Show reciprocity WITH AZIL tho the reciprocity treaty with brazil boeing to bo be in tho the line of good our government rea loved tho the tariff irom from a product which comes into every home which Is a part of 0 the lood food of 0 every family no matter how poor in consideration of 0 which brazil throws oil or reduces the tariff on a groat great many american products which she cannot produce under any circumstances that sort ot of reciprocity ought to bo be entirely satisfactorily to everybody la in both co countries lant arles sanguine hopes aro are entertained that as a result brazil wll will purchase of tile the united states in lion lieu of the billich she now buys three times tint that amount anil and that is all good as far as it goes but if the united states pursues the policy which has covered since 1858 all these goods will bo be carried each wa way y by english steamers and tho the english ship owners will receive a largo proportion ot of the profits of 0 the whole transaction the trado trade with brazil for the last dozen years has been as striking an exhibition ol of thap artof our government as manifested wo produce wheat and beet beef and cotton and send it to england in english ships chips england takes the wheat and tho the beet beef to leod food her operatives and the cotton to supply her looms then she loads her ships with the products of 0 her factories and sends seeds them OH oft to brazil she bile charges the tha brazilian the cost of tho the goods gooda and tho the freight to iio 1110 brazil has no DO money to pay for or goods but she has sugar and coffee and other tropical products tad and england says all right that Is as good as gold to us give giro us your sugar and nd coffee coffe mV sho buys at tho the lowest possible prices loads her ships and they return to england by this time lima the abo pay tor for our cotton and beef and wheat Is due and england corland says wo LAVO have no money to spare that m way ay but wo we have bavo got any amount of 01 couce coffee laid and sugar which labich your people need which va me will sell you at the ilia original price in elo BIG alth ith a small commission and freight trel glit to this point from brazil added tho the american takes tho the material in pay then ho he pas pais the Engli english bli felps for brining bringing it over to now york tile tho result Is that bat wo we trado trade our cotton and wheat and beet beef for tho the coffee and sugar of brazil but bat for all the carrying rrok across to liverpool thon then to ilia elo front from llio alo back to liverpool LIver Dool from there to kew york with commissions interest Int erett and other charges wo we pay like english duglish merchants and ship owners and this goes on fsr 2 lifter oar ear and our congress whenever er a proposition Is mado tor to make I 1 it pos possible sible for our ships to lo run ran in competition with english Engl lilt sufi ship t flown down oil ilao iho proposition on the ground that jf II wo we only would tiro give our people tile tho right to buy ships they are the cheapest wo we could compete with ships in all tho the trade ot of tho the world when tho the truth Is that england pays in annually ate ally in subsidies when on all her main linn lines she remits her port chur charges gils in tho the home ports slid binl A hen all the ilia taxes sho she collects collo cli front roni her ships chips Is on their not net profits ls an ordinary 2500 ton steamer costs about it if first class in the united states on an the clyde it costs just about 11 per cent les tho interest on oil the difference in the cost it at 1 7 per cent is about per adonna still our congressmen Cong reumen will stand up tip and our free trade press that Is english la in everything else except supporting american shipping and altogether insist that that Is what keeps our ships off the iho ate eca said and that will continue probably until this generation dies out and so now liall hall the benefit that would conic come to our country through reciprocity i with ith brazil will be ba lost our people do not understand tho sig anco ol of a nation nailon owning it 10 ships both its battla ships still and its merchant ships A couple ot of years ago there was m groat great exhibition over I 1 in paris land and when all the world had none gone there raid and was vibrating between london arid and paris old england made it convenient to have a rev low of her war navy in a harbor such an exhibition hibi tion of shipping agthe as tho world had never seen scon before and to mako make it draw tho the queen herself hertelt wont went down to watch the rel low and from thoro there all tho the representatives ot of the nations back to their nativo native countries said and told their people that alter after all there was no to like great britain that they bad seen in portsmouth harbor eng glish ships of war tar enough to whip tile tho ships of all the rest of the world asti and england sees to it that in all tho the groat commercial ports ot of tho the world to n aich her merchant steamers run real about once in so often a squadron of her battle ships enter they salute tho the place with their great guns they send their sailors ashore and lot let them got get drunk then they send their marines ashore and bring brine back the drunken sailors and the impression it all gives Is that great britain is a tremendous power ik like a 0 n alich there Is not stay any other arid and that thought has its effect on oa tho the semi bar barons nations especially and so eng land keeps her trade and will until sonio some other nation just as strong as the she makes just as strong a showing and klops I 1 it L up |