first and second they had a r ight to expect that she would not he be in fit the third when they placed their money on her moritz drove lady angus himself I 1 in ill the fourth heat site she got ot away lit in good stylo style and held the lend lead to the last quarter when urma put her nose for a while close to jake and then passe passed 41 lady angus winning by a length in a very finish time I 1 4 1 T this ill s gale gae the race to the duke mare arid and much enthusiasm was manifested by her admirers lady angus was awarded second place and lady almont third summary lady almont Alin ont 2 lady angus aneus 1 2 3 2 folly dolly tilton 4 3 4 3 irma D A 3 1 1 1 domino distanced the last race was a free for all pacing match best two lit in three lor for a purse ot of with six entries ios ill suro hum owned by matt matl cullen Ci illen lynwood by tom mccoy royal george by gred Her hefferman ferman hilly billy TO 1 I by thad dr Il elcome by W D lawes jojo jo jo by william busby the favorite in this was billy nv with lynwood second pc ond but dr malcome Mel colne won which result was largely credited to the skill of driver scott in the first firby heat possum held t the he lead until in fit the third quarter the wheel lal icel of 0 his sulky broke charles connors the driver was thrown violently to tile the ground but was not injured lynwood now went ahead and won the heat time i lynwood went around the course tile the first time tit in the second heat with a good lead in the last qu quarter arter dr Af alel elcome corne drew up and went abreast of lynwood entering the home borne stretch lynwood was a length ahead but at the wire their pr positions isit lons were rovers reversed t 4 time 2353 j royal koyal george and jo jojo jo JI were distanced the third heat Lt started arted with lynwood first possum second and dr malcome third and tile the former favorite billy W third possum and elcome Sl changed places in fit the beconi quarter tim the c contest 0 1 I between lynwood and Melc was a very close one over the last quarter and the latter pass edthe line a bare length ahead winning the lace time lynwood was given second money and billy W third summary possum 6 1 I I a lynwood lanwood I 1 2 2 royal koyal george 5 billy W V I 1 1 4 ur dr Mel conic 2 1 1 jojo jo jo 4 the track was not in the best condition it was spongy and clouds of dust dunt followed the horses The judges were S J 1 dr 0 W shores arid and J W jenkin 3 time keepers franic 1 hale arid and C D hanks many people remained to spend the evening at the palk paik in dancing boating and other recreation six kix men all riding one kind of wheel got place nine times lit in nine events at the hot springs cycle races yesterday cortez of oc ogden who won tile the novice novica frank thatcher who walked on off with the quarter mile and two thirds of a mile scratch class n B wellar who won von tile the nille mile scratch claes 13 slay may who won place in ili the mile and five mile class A events and smith who came third in a hot class A field in the two thirds of 0 a mile all rode tills this particular kind of 0 a wheel you could tell by their winning that they rode good wheels wheel no wobbling no pumping just plinn easy get there straight ht ahead riding even liar n in tho the heavy wind that blew against them on tile the horn homi Bt rt retch these riders were not distressed baked they call it and it was all because the wheels were built right what wheel oh the rambler of course it was another rambler day every cycle race day is that thai kind of a day nowadays begins with the novice race and makes a new utah record and then adds a new utah record for the quarter on a day that is so windy that some wheels can hardly be sent along with a mule team the tit e difference between wheels Ram ramblers biers win and make records whet whether hr it Is blow ine up the stretch 1 lown down flip stretch cross ways waya or on III the e blas bias ramble rs I 1 get there |