Show A HUTH FOURTH 10 AHO the 13 adt faction victorians Victo rions in lie be state senate A MAJORITY CLAIMED IN 14 THE HOUSE abo democrats voto veto with the ibo clagett rifen the alliance council tho president urged to select a negro as lVin doms successor homi berst idaho idabo rob G to term tho resolution to elect anoche united states senator heretofore mentioned by your correspond pot was vu introduced to la tho the sonata this morning fig the on sets PW forth that grave doubts doubt exist as to the abo locality legality of at duboiss Dub olaa election rind pro title tides for a meeting of the two houses in joint convention to elect a senator to succeed mcconnell on 00 march iab tho the resolution was wu sent botto to the mouse this afternoon and it at la Is claimed by the friends of chirgott that tho the same bam will bo be passed by that body the vote la in tho the sonata stood 9 J to toa 8 tho the three democrats present voting with tho the clagett faction action smith of logan county who was the most moat active supporter nu 0 of I 1 dubols dubai s st bt the them ot at liti bid election cotlon cl voted la in furor favor c of the ibo resolution solution ro it la is admitted that the resolution cannot pass tho the house without the aid nod and assistance 0 of f at least two tiro of the eIrl iteen I 1 who stood by dubois during the tb loog long contest which resulted la in his election it la Is claimed to that tho the necessary number is secured scored and this site ena is strengthened among the supporters cup port of dubol dubois by the action of smith of losan logan county today to day la in the coduto it IS IA understood the democrats will veto roto ond and it ACI at solidly with the clagett fact faction lo the friend of at dubois clato claim that kny any fotion now BOW taken by tho the t ore upon duboss Du bolst right to the seal will anta to oo affect they rely on the florida caso case R hero boro throe three senators were selected in under similar circumstances circa tied nod tho the same declared the election of tho the long term terra senator illegal and elected another to his sea ficat t la in which base the benato the member ine raber first elected the town Is much excited over the affair Clag oUa clouds claim clime bo be has no as aa from tho the at washington that thoy they will sent boot him alm if elected while tto the friends of dubois strenuously deny this and claim it is done dome to influence tho the notion motion of tho the legislature Lola ioro while no notion has baa as aa yot yet been taken by the it fc is fj asserted abat clagett has sufficient votes to carry the resolution there the friends of mcconnell in the house aro are said to bo be olad solid against the measure A caucus at the leading opponents of the measure was hold bold to nighat thoy they may flay to Is la is not nob probable pro bablo that tho the bUp of the can bo be copt la in line 1100 until tho the action la Is carried out choo the matter comes up la in file house tomorrow to morrow lively times aro are expected the senatorial muddle so monopolizes the attention of the iho its as to block aock all and of importance import inco will bo be done laoo till tho the matter settled bill to appoint stock inspectors to la each county reported on favorably by tho the committee of the whole and wyllia bill for the protection of game wua wits passed |