Show GREAT DAY BAY AT louisville ninety entries in the greatest road it oad it race ace in in the south louisville ky july C 4 tills this has been it a great bicycle day in louisville in the morning was run the prince wells road race the greatest annual road race in the south having ninety entries including men from tb the e surrounding states it was started at a in and was v as win by walter rb stout of Owen owensboro ky handicap 2 in 23 25 minutes minute and 16 seconds C li collier bowling Bow lini green second it E adams somerset ry ky third time winners were r first arst 11 1 1 vogt chicago handicap one minute 2455 second fred deague handicap 2306 the distance was wn s ten miles lit in the alie afternoon were the track races at roun fountain tain ferry and these were followed by twymans Twy mans twenty tour four hour ride for the record attendance at the track first race one mile class A novice 11 II W middendorf louisville won fred chicago second philip third time 45 4 5 second race one mile class 13 II 11 van won paced time bog 35 3 5 former record 1 13 3 third race mile handicap class B W 1 I evans lansing alch site I 1 conr 0 trimmer portsmouth 0 0 second 3 skelton chicago 60 third time 25 2 5 fourth race handicap two thirds mile class clas adwen kimble scratch won v on lund chicago IS 15 second ed fitchner Fllch ner louisville third time ila 16 35 3 5 fifth race class 13 quarter mlle mile de cardy won van herrick Herric lc second skelton third time 33 35 sixth race half mile class A karl thome won owen kimble second george davisworth third time 45 4 5 seventh race halt half mile i handicap I 1 class 13 73 evans 65 won trimmer SO 80 I 1 second van 20 third time r 25 35 2 3 5 uc de cardy scratch time 45 4 5 I 1 eighth race the deilly one mile I 1 class A time limit was run in 1 heals those thom qualifying were oliver i kimble le fevre Al Itchell hooper howler dowler cox fawcett weass I 1 I 1 J D 1 bowler bouler bowler clilia chicago 0 woh I 1 We deague ague chicago second thome 11 L ouis rille third time 15 14 1 5 paced by ta tandem n dan I 1 1 nin ninth th race de DC cardy rode an exhibition exhibit it ton flying anle raced paced by landem tarico 35 3 5 eleventh race onti one quarter arter mile class A fitchner won davisworth second matchell Ml third time 33 23 24 2 3 D W twyman immediately a tier after the he conclusion of the races started on ills his twenty four hour trial against ills record of miles ile he will hove have ten fast men to pace him |