Show STRIKE ON THE SIDNEY GROUP in the descriptive write up of the coeur dalene district idaho in the issue of the mining review of september mention was made of the sidney group of claims abar near wardner owned by L W and E R S gay and harvey ross of kellogg at the time the owners all men of but moderate means were straining every nerve to develop their property from a promising prospect into a producing mine this condition was mentioned in the article and it is with pleasure therefore that we republish publish re the following from the wallace times in which it is shown that dame nature has stepped in and has given a helping hand in uncovering the hidden treasures of the sidney group the times says another rich strike of galena ore is reported this time from the pine creek district the strike was made on the sidney group the property has been developed to a considerable extent but the ore body was disclosed by dame nature in going over the ground and upon reaching the creek bottom a point on th the e vein was reached where the action of the water had stripped it exposing four feet of solid ore samples of which gave assay returns of 36 per cent lead 24 per cent zinc and 17 ounces in silver to the ton water fram an old ditch just above was turned on and the gravel washed away from the walls of the vein which proved to be seven teet wide and left it standing six feet out of the ground above bedrock the property is owned by L W gray and brother of kellogg and harvey ross of the same place they are much excited over the bit big find final and aver that they will not take less than in cash for the property no other offer will be considered if this amount be not forthcoming it is their intention to stock the property and place just sufficient shares on the market to open it up the group consists of twelve claims which adjoin the nevada and stewart fc on the east and the little pittsburg on the west the property has been developed by a foot crosscut tunnel which intersected the vein and exposed some ore but not of shipping nor concentrating quality nor could the shoot be located the discovery of the rich vein was entirely inadvertent the pine creek district is one of the liveliest in the coeur dalene district it is being daily visited by mining men experts and freight teams are busily engaged in hauling supplies to the numerous properties on that creek 0 |